index e01a42cedc10db7792757c82cfd465eaa361da81..a78b4838f3decb776652f32a0cbf3dd0915ab284 100644
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+Version 2.0
+Rewritten to use new sensor API.
+Improved plotter smoothing, doubled amount of plot history.
 Version 1.03
 Fixed disk space for drives larger than 2TiB.
 Minor code clean up.
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 5982e020a3eb6737686129171ebcc63983c53bd6..8d5509e6dae98d1ec0be024686e9c31a0771a127 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ Plasmoid to view several Items from system Monitor. Each Item has its own toolti
 ## Requirements
-Plasma 5 shell (plasma >= 5.7)
+Plasma 5 shell (plasma >= 5.7), Starting with Version 2.0 (plasma > 20.0).
 ## Installation
-(plasma > 5.20) may need to install ksysguardd.
+Version 1.03 and below, with plasma > 5.20 may need to install ksysguardd.
 ### From store.kde.org
diff --git a/dbusmodel/dbusmodel.cpp b/dbusmodel/dbusmodel.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e5d6b6e9921241557d5c48d67294da96405e6579
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dbusmodel/dbusmodel.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+ * Copyright 2021 Barry Strong <bstrong@softtechok.com>
+ *
+ * This file is part of System Monitor Plasmoid
+ *
+ * System Monitor Plasmoid is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * System Monitor Plasmoid is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with System Monitor Plasmoid.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+#include <QtDBus/QtDBus>
+#include "dbusmodel.h"
+DbusModel::DbusModel(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent)
+    QDBusConnection dbusCon = QDBusConnection::sessionBus();
+    dbusIface = new QDBusInterface("org.kde.ksystemstats", "/", "org.kde.ksystemstats", dbusCon);
+    dbusCon.connect("org.kde.ksystemstats", "/", "org.kde.ksystemstats", "newSensorData", this, SLOT(newSensorData(QDBusMessage)));
+    if (sensorList.count() != 0)
+        dbusIface->call("unsubscribe", sensorList);
+    dbusIface->disconnect();
+void DbusModel::sensors(const QStringList &args) {
+    if (sensorList.count() != 0)
+        dbusIface->call("unsubscribe", sensorList);
+    sensorList = args;
+    if (sensorList.count() != 0)
+        dbusIface->call("subscribe", sensorList);
+QStringList DbusModel::sensors() const {
+    return sensorList;
+QStringList DbusModel::allSensors(const QString &filter) {
+    QStringList wrk;
+    QString     key;
+    const auto reply = dbusIface->call("allSensors").arguments().at(0).value<QDBusArgument>();
+    reply.beginMap();
+    while (!reply.atEnd()) {
+        reply.beginMapEntry();
+        reply >> key;
+        if (key.indexOf(filter) == 0)
+            wrk.append(key);
+        reply.endMapEntry();
+    }
+    return wrk;
+double DbusModel::doubleData(const QString &key) {
+    struct dbusrec  data;
+    QStringList     skey;
+    if (key == "") {
+        return 0;
+    } else {
+        skey.append(key);
+        auto reply = dbusIface->call("sensorData",skey);
+        const auto result = reply.arguments().at(0).value<QDBusArgument>();
+        result.beginArray();
+        if (!result.atEnd()) {
+            result.beginStructure();
+            result >> data.name  >> data.value;
+            result.endStructure();
+            result.endArray();
+            return data.value.toDouble();
+        } else {
+            return 0;
+        }
+    }
+QString DbusModel::stringData(const QString &key) {
+    struct dbusrec  data;
+    QStringList     skey;
+    if (key == "") {
+        return 0;
+    } else {
+        skey.append(key);
+        auto reply = dbusIface->call("sensorData",skey);
+        const auto result = reply.arguments().at(0).value<QDBusArgument>();
+        result.beginArray();
+        if (!result.atEnd()) {
+            result.beginStructure();
+            result >> data.name  >> data.value;
+            result.endStructure();
+            result.endArray();
+            return data.value.toString();
+        } else {
+            return "";
+        }
+    }
+void DbusModel::newSensorData(const QDBusMessage &arg) {
+    struct dbusrec  data;
+    QStringList     keys;
+    QVariantList    values;
+    const auto reply = arg.arguments().at(0).value<QDBusArgument>();
+    reply.beginArray();
+    while (!reply.atEnd()) {
+        reply.beginStructure();
+        reply >> data.name;
+        reply >> data.value;
+        keys.append(data.name);
+        values.append(data.value);
+        reply.endStructure();
+    }
+    reply.endArray();
+    emit newSensorData(keys, values);
diff --git a/dbusmodel/dbusmodel.h b/dbusmodel/dbusmodel.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fe369d1abc6d10e2187aa08a19841b1b224becf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dbusmodel/dbusmodel.h
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+ * Copyright 2021 Barry Strong <bstrong@softtechok.com>
+ *
+ * This file is part of System Monitor Plasmoid
+ *
+ * System Monitor Plasmoid is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * System Monitor Plasmoid is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with System Monitor Plasmoid.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+#ifndef DBUSMODEL_H
+#define DBUSMODEL_H
+#include <QtDBus/QtDBus>
+#include <QtQml/qqml.h>
+struct dbusrec {
+    QString     name;
+    QVariant    value;
+struct SensorInfo {
+    QString name;
+    QString shortName;
+    QString description;
+    quint32 Type;
+    quint32 unit;
+    qreal   min = 0;
+    qreal   max = 0;
+class DbusModel : public QObject
+    Q_PROPERTY(QStringList sensors READ sensors WRITE sensors)
+    DbusModel(QObject *parent=nullptr);
+    ~DbusModel() override;
+    QStringList sensors() const;
+    void        sensors(const QStringList &args);
+    QStringList     sensorList;
+    QDBusInterface* dbusIface;
+    void newSensorData(const QStringList keys, const QVariantList values);
+public slots:
+    QStringList allSensors(const QString &filter);
+    double      doubleData(const QString &key);
+    QString     stringData(const QString &key);
+private slots:
+    void newSensorData(const QDBusMessage &arg);
+#endif // DBUSMODEL_H
diff --git a/dbusmodel/plugin.cpp b/dbusmodel/plugin.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8fb2b86a17e79a5f72ab69420d44f006ef14e1ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dbusmodel/plugin.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ * Copyright 2021 Barry Strong <bstrong@softtechok.com>
+ *
+ * This file is part of System Monitor Plasmoid
+ *
+ * System Monitor Plasmoid is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * System Monitor Plasmoid is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with System Monitor Plasmoid.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+#include <QtQml/QQmlEngineExtensionPlugin>
+class QDbusModelPlugin : public QQmlEngineExtensionPlugin
+    Q_PLUGIN_METADATA(IID QQmlEngineExtensionInterface_iid)
+#include "plugin.moc"
diff --git a/plasmoid/contents/config/main.xml b/plasmoid/contents/config/main.xml
index 3968ba31a40b354060e768519e493c3f41029508..0ecbe6aea69a7127afb4e65d4e3800e3f4083b0c 100755
--- a/plasmoid/contents/config/main.xml
+++ b/plasmoid/contents/config/main.xml
@@ -134,9 +134,9 @@
         <entry name="cpuIOWaitColor" type="Color">
-        <entry name="cpuNiceColor" type="Color">
+<!--        <entry name="cpuNiceColor" type="Color">
-        </entry>
+            </entry> -->
         <entry name="memAppsColor" type="Color">
diff --git a/plasmoid/contents/ui/Cpu.qml b/plasmoid/contents/ui/Cpu.qml
index 88d29b3aacaa3a57b1e722269280d0b9ef0b4218..a007daadfc879cea79e377c6ca6f64c6a62046a6 100755
--- a/plasmoid/contents/ui/Cpu.qml
+++ b/plasmoid/contents/ui/Cpu.qml
@@ -22,10 +22,18 @@ import QtQuick.Layouts 1.0
 import org.kde.plasma.core 2.0 as PlasmaCore
 import org.kde.plasma.extras 2.0 as PlasmaExtras
 import org.kde.plasma.components 2.0 as PlasmaComponents
+import org.kde.ksysguard.sensors 1.0 as Sensors
+import DbusModel 1.0
 Rectangle {
     id: rectangle
-    property var values: [1, 0, 0, 0, 0] // cores, system, user, io wait, nice
+    property var values: [1, 0, 0, 0] // cores, system, user, io wait
+    property var work: [1, 0, 0, 0]
+    property var cpuValues: [
+        { value:0, count: 0},
+        { value:0, count: 0},
+        { value:0, count: 0},
+        { value:0, count: 0}]
     property bool showBorder: true
     property bool compactView: false
@@ -54,7 +62,7 @@ Rectangle {
         property color sysColor: plasmoid.configuration.customColors ? plasmoid.configuration.cpuSystemColor : "red"
         property color userColor: plasmoid.configuration.customColors ? plasmoid.configuration.cpuUserColor : "blue"
         property color waitColor: plasmoid.configuration.customColors ? plasmoid.configuration.cpuIOWaitColor : "green"
-        property color niceColor: plasmoid.configuration.customColors ? plasmoid.configuration.cpuNiceColor : "yellow"
+//        property color niceColor: plasmoid.configuration.customColors ? plasmoid.configuration.cpuNiceColor : "yellow"
         sourceComponent: plasmoid.configuration.cpuBarGraph ? barGraph : undefined
         Component {
             id: barGraph
@@ -62,20 +70,19 @@ Rectangle {
                 Repeater {
                     model: numCores
                     Rectangle {
-                        property int sysIdx: numCores == 1 ? 2 : ((index + 1) * 4) + 2
-                        property int userIdx: numCores == 1 ? 3 : ((index + 1) * 4) + 3
-                        property int waitIdx: numCores == 1 ? 4 : ((index + 1) * 4) + 4
-                        property int niceIdx: numCores == 1 ? 5 : ((index + 1) * 4) + 5
+                        property int sysIdx: numCores == 1 ? 1 : ((index + 1) * 3) + 1
+                        property int userIdx: numCores == 1 ? 2 : ((index + 1) * 3) + 2
+                        property int waitIdx: numCores == 1 ? 3 : ((index + 1) * 3) + 3
                         x: (index * barWidth) + rectangle.border.width
                         y: rectangle.border.width
                         BarGraph {
                             width: barWidth
                             height: barHeight
-                            segments: 4
+                            segments: 3
                             devisor: 100
                             showLabels: plasmoid.configuration.showLabels && plasmoid.configuration.showCores && !compactView
-                            config: [sysColor, userColor, waitColor, niceColor]
-                            barValues: [setLabel(index), values[sysIdx], values[userIdx], values[waitIdx], values[niceIdx]]
+                            config: [sysColor, userColor, waitColor]
+                            barValues: [setLabel(index), values[sysIdx], values[userIdx], values[waitIdx]]
@@ -89,7 +96,7 @@ Rectangle {
         property color sysColor: plasmoid.configuration.customColors ? plasmoid.configuration.cpuSystemColor : "red"
         property color userColor: plasmoid.configuration.customColors ? plasmoid.configuration.cpuUserColor : "blue"
         property color waitColor: plasmoid.configuration.customColors ? plasmoid.configuration.cpuIOWaitColor : "green"
-        property color niceColor: plasmoid.configuration.customColors ? plasmoid.configuration.cpuNiceColor : "yellow"
+//        property color niceColor: plasmoid.configuration.customColors ? plasmoid.configuration.cpuNiceColor : "yellow"
         property int xDem: 1
         property int yDem: 1
         sourceComponent: plasmoid.configuration.cpuCircularGraph ? circleGraph : undefined
@@ -114,15 +121,14 @@ Rectangle {
                     CircleGraph {
                         width: (rectangle.width - (rectangle.border.width * 2)) / xDem
                         height: (rectangle.height - (rectangle.border.width * 2)) / yDem
-                        property int sysIdx: numCores == 1 ? 2 : ((index + 1) * 4) + 2
-                        property int userIdx: numCores == 1 ? 3 : ((index + 1) * 4) + 3
-                        property int waitIdx: numCores == 1 ? 4 : ((index + 1) * 4) + 4
-                        property int niceIdx: numCores == 1 ? 5 : ((index + 1) * 4) + 5
-                        config: [sysColor, userColor, waitColor, niceColor]
+                        property int sysIdx: numCores == 1 ? 1 : ((index + 1) * 3) + 1
+                        property int userIdx: numCores == 1 ? 2 : ((index + 1) * 3) + 2
+                        property int waitIdx: numCores == 1 ? 3 : ((index + 1) * 3) + 3
+                        config: [sysColor, userColor, waitColor]
                         devisor: 100
-                        segments: 4
+                        segments: 3
                         showLabels: plasmoid.configuration.showLabels && plasmoid.configuration.showCores && !compactView
-                        segValues: [setLabel(index), values[sysIdx], values[userIdx], values[waitIdx], values[niceIdx]]
+                        segValues: [setLabel(index), values[sysIdx], values[userIdx], values[waitIdx]]
