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-# Install-type mapping
-## https://www.app-addons.org/
-Category | Install-type
-GnoMenu Skins | -
-VLC Skins | -
-XMMS Skins | -
-Krita Resources | -
-Amarok Themes | -
-Knights Themes | -
-Yakuake Skins | yakuake_skins
-Kdenlive FX | -
-ODF Templates | -
-MPlayer Themes | -
-## https://www.compiz-themes.org/
-Category | Install-type
-Compiz Themes | emerald_themes / compiz_themes
-Skydomes | -
-Cubecaps | -
-## https://www.e17-stuff.org/
-Category | Install-type
-Enlightenment Themes | enlightenment_themes
-E17 Entrance Themes | -
-E17 Enlightenment Backgrounds | enlightenment_backgrounds
-E17 Animated Backgrounds | enlightenment_backgrounds
-## https://www.free-artwork.org/
-Category | Install-type
-3D Renderings | -
-Stock Images | -
-Animations | -
-Drawings | -
-Cliparts | -
-Paintings | -
-Artwork Contest | -
-Inkscape Templates | -
-Scribus Templates | -
-Logos | -
-## https://www.box-look.org/
-Category | Install-type
-Beryl/Emerald Themes | emerald_themes / beryl_themes
-Metacity Window Decorations | themes / metacity_themes
-Fluxbox Themes | fluxbox_styles
-Openbox Themes | themes / openbox_themes
-Pek-WM Themes | pekwm_themes
-Ice-WM Themes | icewm_themes
-FVWM Themes | -
-Window-Maker Themes | -
-## https://www.beryl-themes.org/
-Category | Install-type
-Beryl/Emerald Themes | emerald_themes / beryl_themes
-## https://www.cinnamon-look.org/
-Category | Install-type
-Cinnamon Themes | themes / cinnamon_themes
-GTK3 Themes | themes / gtk3_themes
-MDM Themes | -
-GNOME Icon Themes | icons
-Cinnamon Applets | cinnamon_applets
-Cinnamon Desklets | cinnamon_desklets
-Cinnamon Extensions | cinnamon_extensions
-## https://www.trinity-look.org/
-Category | Install-type
-Wallpapers | wallpapers
-KDE 3.x Window Decorations | -
-KDE 3.x Themes | -
-Kbfx Menu Themes | -
-Karamba | -
-KDM3 Themes | -
-KDE 3 Splash Screens | -
-## https://www.gnome-look.org/
-Category | Install-type
-Wallpapers | wallpapers
-Fonts | fonts
-Mouse Themes | cursors
-Metacity Window Decorations | themes / metacity_themes
-Nautilus Scripts | nautilus_scripts
-GnoMenu Skins | -
-GDM Themes | -
-GNOME 3.x Shell Themes | themes / gnome_shell_themes
-GTK3 Themes | themes / gtk3_themes
-GTK2 Themes | themes / gtk2_themes
-Icon Themes | icons
-Gnome Extensions | gnome_shell_extensions
-Gnome Color Schemes | -
-Gnome Other | -
-Cairo Clock Themes | cairo_clock_themes
-## https://www.mate-look.org/
-Category | Install-type
-Mouse Themes | cursors
-Metacity Window Decorations | themes / metacity_themes
-GDM Themes | -
-GNOME Icon Themes | icons
-GTK2 Themes | themes / gtk2_themes
-## https://www.xfce-look.org/
-Category | Install-type
-Wallpapers | wallpapers
-Mouse Themes | cursors
-Compiz Themes | emerald_themes / compiz_themes
-Beryl/Emerald Themes | emerald_themes / beryl_themes
-GTK2 Themes | themes / gtk2_themes
-XFCE Icon Themes | icons
-XFCE/XFWM Themes | themes / xfwm4_themes
-## https://www.kde-look.org/
-Category | Install-type
-Plasma Look'n'Feel | plasma_look_and_feel / plasma5_look_and_feel
-Plasma 5 Themes | plasma_desktopthemes / plasma5_desktopthemes
-Plasma Widget Styles | -
-Aurorae Themes | aurorae_themes
-deKorator Themes | dekorator_themes
-Kvantum Styles | themes / kvantum_themes
-QtCurve Styles | qtcurve
-Bespin Themes | -
-Plasma Splash Screens | -
-SDDM Themes | -
-Plasma 5 Widgets | plasma_plasmoids / plasma5_plasmoids
-Plasma Color Schemes | color_schemes / plasma_color_schemes
-Mouse Cursors | cursors
-Emoticons | emoticons
-Conky Screenlets | -
-Kwin Scripts | kwin_scripts
-Kwin Switching Layouts | kwin_tabbox
-Dolphin Service Menus | -
-Amarok 2.x Scripts | amarok_scripts
-Plasma Improvements | -
-Plasma Comics | -
-Yakuake Skins | yakuake_skins
-Wallpapers | wallpapers
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index a09357bc3c6ff4e1ed05f1c886239ec263ca8612..049df5ed1d3f68142dc4f91e17d1cb6ce0cd7e5c 100644
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@@ -6,141 +6,12 @@ Copyright: 2016, Akira Ohgaki
 License: GPL-3+
-## How to install
+Download packages for linux:
-For Ubuntu/Debian system,
-you can use "install.sh" in the project to install the program.
