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<title>Sugar Candy SDDM theme issues</title>
<link href="/marianarlt/sddm-sugar-candy/-/issues.atom?state=opened" rel="self" type="application/atom+xml"/>
<link href="https://www.opencode.net/marianarlt/sddm-sugar-candy/-/issues" rel="alternate" type="text/html"/>
  <link href="https://www.opencode.net/marianarlt/sddm-sugar-candy/-/issues/3"/>
  <title>low resolution issue and theme update request</title>
  <media:thumbnail width="40" height="40" url="https://www.opendesktop.org/member/avatar/3ec32e8fd213e9318886923d1d4058e74222089cd8466e3504e3261943e0977b/80"/>
  <summary>low resolution issue and theme update request</summary>
  <description>The username box on the theme seems problematic on low resolution computers. Also great job if you update this theme again. It&amp;#39;s a pity that such a beautiful theme is getting old. Kind regards..

  <content>The username box on the theme seems problematic on low resolution computers. Also great job if you update this theme again. It's a pity that such a beautiful theme is getting old. Kind regards..

  <link href="https://www.opencode.net/marianarlt/sddm-sugar-candy/-/issues/2"/>
  <title>Parts of username is displayed just to the left of the user selection box</title>
  <media:thumbnail width="40" height="40" url="https://www.opendesktop.org/member/avatar/e996d21f4e4d9c29f57e89826cb6d894ad8ace9981009e6db84d0dcca0f8b948/80"/>
  <summary>Parts of username is displayed just to the left of the user selection box</summary>
  <description>The ComboBox that makes up the user selection seems to display the username, in addition to the icon. In most cases I guess this does not show up due to the user selection button displaying over the text, but in my case I can see parts o...</description>
  <content>The ComboBox that makes up the user selection seems to display the username, in addition to the icon. In most cases I guess this does not show up due to the user selection button displaying over the text, but in my case I can see parts of the first character in my username (a). See the attached screenshot:


My resolution is 2560x1440. Plasma 5.18-2, SDDM 0.18.1-2 and version 1.6 of Sugar Candy.

This can be fixed by adding `displayText: ""` to [this](https://www.opencode.net/marianarlt/sddm-sugar-candy/blob/master/Components/Input.qml#L44) ComboBox.

Thank you for this nice theme :-)</content>