                         Component.onCompleted: reArrange()
@@ -145,7 +151,7 @@ Rectangle {
         property color sysColor: plasmoid.configuration.customColors ? plasmoid.configuration.cpuSystemColor : "red"
         property color userColor: plasmoid.configuration.customColors ? plasmoid.configuration.cpuUserColor : "blue"
         property color waitColor: plasmoid.configuration.customColors ? plasmoid.configuration.cpuIOWaitColor : "green"
-        property color niceColor: plasmoid.configuration.customColors ? plasmoid.configuration.cpuNiceColor : "yellow"
+//        property color niceColor: plasmoid.configuration.customColors ? plasmoid.configuration.cpuNiceColor : "yellow"
         sourceComponent: plasmoid.configuration.cpuPlotterGraph ? plotGraph : undefined
         Component {
             id: plotGraph
@@ -158,16 +164,14 @@ Rectangle {
                         PlotterGraph {
                             width: plotWidth
                             height: Math.floor(plotHeight)
-                            property int sysIdx: numCores == 1 ? 2 : ((index + 1) * 4) + 2
-                            property int userIdx: numCores == 1 ? 3 : ((index + 1) * 4) + 3
-                            property int waitIdx: numCores == 1 ? 4 : ((index + 1) * 4) + 4
-                            property int niceIdx: numCores == 1 ? 5 : ((index + 1) * 4) + 5
-                            config: [sysColor, userColor, waitColor, niceColor]
+                            property int sysIdx: numCores == 1 ? 1 : ((index + 1) * 3) + 1
+                            property int userIdx: numCores == 1 ? 2 : ((index + 1) * 3) + 2
+                            property int waitIdx: numCores == 1 ? 3 : ((index + 1) * 3) + 3
+                            config: [sysColor, userColor, waitColor]
                             devisor: 100
-                            plots: 4
+                            plots: 3
                             showLabels: plasmoid.configuration.showLabels && plasmoid.configuration.showCores && !compactView
-                            plotValues: [setLabel(index), values[sysIdx], values[userIdx], values[waitIdx],
-                                values[niceIdx], values[1]]
+                            plotValues: [setLabel(index), values[sysIdx], values[userIdx], values[waitIdx]]
@@ -203,80 +207,131 @@ Rectangle {
                     var system
                     var user
                     var wait
-                    var nice
-                    system = Number(values[2]).toFixed(2)
-                    user = Number(values[3]).toFixed(2)
-                    wait = Number(values[4]).toFixed(2)
-                    nice = Number(values[5]).toFixed(2)
+                    system = Number(values[1]).toFixed(2)
+                    user = Number(values[2]).toFixed(2)
+                    wait = Number(values[3]).toFixed(2)
                     ws = qsTr("System:  ") + spaceit(system) + "%\n"
                     ws = ws + qsTr("User:    ") + spaceit(user) + "%\n"
                     ws = ws + qsTr("IO Wait: ") + spaceit(wait) + "%\n"
-                    ws = ws + qsTr("Nice:    ") + spaceit(nice) + "%\n"
-                    total = Number(system) + Number(user) + Number(wait) + Number(nice)
+                    total = Number(system) + Number(user) + Number(wait)
                     ws = ws + qsTr("Total    ") + spaceit(total.toFixed(2)) + "%"
                     return ws
-    PlasmaCore.DataSource {
-        engine: "systemmonitor"
-        interval: plasmoid.configuration.updateInterval * 100
-        property int numCores: 1
-        connectedSources: {
-            var srcs = []
-            srcs.push("system/cores")
-            srcs.push("cpu/system/sys")
-            srcs.push("cpu/system/user")
-            srcs.push("cpu/system/wait")
-            srcs.push("cpu/system/nice")
-            if (numCores > 1) {
-                for (var idx = 0; idx < numCores; idx++) {
-                    srcs.push("cpu/cpu" + idx + "/sys")
-                    srcs.push("cpu/cpu" + idx + "/user")
-                    srcs.push("cpu/cpu" + idx + "/wait")
-                    srcs.push("cpu/cpu" + idx + "/nice")
-                }
-            }
-            return srcs
-        }
-        onNewData: {
-            var cpuValues
-            cpuValues = values
-            if (data.value !== undefined) {
-                if (sourceName == "system/cores") {
+    Dbus {
+        id : dbus1
+        property var coreCount: 0
+        property var sensorList: []
+        property var valueIdx: 0
+        property var sensorKey
+        sensors: ["cpu/all/system",
+            "cpu/all/user",
+            "cpu/all/wait"]
+        onNewSensorData: {
+            coreCount = dbus1.doubleData("cpu/all/coreCount")
+            if (coreCount >= 1) {
+                if (!plasmoid.configuration.showCores) coreCount = 1
+                if (coreCount != work[0]) {
+                    sensorList = []
+                    sensorList.push("cpu/all/system")
+                    sensorList.push("cpu/all/user")
+                    sensorList.push("cpu/all/wait")
                     if (plasmoid.configuration.showCores) {
-                        numCores = Number(data.value)
-                        cpuValues[0] = numCores
+                        for (var idx = 0; idx < coreCount; idx++) {
+                            valueIdx = (idx * 3) + 4
+                            cpuValues[valueIdx] = {value: 0, count: 0}
+                            cpuValues[valueIdx + 1] = {value: 0, count: 0}
+                            cpuValues[valueIdx + 2] = {value: 0, count: 0}
+                            sensorList.push("cpu/cpu" +idx + "/system")
+                            sensorList.push("cpu/cpu" +idx + "/user")
+                            sensorList.push("cpu/cpu" +idx + "/wait")
+                        }
+                        work[0] = coreCount
                     } else {
-                        numCores = Number(1)
-                        cpuValues[0] = numCores
+                        work[0] = 1
-                }
-                if (sourceName == "cpu/system/sys") cpuValues[2] = Number(data.value)
-                if (sourceName == "cpu/system/user") cpuValues[3] = Number(data.value)
-                if (sourceName == "cpu/system/wait") cpuValues[4] = Number(data.value)
-                if (sourceName == "cpu/system/nice") cpuValues[5] = Number(data.value)
-                if (numCores > 1) {
-                    for (var idx = 0; idx < numCores; idx++) {
-                        if (sourceName == "cpu/cpu" + idx + "/sys") cpuValues[((idx + 1) *4) + 2] = Number(data.value)
-                        if (sourceName == "cpu/cpu" + idx + "/user") cpuValues[((idx + 1) *4) + 3] = Number(data.value)
-                        if (sourceName == "cpu/cpu" + idx + "/wait") cpuValues[((idx + 1) *4) + 4] = Number(data.value)
-                        if (sourceName == "cpu/cpu" + idx + "/nice") cpuValues[((idx + 1) *4) + 5] = Number(data.value)
+                    dbus1.sensors = sensorList
+                } else {
+                    for (var idx = 0; idx < keys.length; idx++) {
+                        sensorKey = keys[idx]
+                        switch (sensorKey) {
+                            case "cpu/all/system":
+                                cpuValues[1].value += values[idx]
+                                cpuValues[1].count += 1
+                            break;
+                            case "cpu/all/user":
+                                cpuValues[2].value += values[idx]
+                                cpuValues[2].count += 1
+                            break;
+                            case "cpu/all/wait":
+                                cpuValues[3].value += values[idx]
+                                cpuValues[3].count += 1
+                            break;
+                        }
+                        if (work[0] > 1) {
+                            if (sensorKey.indexOf("cpu/cpu") == 0) {
+                                for (var idy = 0; idy < work[0]; idy++) {
+                                    if (sensorKey.indexOf("cpu/cpu" + idy) == 0) {
+                                        valueIdx = (idy * 3) + 4
+                                        switch (sensorKey) {
+                                            case "cpu/cpu" + idy + "/system":
+                                                cpuValues[valueIdx].value += values[idx]
+                                                cpuValues[valueIdx].count += 1
+                                            break;
+                                            case "cpu/cpu" + idy + "/user":
+                                                cpuValues[valueIdx + 1].value += values[idx]
+                                                cpuValues[valueIdx + 1].count += 1
+                                            break;
+                                            case "cpu/cpu" + idy + "/wait":
+                                                cpuValues[valueIdx + 2].value += values[idx]
+                                                cpuValues[valueIdx + 2].count += 1
+                                            break;
+                                        }
+                                    }
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
-                if (cpuValues[1] === 0) {
-                    cpuValues[1] = 1
-                } else {
-                    cpuValues[1] = 0
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    Timer {
+        interval: plasmoid.configuration.updateInterval * 100
+        running: true
+        repeat: true
+        property var valueIdx: 0
+        property var cpuItem
+        onTriggered: {
+            for (var idx = 1; idx <= 3; idx++) {
+                cpuItem = cpuValues[idx]
+                if (cpuItem.count > 0)
+                    work[idx] = cpuItem.value / cpuItem.count
+                    cpuItem.value = 0
+                    cpuItem.count = 0
+            }
+            if (work[0] > 1) {
+                for (var idy = 0; idy < work[0]; idy++) {
+                    valueIdx = (idy * 3) + 4
+                    for (var idz = 0; idz < 3; idz++) {
+                        cpuItem = cpuValues[valueIdx + idz]
+                        if (cpuItem.count > 0) {
+                            work[valueIdx + idz] = cpuItem.value / cpuItem.count
+                            cpuItem.value = 0
+                            cpuItem.count = 0
+                        }
+                    }
-                values = cpuValues
+            values = work
diff --git a/plasmoid/contents/ui/DiskIO.qml b/plasmoid/contents/ui/DiskIO.qml
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
index cc2699fa99c51e24f04e86f022e8c69db5c72013..10b8b436dc5a6b0ad481fc0325baf1ff355c8647
--- a/plasmoid/contents/ui/DiskIO.qml
+++ b/plasmoid/contents/ui/DiskIO.qml
@@ -22,10 +22,17 @@ import QtQuick.Layouts 1.0
 import org.kde.plasma.core 2.0 as PlasmaCore
 import org.kde.plasma.extras 2.0 as PlasmaExtras
 import org.kde.plasma.components 2.0 as PlasmaComponents
+import DbusModel 1.0
 Rectangle {
     id: rectangle
-    property var values: [1, 0, "", 0, 0] // Number of disks, toggle, label, BSread, BSwrite
+    property var values: [1, "", 0, 0] // Number of disks, label, BSread, BSwrite
+    property var work: [1, "", 0, 0]
+    property var duValues: [
+        {value:0, count:0},
+        {value:0, count:0},
+        {value:0, count:0},
+        {value:0, count:0}]
     property bool showBorder: true
     property bool compactView: false
     property int scale: 1024
@@ -53,9 +60,9 @@ Rectangle {
                 Repeater {
                     model: numDisk
                     Rectangle {
-                        property int diskLabel: (index * 3) + 2
-                        property int readRate: (index * 3) + 3
-                        property int writeRate: (index * 3) + 4
+                        property int diskLabel: (index * 4) + 1
+                        property int readRate: (index * 4) + 2
+                        property int writeRate: (index * 4) + 3
                         x: (index * barWidth) + rectangle.border.width
                         y: rectangle.border.width
                         DualBarGraph {
@@ -103,9 +110,9 @@ Rectangle {
                         id: circGraph
                         width: (rectangle.width - (rectangle.border.width * 2)) / xDem
                         height: (rectangle.height - (rectangle.border.width * 2)) / yDem
-                        property int diskLabel: (index * 3) + 2
-                        property int readRate: (index * 3) + 3
-                        property int writeRate: (index * 3) + 4
+                        property int diskLabel: (index * 4) + 1
+                        property int readRate: (index * 4) + 2
+                        property int writeRate: (index * 4) + 3
                         config: [readColor, writeColor]
                         devisor: scale
                         showLabels: plasmoid.configuration.showLabels && !compactView
