require 'rubygems' require 'hoe' require 'erb' require 'rake/extensiontask' require './lib/fox16/version.rb' load 'Rakefile.cross' # Some constants we'll need PKG_VERSION = Fox.fxrubyversion FXSCINTILLA_INSTALL_DIR = Pathname( "build/builds/fxscintilla-#{LIBFXSCINTILLA_VERSION}" ).expand_path hoe = Hoe.spec "fxruby" do # ... project specific data ... self.blog_categories = %w{FXRuby} self.clean_globs = [".config", "ext/fox16/Makefile", "ext/fox16/*.o", "ext/fox16/*.bundle", "ext/fox16/mkmf.log", "ext/fox16/conftest.dSYM", "ext/fox16/include/swigrubyrun.h"] developer("Lyle Johnson", "") self.extra_rdoc_files = ["rdoc-sources", File.join("rdoc-sources", "README.rdoc")] self.remote_rdoc_dir = "doc/api" self.spec_extras = { :description => "FXRuby is the Ruby binding to the FOX GUI toolkit.", :extensions => ["ext/fox16/extconf.rb"], :rdoc_options => ['--main', File.join('rdoc-sources', 'README.rdoc'), '--exclude', 'ext/fox16', '--exclude', %r{aliases|kwargs|missingdep|responder}.inspect], :require_paths => ['ext/fox16', 'lib'], :summary => "FXRuby is the Ruby binding to the FOX GUI toolkit." } self.test_globs = ["test/**/TC_*.rb"] self.version = PKG_VERSION end # Make sure extension is built before tests are run task :test => [:compile] # The "docs" task created by Hoe assumes that we want to run RDoc # over everything under the "lib" and "ext" subdirectories. # We need to go back and tell it to skip the stuff under ext. # rdoc_target = Rake::Task['docs'].prerequisites.first # rdoc_files = Rake::Task[rdoc_target].prerequisites # rdoc_files.reject! {|x| x == "ext/fox16" } # Make sure that all of the package contents exist before we try to build the package #Rake::Task['package'].prerequisites.unshift("swig:swig", "fxruby:setversions", "fxruby:generate_kwargs_lib") # ... project specific tasks ..."fox16", hoe.spec) do |ext| ext.cross_compile = true ext.cross_platform = ['i386-mingw32'] ext.cross_config_options += [ "--with-fxscintilla-include=#{STATIC_INSTALLDIR}/include/fxscintilla", "--with-installed-dir=#{STATIC_INSTALLDIR}", "--enable-win32-static-build", "--with-fxscintilla", ] end # Set environment variable SWIG_LIB to # c:/ruby-1.8.6-p383-preview2/devkit/msys/1.0.11/usr/local/share/swig/1.3.22 # before running swig on MinGW. namespace :swig do SWIG = (RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mingw/) ? "swig-1.3.22.exe" : "swig-1.3.22" SWIGFLAGS = "-fcompact -noruntime -c++ -ruby -no_default -I../fox-includes" SWIG_LIB = `#{SWIG} -swiglib`.chomp SWIG_MODULES = { "core.i" => "core_wrap.cpp", "dcmodule.i" => "dc_wrap.cpp", "dialogs.i" => "dialogs_wrap.cpp", "framesmodule.i" => "frames_wrap.cpp", "iconlistmodule.i" => "iconlist_wrap.cpp", "icons.i" => "icons_wrap.cpp", "image.i" => "image_wrap.cpp", "labelmodule.i" => "label_wrap.cpp", "layout.i" => "layout_wrap.cpp", "listmodule.i" => "list_wrap.cpp", "mdi.i" => "mdi_wrap.cpp", "menumodule.i" => "menu_wrap.cpp", "fx3d.i" => "fx3d_wrap.cpp", "scintilla.i" => "scintilla_wrap.cpp", "table-module.i" => "table_wrap.cpp", "text-module.i" => "text_wrap.cpp", "treelist-module.i" => "treelist_wrap.cpp", "ui.i" => "ui_wrap.cpp" } def wrapper_src_file_path(wrapper_src_file_name) File.join("..", "ext", "fox16", wrapper_src_file_name) end def sed(wrapper_src_file_name) results = [] IO.readlines(wrapper_src_file_name).each do |line| line.gsub!