module Fox # # Registers stuff to know about the extension # class FXFileAssoc # Command to execute [String] attr_accessor :command # Full extension name [String] attr_accessor :extension # Mime type name [String] attr_accessor :mimetype # Big normal icon [FXIcon] attr_accessor :bigicon # Big open icon [FXIcon] attr_accessor :bigiconopen # Mini normal icon [FXIcon] attr_accessor :miniicon # Mini open icon [FXIcon] attr_accessor :miniiconopen # Registered drag type [FXDragType] attr_accessor :dragtype # Flags [Integer] attr_accessor :flags # Returns an initialized FXFileAssoc instance def initialize; end end # # The File Association dictionary associates a file extension with a File # Association record which contains command name, mime type, icons, and other # information about the file type. The icons referenced by the file association # are managed by the Icon Dictionary; this guarantees that each icon is loaded # only once into memory. # The associations are determined by the information by the FOX Registry settings; # each entry under the FILETYPES registry section comprises the command line, # extension name, large icon, small icon, and mime type: # # command ';' extension ';' bigicon [ ':' bigiconopen ] ';' icon [ ':' iconopen ] ';' mime # # For example, the binding for "jpg" could be: # # xv %s &;JPEG Image;bigimage.xpm;miniimage.xpm;image/jpeg # # The association for a file name is determined by first looking at the entire # file name, then at the whole extension, and then at sub-extensions. # For example, "name.tar.gz", "tar.gz", and "gz" can each be given a different # file association. Directory names may also be given associations; there is # no command-line association for a directory, however. The association for a # directory is found by first checking the whole pathname, then checking the # pathname less the first component, and so on. So, "/usr/local/include", # "/local/include", and "/include" can each be given their own file associations. # If the above lookup procedure has not found a file association, the system # uses a fallback associations: for files, the fallback association is determined # by the binding "defaultfilebinding". For directories, the "defaultdirbinding" # is used, and for executables the "defaultexecbinding" is used. # class FXFileDict < FXDict # Settings database [FXSettings] attr_accessor :settings # Current icon search path [FXIconDict] attr_accessor :iconDict # Current icon search path [String] attr_accessor :iconPath # Return the registry key used to find fallback executable icons. def FXFileDict.defaultExecBinding(); end # Return the registry key used to find fallback directory icons. def FXFileDict.defaultDirBinding(); end # Return the registry key used to find fallback document icons. def FXFileDict.defaultFileBinding(); end # # Construct a dictionary that maps file extensions to file associations. # If _db_ is not +nil+, the specified settings database is used as a # source for the bindings. # Otherwise, the application registry settings are used. # # ==== Parameters: # # +app+: Application [FXApp] # +db+:: Settings database [FXSettings] # def initialize(app, db=nil); end # # Replace file association for the specified extension; # returns a reference to the file association. # # ==== Parameters: # # +ext+:: Extension [String] # +str+:: String [String] # def replace(ext, str); end # # Remove file association for the specified extension # and return a reference to it. # def remove(ext); end # # Find file association from registry for the specified key. # def find(ext); end # Returns a reference to the FXFileAssoc instance... def findFileBinding(pathname); end # Returns a reference to the FXFileAssoc instance... def findDirBinding(pathname); end # Returns a reference to the FXFileAssoc instance... def findExecBinding(pathname); end end end