@@ -137,13 +144,14 @@ Rectangle {
                         DualPlotterGraph {
                             width: plotWidth
                             height: Math.floor(plotHeight)
-                            property int diskLabel: (index * 3) + 2
-                            property int readRate: (index * 3) + 3
-                            property int writeRate: (index * 3) + 4
+                            property int diskLabel: (index * 4) + 1
+                            property int readRate: (index * 4) + 2
+                            property int writeRate: (index * 4) + 3
                             config: [readColor, writeColor]
                             plots: 2
                             showLabels: plasmoid.configuration.showLabels && !compactView
-                            plotValues: [values[diskLabel], values[readRate], values[writeRate], values[1]]
+                            plotValues: [values[diskLabel], values[readRate], values[writeRate]]
@@ -165,15 +173,20 @@ Rectangle {
     function scaleit (v) {
-        if (v >= 1048576) {
-            v = v / 1048576
+        if (v >= 1073741824) {
+            v = v / 1073741824
             v = spaceit(v) + v.toFixed(2) + " GBS"
         } else {
-            if ( v >= 1024 ) {
-                v = v / 1024
+            if ( v >= 1048576 ) {
+                v = v / 1048576
                 v = spaceit(v) + v.toFixed(2) + " MBS"
             } else {
-                v = spaceit(v) + v.toFixed(2) + " KBS"
+                if (v >= 1024 ) {
+                    v = v / 1024
+                    v = spaceit(v) + v.toFixed(2) + " KBS"
+                } else {
+                    v = spaceit(v) + v.toFixed(2) + "  BS"
+                }
         return v
@@ -201,12 +214,12 @@ Rectangle {
                     ws = ""
                     numDisk = values[0] - 1
                     for (var idx = 0; idx <= numDisk; idx++) {
-                        index = idx * 3
-                        read = values[index + 3]
-                        write = values[index + 4]
+                        index = idx * 4
+                        read = values[index + 2]
+                        write = values[index + 3]
                         if (isNaN(read)) read = 0
                         if (isNaN(write)) write = 0
-                        ws += values[index + 2] + "\n"
+                        ws += values[index + 1] + "\n"
                         ws = ws + qsTr("Read:  ") + scaleit(read) + "\n"
                         ws = ws + qsTr("Write: ") + scaleit(write)
                         if (idx < numDisk)
@@ -218,89 +231,115 @@ Rectangle {
+    Dbus {
+        id: dbus1
+        property var sensorKey
+        property var valueIdx
+        property var configKey
+        onNewSensorData: {
+            for (var idx = 0; idx < keys.length; idx++ ) {
+                sensorKey = keys[idx]
+                for (var idy = 0; idy < work[0]; idy++) {
+                    configKey = plasmoid.configuration.dioSources[idy]
+                    if (sensorKey.indexOf(configKey) == 0) {
+                        valueIdx = (idy * 4) + 2
+                        switch (sensorKey) {
+                            case configKey + "/read":
+                                duValues[valueIdx].value += values[idx]
+                                duValues[valueIdx].count += 1
+                            break;
+                            case configKey + "/write":
+                                duValues[valueIdx + 1].value += values[idx]
+                                duValues[valueIdx + 1].count += 1
+                            break;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
     function addSources() {
-        var idx
+        var keyidx
         var count
-        var name
-        var result
-        var res
+        var key = ""
+        var sensors = []
+        var sensorList = []
         count = 0
-        for (idx in dataSource.sources) {
-            name = dataSource.sources[idx]
-            result = name.match('^disk\/(sd.|nvme.n.)_[(][^\/]*\/Rate\/totalio$')
-            if (result !== null) {
-                if (plasmoid.configuration.dioSources.indexOf(result[1]) >= 0) {
-                    res = name.replace("totalio", "rblk")
-                    dataSource.connectSource(res)
-                    res = name.replace("totalio", "wblk")
-                    dataSource.connectSource(res)
-                    values[(count * 3) + 2] = result[1]
+        sensors = dbus1.allSensors("disk/");
+        for (var idx = 0; idx < sensors.length; idx++) {
+            if (sensors[idx].endsWith("/name")) {
+                keyidx = sensors[idx].indexOf("/name")
+                key = sensors[idx].slice(0,keyidx)
+                if (plasmoid.configuration.dioSources.indexOf(key) >= 0) {
+                    sensorList.push(key + "/read")
+                    sensorList.push(key + "/write")
+                    if (count > 0) {
+                        duValues[(count * 4)] = {value:0, count:0}
+                        duValues[(count * 4) + 1] = {value:0, count:0}
+                        duValues[(count * 4) + 2] = {value:0, count:0}
+                        duValues[(count * 4) + 3] = {value:0, count:0}
+                    }
                     count += 1
-        values[0] = count
+        if (plasmoid.configuration.dioSources.indexOf("disk/all") >= 0) {
+            sensorList.push("disk/all/read")
+            sensorList.push("disk/all/write")
+            if (count > 0) {
+                duValues[(count * 4)] = {value:0, count:0}
+                duValues[(count * 4) + 1] = {value:0, count:0}
+                duValues[(count * 4) + 2] = {value:0, count:0}
+                duValues[(count * 4) + 3] = {value:0, count:0}
+            }
+            count += 1
+        }
+        dbus1.sensors = sensorList
+        work[0] = count
     Component.onCompleted: {
-    function updateScale(value) {
-        if (value > scale)
-            scale = value
-    }
-    PlasmaCore.DataSource {
-        id: dataSource
-        engine: "systemmonitor"
+    Timer {
         interval: plasmoid.configuration.updateInterval * 100
-        onSourcesChanged: {
-            addSources()
-        }
-        onNewData: {
-            var idx
-            var duValues
-            var result
-            duValues = values
-            scale *= .9
-            if (scale < 1024)
-                scale = 1024
-            if (data.value !== undefined) {
-                for (idx = 0; idx < duValues[0]; idx++) {
-                    result = sourceName.match('^disk\/(sd.|nvme.n.)_[(][^\/]*\/Rate\/rblk$')
-                    if (result !== null) {
-                        if (duValues[(idx * 3) + 2 ] === result[1]) {
-                            updateScale(data.value)
-                            duValues[(idx * 3) + 3] = Number(data.value)
-                        }
+        running: true
+        repeat: true
+        property var valueIdx
+        property var duItem
+        onTriggered: {
+            if (plasmoid.configuration.dioSources != "") {
+                work[0] = plasmoid.configuration.dioSources.length
+                for (var idx = 0; idx < work[0]; idx++) {
+                    valueIdx = (idx * 4) + 1
+                    if (plasmoid.configuration.dioSources[idx] == "disk/all" ) {
+                        work[valueIdx] = "All"
+                    } else {
+                        work[valueIdx] = 
+                            dbus1.stringData(plasmoid.configuration.dioSources[idx] + "/name")
-                    result = sourceName.match('^disk\/(sd.|nvme.n.)_[(][^\/]*\/Rate\/wblk$')
-                    if (result !== null) {
-                        if (duValues[(idx * 3) + 2 ] === result[1]) {
-                            updateScale(data.value)
-                            duValues[(idx * 3) + 4] = Number(data.value)
+                    for (var idy = 1; idy <= 2; idy++) {
+                        duItem = duValues[valueIdx + idy]
+                        if (duItem.count > 0) {
+                            work[valueIdx + idy] = duItem.value / duItem.count
+                            duItem.value = 0
+                            duItem.count = 0
-                if (duValues[1] === 0) {
-                    duValues[1] = 1
-                } else {
-                    duValues[1] = 0
-                }
-                values = duValues
+            values = work
     Connections {
         target: plasmoid.configuration
-        onDioSourcesChanged: {
-            while (dataSource.connectedSources.length > 0)
-                dataSource.connectedSources.pop()
+        function onDioSourcesChanged() {
diff --git a/plasmoid/contents/ui/DiskSpace.qml b/plasmoid/contents/ui/DiskSpace.qml
index 11bc5b214f2b7ba1770600fa6a07c38f1c2635de..09e0f357c3400cc06b1dabd7cb7328aa74cf6df6 100755
--- a/plasmoid/contents/ui/DiskSpace.qml
+++ b/plasmoid/contents/ui/DiskSpace.qml
@@ -22,14 +22,22 @@ import QtQuick.Layouts 1.0
 import org.kde.plasma.core 2.0 as PlasmaCore
 import org.kde.plasma.extras 2.0 as PlasmaExtras
 import org.kde.plasma.components 2.0 as PlasmaComponents
+import DbusModel 1.0
 Rectangle {
     id: rectangle
-    property var values: [1, 0, "", 0, 0] // Number of disks, toggle, label, freespace, usedspace
+    property var values: [1, "", 0, 0, 0, 0] // Number of disks, label, Used Percent, freespace, usedspace, totalspace
+    property var work: [1, "", 0, 0, 0, 0]
+    property var dsValues: [
+        {value:0, count:0},
+        {value:0, count:0},
+        {value:0, count:0},
+        {value:0, count:0},
+        {value:0, count:0},
+        {value:0, count:0}]
     property bool showBorder: true
     property bool compactView: false
-    radius: 3
     color: "transparent"
     border {
@@ -52,19 +60,18 @@ Rectangle {
                 Repeater {
                     model: numDisk
                     Rectangle {
-                        property int diskLabel: (index * 3) + 2
-                        property int freeSpace: (index * 3) + 3
-                        property int usedSpace: (index * 3) + 4
+                        property int diskLabel: (index * 6) + 1
+                        property int usedPercent: (index * 6) + 2
                         x: (index * barWidth) + rectangle.border.width
                         y: rectangle.border.width
                         BarGraph {
                             width: barWidth
                             height: barHeight
                             segments: 1
-                            devisor: values[freeSpace] + values[usedSpace]
+                            devisor: 100
                             showLabels: plasmoid.configuration.showLabels && !compactView
                             config: [diskColor]
-                            barValues: [values[diskLabel], values[usedSpace]]
+                            barValues: [values[diskLabel], values[usedPercent]]
@@ -100,14 +107,13 @@ Rectangle {
                         id: circGraph
                         width: (rectangle.width - (rectangle.border.width * 2)) / xDem
                         height: (rectangle.height - (rectangle.border.width * 2)) / yDem
-                        property int diskLabel: (index * 3) + 2
-                        property int freeSpace: (index * 3) + 3
-                        property int usedSpace: (index * 3) + 4
+                        property int diskLabel: (index * 6) + 1
+                        property int usedPercent: (index * 6) + 2
                         config: [diskColor]
-                        devisor: values[freeSpace] + values[usedSpace]
+                        devisor: 100
                         segments: 1
                         showLabels: plasmoid.configuration.showLabels && !compactView
-                        segValues: [values[diskLabel], values[usedSpace]]
+                        segValues: [values[diskLabel], values[usedPercent]]
                         Component.onCompleted: reArrange()
@@ -135,15 +141,13 @@ Rectangle {
                         PlotterGraph {
                             width: plotWidth
                             height: Math.floor(plotHeight)
-                            property int diskLabel: (index * 3) + 2
-                            property int freeSpace: (index * 3) + 3
-                            property int usedSpace: (index * 3) + 4
-                            property int toggle: Number(values[1])
+                            property int diskLabel: (index * 6) + 1
+                            property int usedPercent: (index * 6) + 2
                             config: [diskColor]
-                            devisor: values[freeSpace] + values[usedSpace]
+                            devisor: 100
                             plots: 1
                             showLabels: plasmoid.configuration.showLabels && !compactView
-                            plotValues: [values[diskLabel], values[usedSpace], values[1]]
+                            plotValues: [values[diskLabel], values[usedPercent]]
