#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'fox16' include Fox class ScribbleWindow < FXMainWindow def initialize(app) # Call base class initializer first super(app, "Scribble Application", :width => 800, :height => 600) # Construct a horizontal frame to hold the main window's contents @contents = FXHorizontalFrame.new(self, LAYOUT_SIDE_TOP|LAYOUT_FILL_X|LAYOUT_FILL_Y, :padLeft => 0, :padRight => 0, :padTop => 0, :padBottom => 0) # Left pane contains the canvas @canvasFrame = FXVerticalFrame.new(@contents, FRAME_SUNKEN|LAYOUT_FILL_X|LAYOUT_FILL_Y|LAYOUT_TOP|LAYOUT_LEFT, :padLeft => 10, :padRight => 10, :padTop => 10, :padBottom => 10) # Place a label above the canvas FXLabel.new(@canvasFrame, "Canvas Frame", nil, JUSTIFY_CENTER_X|LAYOUT_FILL_X) # Horizontal divider line FXHorizontalSeparator.new(@canvasFrame, SEPARATOR_GROOVE|LAYOUT_FILL_X) # Drawing canvas @canvas = FXCanvas.new(@canvasFrame, :opts => LAYOUT_FILL_X|LAYOUT_FILL_Y|LAYOUT_TOP|LAYOUT_LEFT) @canvas.connect(SEL_PAINT) do |sender, sel, event| FXDCWindow.new(@canvas, event) do |dc| dc.foreground = @canvas.backColor dc.fillRectangle(event.rect.x, event.rect.y, event.rect.w, event.rect.h) end end @canvas.connect(SEL_LEFTBUTTONPRESS) do @canvas.grab @mouseDown = true end @canvas.connect(SEL_MOTION) do |sender, sel, event| if @mouseDown # Get device context for the canvas dc = FXDCWindow.new(@canvas) # Set the foreground color for drawing dc.foreground = @drawColor # Draw a line from the previous mouse coordinates to the current ones if @mirrorMode.value cW = @canvas.width cH = @canvas.height dc.drawLine(cW-event.last_x, event.last_y, cW-event.win_x, event.win_y) dc.drawLine(event.last_x, cH-event.last_y, event.win_x, cH-event.win_y) dc.drawLine(cW-event.last_x, cH-event.last_y, cW-event.win_x, cH-event.win_y) end dc.drawLine(event.last_x, event.last_y, event.win_x, event.win_y) # We have drawn something, so now the canvas is dirty @dirty = true # Release the DC immediately dc.end end end @canvas.connect(SEL_LEFTBUTTONRELEASE) do |sender, sel, event| @canvas.ungrab if @mouseDown # Get device context for the canvas dc = FXDCWindow.new(@canvas) # Set the foreground color for drawing dc.foreground = @drawColor # Draw a line from the previous mouse coordinates to the current ones dc.drawLine(event.last_x, event.last_y, event.win_x, event.win_y) # We have drawn something, so now the canvas is dirty @dirty = true # Mouse no longer down @mouseDown = false # Release this DC immediately dc.end end end # Right pane for the buttons @buttonFrame = FXVerticalFrame.new(@contents, FRAME_SUNKEN|LAYOUT_FILL_Y|LAYOUT_TOP|LAYOUT_LEFT, :padLeft => 10, :padRight => 10, :padTop => 10, :padBottom => 10) # Label above the buttons FXLabel.new(@buttonFrame, "Button Frame", nil, JUSTIFY_CENTER_X|LAYOUT_FILL_X) # Horizontal divider line FXHorizontalSeparator.new(@buttonFrame, SEPARATOR_RIDGE|LAYOUT_FILL_X) # Enable or disable mirror mode @mirrorMode = FXDataTarget.new(false) FXCheckButton.new(@buttonFrame, "Mirror", @mirrorMode, FXDataTarget::ID_VALUE, CHECKBUTTON_NORMAL|LAYOUT_FILL_X) # Button to clear the canvas clearButton = FXButton.new(@buttonFrame, "&Clear", :opts => FRAME_THICK|FRAME_RAISED|LAYOUT_FILL_X|LAYOUT_TOP|LAYOUT_LEFT, :padLeft => 10, :padRight => 10, :padTop => 5, :padBottom => 5) clearButton.connect(SEL_COMMAND) do FXDCWindow.new(@canvas) do |dc| dc.foreground = @canvas.backColor dc.fillRectangle(0, 0, @canvas.width, @canvas.height) @dirty = false end end clearButton.connect(SEL_UPDATE) do |sender, sel, ptr| # This procedure handles the update message sent by the Clear button # to its target. Every widget in FOX receives a message (SEL_UPDATE) # during idle processing, asking it to update itself. For example, # buttons could be enabled or disabled as the state of the application # changes. # # In this case, we'll disable the sender (the Clear button) when the # canvas has already been cleared (i.e. it's "clean"), and enable it when # it has been painted (i.e. it's "dirty"). message = @dirty ? FXWindow::ID_ENABLE : FXWindow::ID_DISABLE sender.handle(self, MKUINT(message, SEL_COMMAND), nil) end # Exit button FXButton.new(@buttonFrame, "&Exit", nil, app, FXApp::ID_QUIT, FRAME_THICK|FRAME_RAISED|LAYOUT_FILL_X|LAYOUT_TOP|LAYOUT_LEFT, :padLeft => 10, :padRight => 10, :padTop => 5, :padBottom => 5) # Initialize other member variables @drawColor = "red" @mouseDown = false @dirty = false end # Create and show the main window def create super # Create the windows show(PLACEMENT_SCREEN) # Make the main window appear end end if __FILE__ == $0 # Construct the application object application = FXApp.new('Scribble', 'FoxTest') # Construct the main window scribble = ScribbleWindow.new(application) # Create the application application.create # Run the application application.run end