-    $ sh install.sh
+And please check Wiki page for more information.
-And you can use "uninstall.sh" to uninstall the program.
-    $ sh uninstall.sh
-## How to use
-#### From web browser
-Open XDG-URL by click a links, or type XDG-URL in browser's address bar.
-In firefox,
-you can get a program selection window when first time to open XDG-URL,
-and you can choose "xdgurl" as custom URL handler.
-If you can not get a program selection window,
-you need set the xdgurl program as custom URL handler for xdg:// scheme in browser's settings.
-#### From command-line terminal
-Execute xdgurl program with argument XDG-URL.
-    $ xdgurl "XDG-URL"
-XDG-URL is a custom URL that represent the installation method for desktop stuff.
-    [scheme]://[command]?[query string]
-    For example:
-    xdg://install?url=http%3A%2F%2Fexample.com%2Ficons.tar.gz&type=icons
-#### Scheme
-* xdg
-* xdgs
-"xdgs" scheme is the same of the xdg scheme for now,
-it's a reserved name for secure protocol in the future.
-#### Command
-* download
-* install
-Command "download" will download the file from specified URL to local destination of specified install-type.
-Command "install" will make file downloading and trigger installation process.
-#### Query string
-XDG-URL's query string is an option of command.
-*All query string values should be urlencoded.*
-**url** = File URL of desktop stuff
-Must be set.
-**type** = Install-type
-Default is "downloads".
-Available install-type:
-Install-type | Local destination
-downloads | ~/Downloads
-documents | ~/Documents
-pictures | ~/Pictures
-music | ~/Music
-videos | ~/Videos
-wallpapers | ~/.local/share/wallpapers
-fonts | ~/.fonts
-cursors | ~/.icons
-icons | ~/.local/share/icons
-emoticons | ~/.local/share/emoticons
-themes | ~/.themes
-emerald_themes | ~/.emerald/themes
-enlightenment_themes | ~/.e/e/themes
-enlightenment_backgrounds | ~/.e/e/backgrounds
-fluxbox_styles | ~/.fluxbox/styles
-pekwm_themes | ~/.pekwm/themes
-icewm_themes | ~/.icewm/themes
-plasma_plasmoids | ~/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids
-plasma_look_and_feel | ~/.local/share/plasma/look-and-feel
-plasma_desktopthemes | ~/.local/share/plasma/desktoptheme
-kwin_effects | ~/.local/share/kwin/effects
-kwin_scripts | ~/.local/share/kwin/scripts
-kwin_tabbox | ~/.local/share/kwin/tabbox
-aurorae_themes | ~/.local/share/aurorae/themes
-dekorator_themes | ~/.local/share/deKorator/themes
-qtcurve | ~/.local/share/QtCurve
-color_schemes | ~/.local/share/color-schemes
-gnome_shell_extensions | ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions
-cinnamon_applets | ~/.local/share/cinnamon/applets
-cinnamon_desklets | ~/.local/share/cinnamon/desklets
-cinnamon_extensions | ~/.local/share/cinnamon/extensions
-nautilus_scripts | ~/.local/share/nautilus/scripts
-amarok_scripts | ~/.kde/share/apps/amarok/scripts
-yakuake_skins | ~/.kde/share/apps/yakuake/skins
-cairo_clock_themes | ~/.cairo-clock/themes
-Available alias name of the install-type:
-Alias | Install-type
-gnome_shell_themes | themes
-cinnamon_themes | themes
-gtk2_themes | themes
-gtk3_themes | themes
-metacity_themes | themes
-xfwm4_themes | themes
-openbox_themes | themes
-kvantum_themes | themes
-compiz_themes | emerald_themes
-beryl_themes | emerald_themes
-plasma4_plasmoids | plasma_plasmoids
-plasma5_plasmoids | plasma_plasmoids
-plasma5_look_and_feel | plasma_look_and_feel
-plasma5_desktopthemes | plasma_desktopthemes
-plasma_color_schemes | color_schemes
-**filename** = Alternative file name
-This option is useful if the download URL does not represent the file name.