@@ -165,16 +169,21 @@ Rectangle {
     function scaleit (v) {
-        if (v >= 1073741824) {
-            v = v / 1073741824
+        if (v >= 1099511627776) {
+            v = v / 1099511627776
             v = spaceit(v) + v.toFixed(2) + " TiB"
         } else {
-            if ( v >= 1048576 ) {
-                v = v / 1048576
+            if ( v >= 1073741824 ) {
+                v = v / 1073741824
                 v = spaceit(v) + v.toFixed(2) + " GiB"
             } else {
-                v = v / 1024
-                v = spaceit(v) + v.toFixed(2) + " MiB"
+                if (v >= 1048579) {
+                    v = v / 1048579
+                    v = spaceit(v) + v.toFixed(2) + " MiB"
+                } else {
+                    v = v / 1024
+                    v = spaceit(v) + v.toFixed(2) + " KiB"
+                }
         return v
@@ -200,15 +209,13 @@ Rectangle {
                     var numDisk
                     ws = ""
-                    numDisk = values[0] - 1
-                    for (var idx = 0; idx <= numDisk; idx++) {
-                        index = idx * 3
+                    numDisk = values[0]
+                    for (var idx = 0; idx < numDisk; idx++) {
+                        index = idx * 6
                         free = values[index + 3]
                         used = values[index + 4]
-                        if (isNaN(free)) free = 0
-                        if (isNaN(used)) used = 0
-                        total = Number(free) + Number(used)
-                        ws += values[index + 2] + "\n"
+                        total = values[index + 5]
+                        ws += values[index + 1] + "\n"
                         ws += qsTr("Used:  ") + scaleit(used) + "\n"
                         ws += qsTr("Free:  ") + scaleit(free) + "\n"
                         ws += qsTr("Total: ") + scaleit(total)
@@ -221,76 +228,132 @@ Rectangle {
+    Dbus {
+        id: dbus1
+        property var sensorKey
+        property var valueIdx
+        property var configKey
+        onNewSensorData: {
+            for (var idx = 0; idx < keys.length; idx++) {
+                sensorKey = keys[idx]
+                for (var idy = 0; idy < work[0]; idy++) {
+                    configKey = plasmoid.configuration.dsSources[idy]
+                    if (sensorKey.indexOf(configKey) == 0) {
+                        valueIdx = (idy * 6) + 2
+                        switch (sensorKey) {
+                            case configKey + "/usedPercent":
+                                dsValues[valueIdx].value += values[idx]
+                                dsValues[valueIdx].count += 1
+                            break;
+                            case configKey + "/free":
+                                dsValues[valueIdx + 1].value += values[idx]
+                                dsValues[valueIdx + 1].count += 1
+                            break;
+                            case configKey + "/used":
+                                dsValues[valueIdx + 2].value += values[idx]
+                                dsValues[valueIdx + 2].count += 1
+                            break;
+                            case configKey + "/total":
+                                dsValues[valueIdx + 3].value += values[idx]
+                                dsValues[valueIdx + 3].count += 1
+                            break;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
     function addSources() {
-        var idx
+        var nameIdx
         var count
-        var name
-        var result
+        var key = ""
+        var sensors = []
+        var sensorList = []
         count = 0
-        for (idx in dataSource.sources) {
-            name = dataSource.sources[idx]
-            result = name.match('^partitions(.+)\/filllevel$')
-            if (result !== null) {
-                if (plasmoid.configuration.dsSources.indexOf(result[1]) >= 0) {
-                    dataSource.connectSource("partitions" + result[1] + "/freespace")
-                    dataSource.connectSource("partitions" + result[1] + "/usedspace")
-                    values[(count * 3) + 2] = result[1]
+        sensors = dbus1.allSensors("disk/");
+        for (var idx = 0; idx < sensors.length; idx++) {
+            if (sensors[idx].endsWith("/name")) {
+                nameIdx = sensors[idx].indexOf("/name")
+                key = sensors[idx].slice(0,nameIdx)
+                if (plasmoid.configuration.dsSources.indexOf(key) >= 0) {
+                    sensorList.push(key + "/usedPercent")
+                    sensorList.push(key + "/free")
+                    sensorList.push(key + "/used")
+                    sensorList.push(key + "/total")
+                    if (count > 0) {
+                        dsValues[(count * 6)]  = {value:0, count:0}
+                        dsValues[(count * 6) + 1] = {value:0, count:0}
+                        dsValues[(count * 6) + 2] = {value:0, count:0}
+                        dsValues[(count * 6) + 3] = {value:0, count:0}
+                        dsValues[(count * 6) + 4] = {value:0, count:0}
+                        dsValues[(count * 6) + 5] = {value:0, count:0}
+                    }
                     count += 1
-        values[0] = count
+        if (plasmoid.configuration.dsSources.indexOf("disk/all") >= 0) {
+            sensorList.push("disk/all/usedPercent")
+            sensorList.push("disk/all/free")
+            sensorList.push("disk/all/used")
+            sensorList.push("disk/all/total")
+            if (count > 0) {
+                dsValues[(count * 6)]  = {value:0, count:0}
+                dsValues[(count * 6) + 1] = {value:0, count:0}
+                dsValues[(count * 6) + 2] = {value:0, count:0}
+                dsValues[(count * 6) + 3] = {value:0, count:0}
+                dsValues[(count * 6) + 4] = {value:0, count:0}
+                dsValues[(count * 6) + 5] = {value:0, count:0}
+            }
+            count += 1
+        }
+        dbus1.sensors = sensorList
+        work[0] = count
     Component.onCompleted: {
-    PlasmaCore.DataSource {
-        id: dataSource
-        engine: "systemmonitor"
+    Timer {
         interval: plasmoid.configuration.updateInterval * 100
-        onSourcesChanged: {
-            addSources()
-        }
-        onNewData: {
-            var idx
-            var dsValues
-            var result
-            dsValues = values
-            if (data.value !== undefined) {
-                for (idx = 0; idx < dsValues[0]; idx++) {
-                    result = sourceName.match('^partitions(.+)\/freespace$')
-                    if (result !== null) {
-                        if (dsValues[(idx * 3) + 2 ] === result[1])
-                            dsValues[(idx * 3) + 3] = Number(data.value)
+        running: true
+        repeat: true
+        property var valueIdx
+        property var dsItem
+        onTriggered: {
+            if (plasmoid.configuration.dsSources != "") {
+                work[0] = plasmoid.configuration.dsSources.length
+                for (var idx = 0; idx < work[0]; idx++) {
+                    valueIdx = (idx * 6) + 1
+                    if (plasmoid.configuration.dsSources[idx] == "disk/all" ) {
+                        work[valueIdx] = "All"
+                    } else {
+                        work[valueIdx] = 
+                            dbus1.stringData(plasmoid.configuration.dsSources[idx] + "/name")
-                    result = sourceName.match('^partitions(.+)\/usedspace$')
-                    if (result !== null) {
-                        if (dsValues[(idx * 3) + 2 ] === result[1])
-                            dsValues[(idx * 3) + 4] = Number(data.value)
+                    for (var idy = 1; idy <= 4; idy++ ) {
+                        dsItem = dsValues[valueIdx + idy]
+                        if (dsItem.count > 0) {
+                            work[valueIdx + idy] = dsItem.value / dsItem.count
+                            dsItem.value = 0
+                            dsItem.count = 0
+                        }
-                if (dsValues[1] === 0) {
-                    dsValues[1] = 1
-                } else {
-                    dsValues[1] = 0
-                }
-                values = dsValues
+            values = work
     Connections {
         target: plasmoid.configuration
-        onDsSourcesChanged: {
-            while (dataSource.connectedSources.length > 0)
-                dataSource.connectedSources.pop()
+        function onDsSourcesChanged() {
diff --git a/plasmoid/contents/ui/DualBarGraph.qml b/plasmoid/contents/ui/DualBarGraph.qml
index 04f1aeeb110ba383b7e2942fce5b161f2e5871c2..5d324a8292a9f005e60400d6582743dd0a073fcb 100755
--- a/plasmoid/contents/ui/DualBarGraph.qml
+++ b/plasmoid/contents/ui/DualBarGraph.qml
@@ -23,17 +23,11 @@ Canvas {
     property var config: []
     property var barValues: []
     property int segments: 1
-    property double devisor: 1
+    property double devisor: 1024
     property bool showLabels: false
     onConfigChanged: requestPaint()
     onBarValuesChanged: requestPaint()
-    QtObject {
-        id: data
-        property real wdevisor: 1
-        property int ndevisor: 1
-    }
     onPaint: {
         var yLoc
         var gradient
@@ -45,22 +39,23 @@ Canvas {
         var pw
         function scaleit (v) {
-            if (v >= 1048576) {
-                v = v / 1048576
-                v = v.toFixed(0) + " GBs"
+            if (v >= 1073741824) {
+                v = v / 1073741824
+                v = spaceit(v) + v.toFixed(2) + " GBs"
             } else {
-                if ( v >= 1024 ) {
-                    v = v / 1024
-                    v = v.toFixed(0) + " MBs"
+                if ( v >= 1048576 ) {
+                    v = v / 1048576
+                    v = spaceit(v) + v.toFixed(2) + " MBs"
                 } else {
-                    v = v.toFixed(0) + " KBs"
+                    if (v >= 1024 ) {
+                        v = v / 1024
+                        v = spaceit(v) + v.toFixed(2) + " KBs"
+                    }
             return v
-        pwidth = Math.ceil(width)
-        ctx = getContext("2d")
-        ctx.clearRect(0, 0, pwidth, height)
         function drawBar(index) {
             if (index === 0) {
                 xLocStart = 0
@@ -89,23 +84,21 @@ Canvas {
-        data.wdevisor = data.wdevisor * .75
-        pw = Math.trunc(Math.log2(data.wdevisor))
+        pwidth = Math.ceil(width)
+        ctx = getContext("2d")
+        ctx.clearRect(0, 0, pwidth, height)
+        devisor = devisor / 2
+        if (barValues[1] > devisor)
+            devisor = barValues[1]
+        if (barValues[2] > devisor)
+            devisor = barValues[2]
+        pw = 0
+        while (Math.pow(2, pw) < devisor)
+            pw += 1
         devisor = Math.pow(2, pw)
-        data.ndevisor = devisor
-        if (barValues[1] > data.ndevisor)
-            data.ndevisor = barValues[1]
-        if (barValues[2] > data.ndevisor)
-            data.ndevisor = barValues[2]
-        if (devisor < data.ndevisor) {
-            pw = 0
-            while (Math.pow(2, pw) < data.ndevisor)
-                pw += 1
-            devisor = Math.pow(2, pw)
-            data.wdevisor = devisor * 2
-        }
-        if (devisor < 1)
-            devisor = 1
+        if (devisor < 1024)
+            devisor = 1024
         if(showLabels) {
diff --git a/plasmoid/contents/ui/DualCircleGraph.qml b/plasmoid/contents/ui/DualCircleGraph.qml
index 87dedbc1ae10bf231d1d7bfbf2354f0568a3fee4..a96fa5d3404c57d6fe1ce3eb5ce3daf972df8134 100755
--- a/plasmoid/contents/ui/DualCircleGraph.qml
+++ b/plasmoid/contents/ui/DualCircleGraph.qml
@@ -23,17 +23,11 @@ Canvas {
     property var config: []
     property var segValues: []
     property int segments: 3
-    property double devisor: 1
+    property double devisor: 1024
     property bool showLabels: false
     onConfigChanged: requestPaint()
     onSegValuesChanged: requestPaint()
-    QtObject {
-        id: data
-        property real wdevisor: 1
-        property int ndevisor: 1
-    }
     onPaint: {
         var centreX
         var centreY
@@ -66,16 +60,20 @@ Canvas {
                 endAngle = radians + startAngle
             drawArc(startAngle, endAngle, arcColor, index)
-        function scaleit (v) {
-            if (v >= 1048576) {
-                v = v / 1048576
-                v = v.toFixed(0) + " GBs"
+       function scaleit (v) {
+            if (v >= 1073741824) {
+                v = v / 1073741824
+                v = spaceit(v) + v.toFixed(2) + " GBs"
             } else {
-                if ( v >= 1024 ) {
-                    v = v / 1024
-                    v = v.toFixed(0) + " MBs"
+                if ( v >= 1048576 ) {
+                    v = v / 1048576
+                    v = spaceit(v) + v.toFixed(2) + " MBs"
                 } else {
-                    v = v.toFixed(0) + " KBs"
+                    if (v >= 1024 ) {
+                        v = v / 1024
+                        v = spaceit(v) + v.toFixed(2) + " KBs"
+                    }
             return v
@@ -101,21 +99,21 @@ Canvas {