(/static VALUE mCore;/, "VALUE mCore;") line.gsub!(/mCore = rb_define_module\("Core"\)/, "mFox = rb_define_module(\"Fox\")") line.gsub!(/mCore/, "mFox") next if line =~ /static VALUE m(Dc|Dialogs|Frames|Iconlist|Icons|Image|Label|Layout|List|Mdi|Menu|Fx3d|Scintilla|Table|Text|Treelist|Ui);/ next if line =~ /m(Dc|Dialogs|Frames|Iconlist|Icons|Image|Label|Layout|List|Mdi|Menu|Fx3d|Scintilla|Table|Text|Treelist|Ui) = rb_define_module/ next if line =~ /rb_require/ line.gsub!(/m(Dc|Dialogs|Frames|Iconlist|Icons|Image|Label|Layout|List|Mdi|Menu|Fx3d|Scintilla|Table|Text|Treelist|Ui),/, "mFox,") results << line end, "w") do |io| io.write(results.join) end end def swig(swig_interface_file_name, wrapper_src_file_name) system "#{SWIG} #{SWIGFLAGS} -o #{wrapper_src_file_path(wrapper_src_file_name)} #{swig_interface_file_name}" sed wrapper_src_file_path(wrapper_src_file_name) end task :swig_librb => ["ext/fox16/librb.c"] file "ext/fox16/librb.c" do Dir.chdir "swig-interfaces" do"librb.c"), "w") do |io| io.puts "#define SWIG_GLOBAL 1" io.write(, "ruby", "precommon.swg"))) io.write(, "common.swg"))) io.write(, "ruby", "rubyhead.swg"))) io.write(, "ruby", "rubydef.swg"))) end end end desc "Run SWIG to generate the wrapper files." task :swig => [:swig_librb] +{|ifile, cppfile| File.join("ext/fox16", cppfile) } # add dependencies for compile *.i to *_wrap.cpp SWIG_MODULES.each do |ifile, cppfile| ifile_path = File.join("swig-interfaces", ifile) cppfile_path = File.join("ext/fox16", cppfile) file cppfile_path => [ifile_path] do Dir.chdir "swig-interfaces" do swig(ifile, cppfile) end end end end namespace :fxruby do desc "Update the web site." task :website => [:doap] do system %{scp -Cq examples/*.rb} system %{scp -Cq web/index.html} system %{scp -Cq web/community.html} system %{scp -Cq web/documentation.html} system %{scp -Cq web/downloads.html} system %{scp -Cq web/images/*} system %{scp -Cq web/css/*.css} end desc "Upload the DOAP file to the Web site" task :doap => [:setversions] do system %{scp -Cq doap.rdf} end def setversions(filename), "wb") do |out| template = + ".erb", "rb").read) out.write(template.result) end end desc "Set versions" task :setversions => "doap.rdf" file "doap.rdf" => ["doap.rdf.erb"] do setversions("doap.rdf") end def make_impl Dir.chdir "ext/fox16" do ruby "make_impl.rb" end end task :configure => [:scintilla, :setversions, :generate_kwargs_lib] rb_header_files = Dir['ext/include/*.h'] file 'ext/fox16/include/inlinestubs.h' => rb_header_files do make_impl end file 'ext/fox16/impl.cpp' => rb_header_files do make_impl end file "ext/fox16/extconf.rb" => ['ext/fox16/librb.c', 'ext/fox16/impl.cpp', 'ext/fox16/include/inlinestubs.h'] +{|ifile, cppfile| File.join("ext/fox16", cppfile) } task :scintilla => 'lib/fox16/scintilla.rb' file 'lib/fox16/scintilla.rb' => [FXSCINTILLA_INSTALL_DIR, 'scripts/iface.rb'] do ruby "scripts/iface.rb -i #{FXSCINTILLA_INSTALL_DIR}/include/Scintilla.iface -o lib/fox16/scintilla.rb" end task :generate_kwargs_lib => 'lib/fox16/kwargs.rb' file 'lib/fox16/kwargs.rb' => ['scripts/generate_kwargs_lib.rb'] + Dir.glob('rdoc-sources/*.rb') do ruby 'scripts/generate_kwargs_lib.rb' end end