         ctx.arc(centreX, centreY, diameter, startAngle, endAngle, false)
         ctx.arc(centreX, centreY, halfDiam, startAngle, endAngle, false)
-        data.wdevisor = data.wdevisor * .75
-        pw = Math.trunc(Math.log2(data.wdevisor))
+        devisor = devisor / 2
+        if (segValues[1] > devisor)
+            devisor = segValues[1]
+        if (segValues[2] > devisor)
+            devisor = segValues[2]
+        pw = 0
+        while (Math.pow(2, pw) < devisor)
+            pw += 1
         devisor = Math.pow(2, pw)
-        data.ndevisor = devisor
-        if (segValues[1] > data.ndevisor)
-            data.ndevisor = segValues[1]
-        if (segValues[2] > data.ndevisor)
-            data.ndevisor = segValues[2]
-        if (devisor < data.ndevisor) {
-            pw = 0
-            while (Math.pow(2, pw) < data.ndevisor)
-                pw += 1
-            devisor = Math.pow(2, pw)
-            data.wdevisor = devisor * 2
-        }
+        if (devisor < 1024)
+            devisor = 1024
         startAngle = Math.PI / 2
         showArc(segValues[1], config[0], 0)
         startAngle = Math.PI / 2
diff --git a/plasmoid/contents/ui/DualPlotterGraph.qml b/plasmoid/contents/ui/DualPlotterGraph.qml
index 8151ac9c5e48e91615fc5b025d4ed50e24be86f4..127c8b0ed09c68f39f1289a90275f5ba2c2ac838 100644
--- a/plasmoid/contents/ui/DualPlotterGraph.qml
+++ b/plasmoid/contents/ui/DualPlotterGraph.qml
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ Canvas {
     id: plotCanvas
     property var config: []
     property int plots: 0
-    property double devisor: 1
+    property double devisor: 1024
     property var plotValues: []
     property bool showLabels: false
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ Canvas {
         id: data
         property var graphValues: []
         property int numValues: 0
-        property int maxValues: 33
+        property int maxValues: 61
         property real segSize: width / (maxValues - 1 )
         property bool valuesChanged : false
         property var paths: []
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ Canvas {
     Component {
         id: curve
-        PathCurve {}
+        PathCubic {}
     Path {
@@ -77,33 +77,51 @@ Canvas {
         var clr
         var pw
         var alpha
+        var xDiff
         function addPoint(xLoc, yLoc) {
             if (data.paths.length < pointCnt + 1) {
-                if (pointCnt === 0) {
+                if (data.smoothing) {
+                    data.paths[pointCnt] = curve.createObject(plotCanvas, {})
+                } else {
                     data.paths[pointCnt] = line.createObject(plotCanvas, {})
+                }
+            }
+            if (data.smoothing) {
+                data.paths[pointCnt].x = Math.round(xLoc)
+                data.paths[pointCnt].y = Math.round(yLoc)
+                if (pointCnt == 0) {
+                    data.paths[pointCnt].control1X = plot.startX
+                    data.paths[pointCnt].control1Y = plot.startY
+                    data.paths[pointCnt].control2X = xLoc
+                    data.paths[pointCnt].control2Y = yLoc
                 } else {
-                    if (data.smoothing) {
-                        data.paths[pointCnt] = curve.createObject(plotCanvas, {})
-                    } else {
-                        data.paths[pointCnt] = line.createObject(plotCanvas, {})
-                    }
+                    xDiff = ((data.paths[pointCnt - 1].x - xLoc) / 2)
+                    data.paths[pointCnt].control1X = data.paths[pointCnt - 1].x - xDiff
+                    data.paths[pointCnt].control1Y = data.paths[pointCnt - 1].y
+                    data.paths[pointCnt].control2X = xLoc + xDiff
+                    data.paths[pointCnt].control2Y = yLoc
+            } else {
+                data.paths[pointCnt].x = Math.round(xLoc)
+                data.paths[pointCnt].y = Math.round(yLoc)
-            data.paths[pointCnt].x = Math.round(xLoc)
-            data.paths[pointCnt].y = Math.round(yLoc)
             pointCnt += 1
         function scaleit (v) {
-            if (v >= 1048576) {
-                v = v / 1048576
-                v = v.toFixed(0) + " GBs"
+            if (v >= 1073741824) {
+                v = v / 1073741824
+                v = spaceit(v) + v.toFixed(2) + " GBs"
             } else {
-                if ( v >= 1024 ) {
-                    v = v / 1024
-                    v = v.toFixed(0) + " MBs"
+                if ( v >= 1048576 ) {
+                    v = v / 1048576
+                    v = spaceit(v) + v.toFixed(2) + " MBs"
                 } else {
-                    v = v.toFixed(0) + " KBs"
+                    if (v >= 1024 ) {
+                        v = v / 1024
+                        v = spaceit(v) + v.toFixed(2) + " KBs"
+                    }
             return v
@@ -131,7 +149,7 @@ Canvas {
         ctx = getContext("2d")
         ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, Math.ceil(height))
         if (data.numValues > 1) {
-            devisor = 1
+            devisor = 1024
             for (idy = 0; idy < plots; idy++) {
                 for (idx = 0; idx < data.numValues; idx++) {
                     if (data.graphValues[idy][idx] > devisor)
diff --git a/plasmoid/contents/ui/Memory.qml b/plasmoid/contents/ui/Memory.qml
index e7775324f66419d9677d04f5afed005ba54a630d..246fa973ab91280a2658ad6f328fc810288da419 100755
--- a/plasmoid/contents/ui/Memory.qml
+++ b/plasmoid/contents/ui/Memory.qml
@@ -22,10 +22,21 @@ import QtQuick.Layouts 1.0
 import org.kde.plasma.core 2.0 as PlasmaCore
 import org.kde.plasma.extras 2.0 as PlasmaExtras
 import org.kde.plasma.components 2.0 as PlasmaComponents
+import DbusModel 1.0
 Rectangle {
     id: rectangle
-    property var values: [0, 0, 0, 0] // maxMem, appMem, buffMem, cacheMem
+    property var values: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] // maxMem, appMem, buffMem, cacheMem
+    property var work: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
+    property var memValues: [
+        {value:0, count:0},
+        {value:0, count:0},
+        {value:0, count:0},
+        {value:0, count:0},
+        {value:0, count:0},
+        {value:0, count:0},
+        {value:0, count:0},
+        {value:0, count:0}]
     property bool showBorder: true
     radius: 3
@@ -50,7 +61,7 @@ Rectangle {
                 width: rectangle.width - (rectangle.border.width * 2)
                 height: rectangle.height - (rectangle.border.width * 2)
                 segments: 3
-                devisor: values[0]
+                devisor: 100
                 config: [appsColor, buffColor, cacheColor]
                 barValues: [0, values[1], values[2], values[3]]
@@ -70,7 +81,7 @@ Rectangle {
                 height: rectangle.height - (rectangle.border.width * 2)
                 config: [appColor, buffColor, cacheColor]
                 segments: 3
-                devisor: values[0]
+                devisor: 100
                 segValues: [0, values[1], values[2], values[3]]
@@ -88,7 +99,7 @@ Rectangle {
                 width: rectangle.width - (rectangle.border.width * 2)
                 height: rectangle.height - (rectangle.border.width * 2)
                 config: [appColor, buffColor, cacheColor]
-                devisor: values[0]
+                devisor: 100
                 plots: 3
                 plotValues: values
@@ -109,15 +120,18 @@ Rectangle {
     function scaleit (v) {
-        if (v >= 1048576) {
-            v = v / 1048576
+        if (v >= 1073741824) {
+            v = v / 1073741824
             v = spaceit(v) + v.toFixed(2) + " GiB"
         } else {
-            if ( v >= 1024 ) {
-                v = v / 1024
+            if ( v >= 1048576 ) {
+                v = v / 1048576
                 v = spaceit(v) + v.toFixed(2) + " MiB"
             } else {
-                v = spaceit(v) + v.toFixed(2) + " KiB"
+                if ( v >= 1024 ) {
+                    v = v / 1024    
+                    v = spaceit(v) + v.toFixed(2) + " KiB"
+                }
         return v
@@ -136,48 +150,85 @@ Rectangle {
                 color: border.color
                 text: {
                     var ws
-                    ws = qsTr("Total Memory:       ") + scaleit(values[0]) + "\n"
-                    ws = ws + qsTr("Application Memory: ") + scaleit(values[1]) + "\n"
-                    ws = ws + qsTr("Buffer Memory:      ") + scaleit(values[2]) + "\n"
-                    ws = ws + qsTr("Cache Memory:       ") + scaleit(values[3]) + "\n"
-                    ws = ws + qsTr("Free Memory:        ") + scaleit(values[0] -
-                        values[1] - values[2] - values[3])
+                    ws = qsTr("Total Memory:       ") + scaleit(values[4]) + "\n"
+                    ws = ws + qsTr("Application Memory: ") + scaleit(values[5]) + "\n"
+                    ws = ws + qsTr("Buffer Memory:      ") + scaleit(values[6]) + "\n"
+                    ws = ws + qsTr("Cache Memory:       ") + scaleit(values[7]) + "\n"
+                    ws = ws + qsTr("Free Memory:        ") + scaleit(values[8])
                     return ws
-    PlasmaCore.DataSource {
-        engine: "systemmonitor"
-        interval: plasmoid.configuration.updateInterval * 100
-        connectedSources: {
-            var srcs = []
-            srcs.push("mem/physical/application")
-            srcs.push("mem/physical/buf")
-            srcs.push("mem/physical/cached")
-            return srcs
-        }
-        onNewData: {
-            var memValues
-            memValues = values
-            if (data.value !== undefined && data.max !== undefined) {
-                if (sourceName == "mem/physical/application") {
-                    memValues[0] = Number(data.max)
-                    memValues[1] = Number(data.value)
-                }
-                if (sourceName == "mem/physical/buf") {
-                    memValues[0] = Number(data.max)
-                    memValues[2] = Number(data.value)
+    Dbus {
+        id : dbus1
+        property var sensorKey
+        sensors: ["memory/physical/applicationPercent",
+            "memory/physical/bufferPercent",
+            "memory/physical/cachePercent",
+            "memory/physical/total", 
+            "memory/physical/application",
+            "memory/physical/buffer",
+            "memory/physical/cache"]
+        onNewSensorData: {
+            for ( var idx = 0; idx < keys.length; idx++) {
+                sensorKey = keys[idx]
+                if (sensorKey.indexOf("memory/physical") == 0) {
+                    switch (sensorKey) {
+                        case "memory/physical/applicationPercent":
+                            memValues[1].value += values[idx]
+                            memValues[1].count += 1
+                        break;
+                        case "memory/physical/bufferPercent":
+                            memValues[2].value += values[idx]
+                            memValues[2].count += 1
+                        break;
+                        case "memory/physical/cachePercent":
+                            memValues[3].value += values[idx]
+                            memValues[3].count += 1
+                        break;
+                        case "memory/physical/total":
+                            memValues[4].value += values[idx]
+                            memValues[4].count += 1
+                        break;
+                        case "memory/physical/application":
+                            memValues[5].value += values[idx]
+                            memValues[5].count += 1
+                        break;
+                        case "memory/physical/buffer":
+                            memValues[6].value += values[idx]
+                            memValues[6].count += 1
+                        break;
+                        case "memory/physical/cache":
+                            memValues[7].value += values[idx]
+                            memValues[7].count += 1
+                        break;
+                    }
-                if (sourceName == "mem/physical/cached") {
-                    memValues[0] = Number(data.max)
-                    memValues[3] = Number(data.value)
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    Timer {
+        interval: plasmoid.configuration.updateInterval * 100
+        running: true
+        repeat: true
+        property var memItem
+        onTriggered: {
+            for (var idx = 1; idx <= 7; idx ++) {
+                memItem = memValues[idx]
+                if (memItem.count > 0 ) {
+                    work[idx] = memItem.value / memItem.count
+                    memItem.value = 0
+                    memItem.count = 0
-                values = memValues
+            work[8] = work[4] - work[5] - work[6] - work[7]
+            values = work
diff --git a/plasmoid/contents/ui/Network.qml b/plasmoid/contents/ui/Network.qml
index 4645d102ecfbaa37d27bfc45071486cae7d1fea1..433eaf3a047cf3814393a286a056992b8b570a2d 100755
--- a/plasmoid/contents/ui/Network.qml
+++ b/plasmoid/contents/ui/Network.qml
@@ -22,10 +22,17 @@ import QtQuick.Layouts 1.0
 import org.kde.plasma.core 2.0 as PlasmaCore
 import org.kde.plasma.extras 2.0 as PlasmaExtras
 import org.kde.plasma.components 2.0 as PlasmaComponents
+import DbusModel 1.0
 Rectangle {
     id: rectangle
-    property var values: [1, 0, "", 0, 0] // Number of interfaces, toggle, label, Download, Upload
+    property var values: [1, "", 0, 0] // Number of interfaces, label, Download, Upload
+    property var work: [1, "", 0, 0]
+    property var netValues: [
+        {value:0, count:0},
+        {value:0, count:0},
+        {value:0, count:0},
+        {value:0, count:0}]
     property bool showBorder: true
     property bool compactView: false
     property int scale: 1024
@@ -53,9 +60,9 @@ Rectangle {
                 Repeater {
                     model: numNet
                     Rectangle {
-                        property int netLabel: (index * 3) + 2
-                        property int downRate: (index * 3) + 3
-                        property int upRate: (index * 3) + 4
+                        property int netLabel: (index * 4) + 1
+                        property int downRate: (index * 4) + 2
+                        property int upRate: (index * 4) + 3
                         x: (index * barWidth) + rectangle.border.width
                         y: rectangle.border.width
                         DualBarGraph {
@@ -103,9 +110,9 @@ Rectangle {
                         id: circGraph
                         width: (rectangle.width - (rectangle.border.width * 2)) / xDem
                         height: (rectangle.height - (rectangle.border.width * 2)) / yDem
-                        property int netLabel: (index * 3) + 2
-                        property int downRate: (index * 3) + 3
-                        property int upRate: (index * 3) + 4
+                        property int netLabel: (index * 4) + 1
+                        property int downRate: (index * 4) + 2
+                        property int upRate: (index * 4) + 3
                         config: [downColor, upColor]
                         devisor: scale
                         showLabels: plasmoid.configuration.showLabels && !compactView
@@ -137,9 +144,9 @@ Rectangle {
                         DualPlotterGraph {
                             width: plotWidth
                             height: Math.floor(plotHeight)
-                            property int netLabel: (index * 3) + 2
-                            property int downRate: (index * 3) + 3
-                            property int upRate: (index * 3) + 4
+                            property int netLabel: (index * 4) + 1
+                            property int downRate: (index * 4) + 2
+                            property int upRate: (index * 4) + 3
                             config: [downColor, upColor]
                             plots: 2
                             showLabels: plasmoid.configuration.showLabels && !compactView
@@ -165,15 +172,20 @@ Rectangle {
     function scaleit (v) {
-        if (v >= 1048576) {
-            v = v / 1048576
+        if (v >= 1073741824) {
+            v = v / 1073741824
             v = spaceit(v) + v.toFixed(2) + " GBS"
         } else {
-            if ( v >= 1024 ) {
-                v = v / 1024
+            if ( v >= 1048576 ) {
+                v = v / 1048576
                 v = spaceit(v) + v.toFixed(2) + " MBS"
             } else {
-                v = spaceit(v) + v.toFixed(2) + " KBS"
+                if (v >= 1024) {
+                    v = v / 1024
+                    v = spaceit(v) + v.toFixed(2) + " KBS"
+                } else {
+                    v = spaceit(v) + v.toFixed(2) + "  BS"
+                }
         return v
@@ -201,12 +213,12 @@ Rectangle {
                     ws = ""
                     numNet = values[0] - 1
                     for (var idx = 0; idx <= numNet; idx++) {
-                        index = idx * 3
-                        down = values[index + 3]
-                        up = values[index + 4]
+                        index = idx * 4
+                        down = values[index + 2]
+                        up = values[index + 3]
                         if (isNaN(down)) down = 0
                         if (isNaN(up)) up = 0
-                        ws += values[index + 2] + "\n"
+                        ws += values[index + 1] + "\n"
                         ws = ws + qsTr("Down: ") + scaleit(down) + "\n"
                         ws = ws + qsTr("Up:   ") + scaleit(up)
                         if (idx < numNet)
@@ -218,84 +230,115 @@ Rectangle {
+    Dbus {
+        id: dbus1
+        property var sensorKey
+        property var valueIdx
+        property var configKey
+        onNewSensorData: {
+            for (var idx = 0; idx < keys.length; idx++ ) {
+                sensorKey = keys[idx]
+                for (var idy = 0; idy < work[0]; idy++) {
+                    configKey = plasmoid.configuration.netSources[idy]
+                    if (sensorKey.indexOf(configKey) == 0) {
+                        valueIdx = (idy * 4) + 2
+                        switch (sensorKey) {
+                            case configKey + "/download":
+                                netValues[valueIdx].value += values[idx]
+                                netValues[valueIdx].count += 1
+                            break;
+                            case configKey + "/upload":
+                                netValues[valueIdx + 1].value += values[idx]
+                                netValues[valueIdx + 1].count += 1
+                            break;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
     function addSources() {
-        var idx
+        var keyidx
         var count
-        var name
-        var result
-        var res
+        var key = ""
+        var sensors = []
+        var sensorList = []
         count = 0
-        for (idx in dataSource.sources) {
-            name = dataSource.sources[idx]
-            result = name.match('^network\/interfaces\/((?!lo).+)\/transmitter\/dataTotal$')
-            if (result !== null) {
-                if (plasmoid.configuration.netSources.indexOf(result[1]) >= 0) {
-                    res = name.replace("transmitter\/dataTotal", "receiver\/data")
-                    dataSource.connectSource(res)
-                    res = name.replace("transmitter\/dataTotal", "transmitter\/data")
-                    dataSource.connectSource(res)
-                    values[(count * 3) + 2] = result[1]
+        sensors = dbus1.allSensors("network/");
+        for (var idx = 0; idx < sensors.length; idx++) {
+            if (sensors[idx].endsWith("/network")) {
+                keyidx = sensors[idx].indexOf("/network")
+                key = sensors[idx].slice(0,keyidx)
+                if (plasmoid.configuration.netSources.indexOf(key) >= 0) {
+                    sensorList.push(key + "/download")
+                    sensorList.push(key + "/upload")
+                    if (count > 0) {
+                        netValues[(count * 4)] = {value:0, count:0}
+                        netValues[(count * 4) + 1] = {value:0, count:0}
+                        netValues[(count * 4) + 2] = {value:0, count:0}
+                        netValues[(count * 4) + 3] = {value:0, count:0}
+                    }
                     count += 1
-        values[0] = count
+        if (plasmoid.configuration.netSources.indexOf("network/all") >= 0) {
+            sensorList.push("network/all/download")
+            sensorList.push("network/all/upload")
+            if (count > 0) {
+                netValues[(count * 4)] = {value:0, count:0}
+                netValues[(count * 4) + 1] = {value:0, count:0}
+                netValues[(count * 4) + 2] = {value:0, count:0}
+                netValues[(count * 4) + 3] = {value:0, count:0}
+            }
+            count += 1
+        }
+        dbus1.sensors = sensorList
+        work[0] = count
     Component.onCompleted: {
-    function updateScale(value) {
-        if (value > scale)
-            scale = value
-    }
-    PlasmaCore.DataSource {
-        id: dataSource
-        engine: "systemmonitor"
+    Timer {
         interval: plasmoid.configuration.updateInterval * 100
-        onSourcesChanged: {
-            addSources()
-        }
-        onNewData: {
-            var idx
-            var duValues
-            var result
-            duValues = values
-            scale *= .9
-            if (scale < 1024)
-                scale = 1024
-            if (data.value !== undefined) {
-                for (idx = 0; idx < duValues[0]; idx++) {
-                    result = sourceName.match('^network\/interfaces\/((?!lo).+)\/receiver\/data$')
-                    if (result !== null) {
-                        if (duValues[(idx * 3) + 2 ] === result[1]) {
-                            updateScale(data.value)
-                            duValues[(idx * 3) + 3] = Number(data.value)
-                        }
+        running: true
+        repeat: true
+        property var valueIdx
+        property var netItem
+        onTriggered: {
+            if (plasmoid.configuration.netSources != "") {
+                work[0] = plasmoid.configuration.netSources.length
+                for (var idx = 0; idx < work[0]; idx++) {
+                    valueIdx = (idx * 4) + 1
+                    if (plasmoid.configuration.netSources[idx] == "network/all" ) {
+                        work[valueIdx] = "All"
+                    } else {
+                        work[valueIdx] = 
+                            dbus1.stringData(plasmoid.configuration.netSources[idx] + "/network")
-                    result = sourceName.match('^network\/interfaces\/((?!lo).+)\/transmitter\/data$')
-                    if (result !== null) {
-                        if (duValues[(idx * 3) + 2 ] === result[1]) {
-                            updateScale(data.value)
-                            duValues[(idx * 3) + 4] = Number(data.value)
+                    for (var idy = 1; idy <= 2; idy++) {
+                        netItem = netValues[valueIdx + idy]
+                        if (netItem.count > 0) {
+                            work[valueIdx + idy] = netItem.value / netItem.count
+                            netItem.value = 0
+                            netItem.count = 0
-                values = duValues
+            values = work
     Connections {
         target: plasmoid.configuration
-        onNetSourcesChanged: {
-            while (dataSource.connectedSources.length > 0)
-                dataSource.connectedSources.pop()
+        function onNetSourcesChanged() {
diff --git a/plasmoid/contents/ui/PlotterGraph.qml b/plasmoid/contents/ui/PlotterGraph.qml
index c691e9e190ae6de15aaa95ca231b9eb571237b77..62a8b6dbc3b21fcc0af4a6001f0d310638ddee78 100644
--- a/plasmoid/contents/ui/PlotterGraph.qml
+++ b/plasmoid/contents/ui/PlotterGraph.qml
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Canvas {
         id: data
         property var graphValues: []
         property int numValues: 0
-        property int maxValues: 33
+        property int maxValues: 61
         property real segSize: width / (maxValues - 1 )
         property bool valuesChanged : false
         property var paths: []
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ Canvas {
     Component {
         id: curve
-        PathCurve {}
+        PathCubic {}
     Path {
@@ -74,23 +74,38 @@ Canvas {
         var pointCnt
         var curXLoc
         var curYLoc
+        var xDiff
         function addPoint(xLoc, yLoc) {
             if (data.paths.length < pointCnt + 1) {
-                if (pointCnt === 0) {
+                if (data.smoothing) {
+                    data.paths[pointCnt] = curve.createObject(plotCanvas, {})
+                } else {
                     data.paths[pointCnt] = line.createObject(plotCanvas, {})
+                }
+            }
+            if (data.smoothing) {
+                data.paths[pointCnt].x = Math.round(xLoc)
+                data.paths[pointCnt].y = Math.round(yLoc)
+                if (pointCnt == 0) {
+                    data.paths[pointCnt].control1X = plot.startX
+                    data.paths[pointCnt].control1Y = plot.startY
+                    data.paths[pointCnt].control2X = xLoc
+                    data.paths[pointCnt].control2Y = yLoc
                 } else {
-                    if (data.smoothing) {
-                        data.paths[pointCnt] = curve.createObject(plotCanvas, {})
-                    } else {
-                        data.paths[pointCnt] = line.createObject(plotCanvas, {})
-                    }
+                    xDiff = ((data.paths[pointCnt - 1].x - xLoc) / 2)
+                    data.paths[pointCnt].control1X = data.paths[pointCnt - 1].x - xDiff
+                    data.paths[pointCnt].control1Y = data.paths[pointCnt - 1].y
+                    data.paths[pointCnt].control2X = xLoc + xDiff
+                    data.paths[pointCnt].control2Y = yLoc
+            } else {
+                data.paths[pointCnt].x = Math.round(xLoc)
+                data.paths[pointCnt].y = Math.round(yLoc)
-            data.paths[pointCnt].x = Math.round(xLoc)
-            data.paths[pointCnt].y = Math.round(yLoc)
             pointCnt += 1
         if (data.reset) {
             data.paths.length = 0
             data.reset = false
diff --git a/plasmoid/contents/ui/Swap.qml b/plasmoid/contents/ui/Swap.qml
index 3f0eac220c6e0741e3786212a12d6b347af28134..8839b8987c3548e578e759c524f0c6a47a3d0086 100755
--- a/plasmoid/contents/ui/Swap.qml
+++ b/plasmoid/contents/ui/Swap.qml
@@ -22,10 +22,17 @@ import QtQuick.Layouts 1.0
 import org.kde.plasma.core 2.0 as PlasmaCore
 import org.kde.plasma.extras 2.0 as PlasmaExtras
 import org.kde.plasma.components 2.0 as PlasmaComponents
+import DbusModel 1.0
 Rectangle {
     id: rectangle
-    property var values: [0, 0] // swapFree, swapUsed
+    property var values: [0, 0, 0, 0] // used %, total swap, swapUsed, swapFree
+    property var work: [0, 0, 0, 0]
+    property var swapValues: [
+        {value:0, count:0},
+        {value:0, count:0},
+        {value:0, count:0},
+        {value:0, count:0}]
     property bool showBorder: true
     radius: 3
     color: "transparent"
@@ -47,9 +54,9 @@ Rectangle {
                 width: rectangle.width - (rectangle.border.width * 2)
                 height: rectangle.height - (rectangle.border.width * 2)
                 segments: 1
-                devisor: values[0] + values[1]
+                devisor: 100
                 config: [usedColor]
-                barValues: [0, values[1]]
+                barValues: [0, values[0]]
@@ -65,8 +72,8 @@ Rectangle {
                 height: rectangle.height - (rectangle.border.width * 2)
                 config: [usedColor]
                 segments: 1
-                devisor: values[0] + values[1]
-                segValues: [0, values[1]]
+                devisor: 100
+                segValues: [0, values[0]]
@@ -81,9 +88,9 @@ Rectangle {
                 width: rectangle.width - (rectangle.border.width * 2)
                 height: rectangle.height - (rectangle.border.width * 2)
                 config: [usedColor]
-                devisor: values[0] + values[1]
+                devisor: 100
                 plots: 1
-                plotValues: values
+                plotValues: [0, values[0]]
@@ -102,20 +109,25 @@ Rectangle {
     function scaleit (v) {
-        if (v >= 1048576) {
-            v = v / 1048576
+        if (v >= 1073741824) {
+            v = v / 1073741824
             v = spaceit(v) + v.toFixed(2) + " GiB"
         } else {
-            if ( v >= 1024 ) {
-                v = v / 1024
+            if ( v >= 1048576 ) {
+                v = v / 1048576
                 v = spaceit(v) + v.toFixed(2) + " MiB"
             } else {
-                v = spaceit(v) + v.toFixed(2) + " KiB"
+                if ( v >= 1024 ) {
+                    v = v / 1024    
+                    v = spaceit(v) + v.toFixed(2) + " KiB"
+                } else {
+                    v = spaceit(v) + v.toFixed(2) + "  iB"
+                }
         return v
     PlasmaCore.ToolTipArea {
         anchors.fill: parent
         interactive: true
@@ -129,40 +141,67 @@ Rectangle {
                 color: border.color
                 text: {
                     var ws
-                    ws =      qsTr("Total Swap: ") + scaleit(values[0] + values[1]) + "\n"
-                    ws = ws + qsTr("Used Swap:  ") + scaleit(values[1]) + "\n"
-                    ws = ws + qsTr("Free Swap:  ") + scaleit(values[0])
+                    ws =      qsTr("Total Swap: ") + scaleit(values[1]) + "\n"
+                    ws = ws + qsTr("Used Swap:  ") + scaleit(values[2]) + "\n"
+                    ws = ws + qsTr("Free Swap:  ") + scaleit(values[3])
                     return ws
-    PlasmaCore.DataSource {
-        engine: "systemmonitor"
-        interval: plasmoid.configuration.updateInterval * 1000
-        property int numCores: 1
-        connectedSources: {
-            var srcs = []
-            srcs.push("mem/swap/free")
-            srcs.push("mem/swap/used")
-            return srcs
+    Dbus {
+        id : dbus1
+        property var sensorKey
+        sensors: ["memory/swap/usedPercent",
+            "memory/swap/total",
+            "memory/swap/used",
+            "memory/swap/free"]
+        onNewSensorData: {
+            for (var idx = 0; idx < keys.length; idx++) {
+                sensorKey = keys[idx]
+                if (sensorKey.indexOf("memory/swap") == 0) {
+                    switch(sensorKey) {
+                        case "memory/swap/usedPercent":
+                            swapValues[0].value += values[idx]
+                            swapValues[0].count += 1
+                        break;
+                        case "memory/swap/total":
+                            swapValues[1].value += values[idx]
+                            swapValues[1].count += 1
+                        break;
+                        case "memory/swap/used":
+                            swapValues[2].value += values[idx]
+                            swapValues[2].count += 1
+                        break;
+                        case "memory/swap/free":
+                            swapValues[3].value += values[idx]
+                            swapValues[3].count += 1
+                        break;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
-        onNewData: {
-            var swapValues
-            swapValues = values
-            if (data.value !== undefined && data.max !== undefined) {
-                if (sourceName == "mem/swap/free") swapValues[0] = Number(data.value)
-                if (sourceName == "mem/swap/used") swapValues[1] = Number(data.value)
-                if (swapValues[2] === 0) {
-                    swapValues[2] = 1
-                } else {
-                    swapValues[2] = 0
+    }
+    Timer {
+        interval: plasmoid.configuration.updateInterval * 100
+        running: true
+        repeat: true
+        property var swapItem
+        onTriggered: {
+            for (var idx = 0; idx < 4; idx++) {
+                swapItem = swapValues[idx]
+                if (swapItem.count > 0) {
+                    work[idx] = swapItem.value / swapItem.count
+                    swapItem.value = 0
+                    swapItem.count = 0
-                values = swapValues
+            values = work
diff --git a/plasmoid/contents/ui/configColors.qml b/plasmoid/contents/ui/configColors.qml
index 23ba5c694f8c8a72165e35ae2f18c78fb438a35f..28f76d379478f91312fdec5d7b881c071199ec57 100755
--- a/plasmoid/contents/ui/configColors.qml
+++ b/plasmoid/contents/ui/configColors.qml
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Item {
     property alias cfg_cpuSystemColor: cpuSystemColorPicker.color
     property alias cfg_cpuUserColor: cpuUserColorPicker.color
     property alias cfg_cpuIOWaitColor: cpuIOWaitColorPicker.color
-    property alias cfg_cpuNiceColor: cpuNiceColorPicker.color
+//    property alias cfg_cpuNiceColor: cpuNiceColorPicker.color
     property alias cfg_memAppsColor: memAppsColorPicker.color
     property alias cfg_memBuffColor: memBuffColorPicker.color
     property alias cfg_memCacheColor: memCacheColorPicker.color
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ Item {
         Text {
             id: cpuColors
             Layout.row: 1
-            Layout.column: 1
+            Layout.column: 3
             font.bold: true
             text: qsTr("CPU")
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ Item {
         Label {
             id: systemColor
             Layout.row: 2
-            Layout.column: 0
+            Layout.column: 2
             text: qsTr("System:")
             Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignVCenter
             enabled: customColors.checked
@@ -67,14 +67,14 @@ Item {
         KQuickControls.ColorButton {
             id: cpuSystemColorPicker
             Layout.row: 2
-            Layout.column: 1
+            Layout.column: 3
             enabled: customColors.checked
         Label {
             id: userColor
             Layout.row: 3
-            Layout.column: 0
+            Layout.column: 2
             text: qsTr("User:")
             Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignVCenter
             enabled: customColors.checked
@@ -83,14 +83,14 @@ Item {
         KQuickControls.ColorButton {
             id: cpuUserColorPicker
             Layout.row: 3
-            Layout.column: 1
+            Layout.column: 3
             enabled: customColors.checked
         Label {
             id: ioWaitColor
             Layout.row: 4
-            Layout.column: 0
+            Layout.column: 2
             text: qsTr("IO Wait:")
             Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignVCenter
             enabled: customColors.checked
@@ -99,25 +99,25 @@ Item {
         KQuickControls.ColorButton {
             id: cpuIOWaitColorPicker
             Layout.row: 4
-            Layout.column: 1
+            Layout.column: 3
             enabled: customColors.checked
-        Label {
-            id: niceColor
-            Layout.row: 5
-            Layout.column: 0
-            text: qsTr("Nice:")
-            Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignVCenter
-            enabled: customColors.checked
-        }
+//        Label {
+//            id: niceColor
+//            Layout.row: 5
+//            Layout.column: 0
+//            text: qsTr("Nice:")
+//            Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignVCenter
+//            enabled: customColors.checked
+//        }
-        KQuickControls.ColorButton {
-            id: cpuNiceColorPicker
-            Layout.row: 5
-            Layout.column: 1
-            enabled: customColors.checked
-        }
+//        KQuickControls.ColorButton {
+//            id: cpuNiceColorPicker
+//            Layout.row: 5
+//            Layout.column: 1
+//            enabled: customColors.checked
+//        }
         Text {
             id: rowspacer
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ Item {
         Text {
             id: diskColors
             Layout.row: 1
-            Layout.column: 3
+            Layout.column: 1
             font.bold: true
             text: qsTr("Disk")
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ Item {
         Label {
             id: diskReadColor
             Layout.row: 2
-            Layout.column: 2
+            Layout.column: 0
             text: qsTr("Read:")
             Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignVCenter
             enabled: customColors.checked
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ Item {
         KQuickControls.ColorButton {
             Layout.row: 2
-            Layout.column: 3
+            Layout.column: 1
             id: diskIOReadColorPicker
             enabled: customColors.checked
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ Item {
         Label {
             id: diskWriteColor
             Layout.row: 3
-            Layout.column: 2
+            Layout.column: 0
             text: qsTr("Write:")
             Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignVCenter
             enabled: customColors.checked
@@ -219,14 +219,14 @@ Item {
         KQuickControls.ColorButton {
             id: diskIOWriteColorPicker
             Layout.row: 3
-            Layout.column: 3
+            Layout.column: 1
             enabled: customColors.checked
         Label {
             id: diskColor
             Layout.row: 4
-            Layout.column: 2
+            Layout.column: 0
             text: qsTr("Disk Space:")
             Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignVCenter
             enabled: customColors.checked
@@ -235,14 +235,14 @@ Item {
         KQuickControls.ColorButton {
             id: diskSpaceColorPicker
             Layout.row: 4
-            Layout.column: 3
+            Layout.column: 1
             enabled: customColors.checked
         Label {
             id: swapColor
             Layout.row: 5
-            Layout.column: 2
+            Layout.column: 0
             text: qsTr("Swap:")
             Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignVCenter
             enabled: customColors.checked
@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ Item {
         KQuickControls.ColorButton {
             id: swapColorPicker
             Layout.row: 5
-            Layout.column: 3
+            Layout.column: 1
             enabled: customColors.checked
diff --git a/plasmoid/contents/ui/configDiskIO.qml b/plasmoid/contents/ui/configDiskIO.qml
index e11c80b2801f5b8ec339278c0ea2d412bbb69c04..f8fea5cabf0a9c91bca8c82f2e3aedce06ba2406 100755
--- a/plasmoid/contents/ui/configDiskIO.qml
+++ b/plasmoid/contents/ui/configDiskIO.qml
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import QtQuick 2.1
 import QtQuick.Controls 2.0
 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.0
 import org.kde.plasma.core 2.0 as PlasmaCore
+import DbusModel 1.0
 Item {
     property var cfg_dioSources: []
@@ -34,19 +35,19 @@ Item {
         Repeater {
             model: sources
             CheckBox {
-                text: qsTr(model.name)
+                text: model.name
                 checked: model.checked
                 onCheckedChanged: {
                     var idx
                     if(!data.loading) {
                         if (checked) {
-                            idx = cfg_dioSources.indexOf(model.name)
+                            idx = cfg_dioSources.indexOf(model.keyid)
                             if (idx < 0) {
-                                cfg_dioSources.push(model.name)
+                                cfg_dioSources.push(model.keyid)
                         } else {
-                            idx = cfg_dioSources.indexOf(model.name)
+                            idx = cfg_dioSources.indexOf(model.keyid)
                             cfg_dioSources.splice(idx, 1)
@@ -59,39 +60,47 @@ Item {
     ListModel {
         id: sources
-    PlasmaCore.DataSource {
-        id: dataSource
-        engine: "systemmonitor"
+    Dbus {
+        id : dbus1
     Component.onCompleted: {
         var idx
         var cfgLength
-        var name
-        var result
+        var dskName
+        var sensors = []
+        var nameIdx
+        var key
         data.loading = true
-        for (idx in dataSource.sources) {
-            name = dataSource.sources[idx]
-            result = name.match('^disk\/(sd.|nvme.n.)_[(][^\/]*\/Rate\/totalio$')
-            if (result !== null) {
-                if (cfg_dioSources.indexOf(result[1]) < 0) {
-                    sources.append({name:result[1], checked: false})
+        cfg_dioSources = plasmoid.configuration['dioSources']
+        sensors = dbus1.allSensors("disk/");
+        for (var idx = 0; idx < sensors.length; idx++) {
+            if (sensors[idx].endsWith("/name")) {
+                nameIdx = sensors[idx].indexOf("/name")
+                key = sensors[idx].slice(0,nameIdx)
+                dskName = dbus1.stringData(sensors[idx])
+                if (cfg_dioSources.indexOf(key) < 0 ) {
+                    sources.append({keyid:key, name: dskName, checked: false})
                 } else {
-                    sources.append({name:result[1], checked: true})
+                    sources.append({keyid:key, name: dskName, checked: true})
-        cfgLength = cfg_dioSources.length
+        key = "disk/all"
+        dskName = "All"
+        if (cfg_dioSources.indexOf(key) < 0 ) {
+            sources.append({keyid:key, name: dskName, checked: false})
+        } else {
+            sources.append({keyid:key, name: dskName, checked: true})
+        }
         cfg_dioSources.length = 0
         for (idx = 0; idx < sources.count; idx++) {
-            if (sources.get(idx).checked) {
-                cfg_dioSources.push(sources.get(idx).name)
-            }
+            if (sources.get(idx).checked) 
+                cfg_dioSources.push(sources.get(idx).keyid)
-        if (cfg_dioSources.length !== cfgLength)
-            plasmoid.configuration['dioSources'] = cfg_dioSources
+        plasmoid.configuration['dioSources'] = cfg_dioSources
         data.loading = false
diff --git a/plasmoid/contents/ui/configDiskSpace.qml b/plasmoid/contents/ui/configDiskSpace.qml
index 8666a41f4f796992302a794df721e41d093f3941..c32a150f5feab414d074648d793a883e30310585 100644
--- a/plasmoid/contents/ui/configDiskSpace.qml
+++ b/plasmoid/contents/ui/configDiskSpace.qml
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import QtQuick 2.1
 import QtQuick.Controls 2.0
 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.0
 import org.kde.plasma.core 2.0 as PlasmaCore
+import DbusModel 1.0
 Item {
     property var cfg_dsSources: []
@@ -35,19 +35,19 @@ Item {
         Repeater {
             model: sources
             CheckBox {
-                text: qsTr(model.name)
+                text: model.name
                 checked: model.checked
                 onCheckedChanged: {
                     var idx
                     if(!data.loading) {
                         if (checked) {
-                            idx = cfg_dsSources.indexOf(model.name)
+                            idx = cfg_dsSources.indexOf(model.keyid)
                             if (idx < 0) {
-                                cfg_dsSources.push(model.name)
+                                cfg_dsSources.push(model.keyid)
                         } else {
-                            idx = cfg_dsSources.indexOf(model.name)
+                            idx = cfg_dsSources.indexOf(model.keyid)
                             cfg_dsSources.splice(idx, 1)
@@ -61,38 +61,45 @@ Item {
         id: sources
-    PlasmaCore.DataSource {
-        id: dataSource
-        engine: "systemmonitor"
+    Dbus {
+        id : dbus1
     Component.onCompleted: {
-        var idx
         var cfgLength
-        var name
-        var result
+        var dskName
+        var sensors = []
+        var nameIdx
+        var key
         data.loading = true
-        for (idx in dataSource.sources) {
-            name = dataSource.sources[idx]
-            result = name.match('^partitions(.+)\/filllevel$')
-            if (result !== null) {
-                if (cfg_dsSources.indexOf(result[1]) < 0) {
-                    sources.append({name:result[1], checked: false})
+        cfg_dsSources = plasmoid.configuration['dsSources']
+        sensors = dbus1.allSensors("disk/");
+        for (var idx = 0; idx < sensors.length; idx++) {
+            if (sensors[idx].endsWith("/name")) {
+                nameIdx = sensors[idx].indexOf("/name")
+                key = sensors[idx].slice(0,nameIdx)
+                dskName = dbus1.stringData(sensors[idx])
+                if (cfg_dsSources.indexOf(key) < 0 ) {
+                    sources.append({keyid:key, name: dskName, checked: false})
                 } else {
-                    sources.append({name:result[1], checked: true})
+                    sources.append({keyid:key, name: dskName, checked: true})
-        cfgLength = cfg_dsSources.length
+        key = "disk/all"
+        dskName = "All"
+        if (cfg_dsSources.indexOf(key) < 0 ) {
+            sources.append({keyid:key, name: dskName, checked: false})
+        } else {
+            sources.append({keyid:key, name: dskName, checked: true})
+        }
         cfg_dsSources.length = 0
         for (idx = 0; idx < sources.count; idx++) {
-            if (sources.get(idx).checked) {
-                cfg_dsSources.push(sources.get(idx).name)
-            }
+            if (sources.get(idx).checked) 
+                cfg_dsSources.push(sources.get(idx).keyid)
-        if (cfg_dsSources.length !== cfgLength)
-            plasmoid.configuration['dsSources'] = cfg_dsSources
+        plasmoid.configuration['dsSources'] = cfg_dsSources
         data.loading = false
diff --git a/plasmoid/contents/ui/configNetwork.qml b/plasmoid/contents/ui/configNetwork.qml
index b04ee155681d7ba5e133a58068626b3b89331e53..fb40e129f400099289b094900f2e6d7195451481 100644
--- a/plasmoid/contents/ui/configNetwork.qml
+++ b/plasmoid/contents/ui/configNetwork.qml
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import QtQuick 2.1
 import QtQuick.Controls 2.0
 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.0
 import org.kde.plasma.core 2.0 as PlasmaCore
+import DbusModel 1.0
 Item {
     property var cfg_netSources: []
@@ -35,19 +35,19 @@ Item {
         Repeater {
             model: sources
             CheckBox {
-                text: qsTr(model.name)
+                text: model.name
                 checked: model.checked
                 onCheckedChanged: {
                     var idx
                     if(!data.loading) {
                         if (checked) {
-                            idx = cfg_netSources.indexOf(model.name)
+                            idx = cfg_netSources.indexOf(model.keyid)
                             if (idx < 0) {
-                                cfg_netSources.push(model.name)
+                                cfg_netSources.push(model.keyid)
                         } else {
-                            idx = cfg_netSources.indexOf(model.name)
+                            idx = cfg_netSources.indexOf(model.keyid)
                             cfg_netSources.splice(idx, 1)
@@ -61,38 +61,45 @@ Item {
         id: sources
-    PlasmaCore.DataSource {
-        id: dataSource
-        engine: "systemmonitor"
+    Dbus {
+        id : dbus1
     Component.onCompleted: {
-        var idx
         var cfgLength
-        var name
-        var result
+        var netName
+        var sensors = []
+        var nameIdx
+        var key
         data.loading = true
-        for (idx in dataSource.sources) {
-            name = dataSource.sources[idx]
-            result = name.match('^network\/interfaces\/((?!lo).+)\/transmitter\/dataTotal$')
-            if (result !== null) {
-                if (cfg_netSources.indexOf(result[1]) < 0) {
-                    sources.append({name:result[1], checked: false})
+        cfg_netSources = plasmoid.configuration['netSources']
+        sensors = dbus1.allSensors("network/");
+        for (var idx = 0; idx < sensors.length; idx++) {
+            if (sensors[idx].endsWith("/network")) {
+                nameIdx = sensors[idx].indexOf("/network")
+                key = sensors[idx].slice(0,nameIdx)
+                netName = dbus1.stringData(sensors[idx])
+                if (cfg_netSources.indexOf(key) < 0 ) {
+                    sources.append({keyid:key, name: netName, checked: false})
                 } else {
-                    sources.append({name:result[1], checked: true})
+                    sources.append({keyid:key, name: netName, checked: true})
-        cfgLength = cfg_netSources.length
+        key = "network/all"
+        netName = "All"
+        if (cfg_netSources.indexOf(key) < 0 ) {
+            sources.append({keyid:key, name: netName, checked: false})
+        } else {
+            sources.append({keyid:key, name: netName, checked: true})
+        }
         cfg_netSources.length = 0
         for (idx = 0; idx < sources.count; idx++) {
-            if (sources.get(idx).checked) {
-                cfg_netSources.push(sources.get(idx).name)
-            }
+            if (sources.get(idx).checked) 
+                cfg_netSources.push(sources.get(idx).keyid)
-        if (cfg_netSources.length !== cfgLength)
-            plasmoid.configuration['netSources'] = cfg_netSources
+        plasmoid.configuration['netSources'] = cfg_netSources
         data.loading = false
diff --git a/plasmoid/contents/ui/imports/DbusModel/libqmldbusmodelplugin.so b/plasmoid/contents/ui/imports/DbusModel/libqmldbusmodelplugin.so
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..169c048bdc67b923b1396e095b8f1bccf2d65b0e
Binary files /dev/null and b/plasmoid/contents/ui/imports/DbusModel/libqmldbusmodelplugin.so differ
diff --git a/plasmoid/contents/ui/imports/DbusModel/plugins.qmltypes b/plasmoid/contents/ui/imports/DbusModel/plugins.qmltypes
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ed2b11a444fee5c613279e11ce4edf08bd4682f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plasmoid/contents/ui/imports/DbusModel/plugins.qmltypes
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+import QtQuick.tooling 1.2
+// This file describes the plugin-supplied types contained in the library.
+// It is used for QML tooling purposes only.
+// This file was auto-generated by qmltyperegistrar.
+Module {
+    dependencies: ["QtQuick 2.0"]
+    Component {
+        file: "dbusmodel.h"
+        name: "DbusModel"
+        prototype: "QObject"
+        exports: ["DbusModel/Dbus 1.0"]
+        exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0]
+        Property { name: "count"; type: "int"; isReadonly: true }
+    }
diff --git a/plasmoid/contents/ui/qmldir b/plasmoid/contents/ui/qmldir
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..05defa504afe43e08eaed42a952b22f1bbfa2523
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plasmoid/contents/ui/qmldir
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+plugin qmldbusmodelplugin ./imports/DbusModel 
diff --git a/plasmoid/metadata.json b/plasmoid/metadata.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1b8fc0b6a9f489d5e6ea6788510cb05d4566e426
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plasmoid/metadata.json
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+    "KPlugin": {
+        "Authors": [
+            {
+                "Email": "bstrong@softtechok.com",
+                "Name": "Barry Strong"
+            }
+        ],
+        "Category": "System Information",
+        "Description": "Shows System Monitor Information",
+        "Icon": "org.kde.plasma.systemloadviewer",
+        "Id": "com.softtechok.systemmonitorplasmoid",
+        "License": "GPL3+",
+        "Name": "System Monitor Plasmoid",
+        "ServiceTypes": [
+            "Plasma/Applet"
+        ],
+        "Version": "1.02",
+        "Website": "https://www.opencode.net/bstrong5280"
+    },
+    "X-Plasma-API": "declarativeappletscript",
+    "X-Plasma-MainScript": "ui/main.qml"