require 'rubygems' require 'hoe' require 'erb' require './lib/fox16/version.rb' # Some constants we'll need PKG_VERSION = Fox.fxrubyversion FXRUBY_HOME_URL = "" FOX_VERSION = "1.6.0" FOX_HOME_URL = "" FOX_INSTALL_DIR = "e:\\src\\fox-1.6.35" FXSCINTILLA_INSTALL_DIR = "c:\\src\\fxscintilla" ISCC = "C:\\Progra~1\\InnoSe~1\\ISCC.exe""FXRuby", PKG_VERSION) do |p| # ... project specific data ... p.blog_categories = %w{FXRuby} p.clean_globs = [".config", "ext/fox16/Makefile", "ext/fox16/*.o", "ext/fox16/*.bundle", "ext/fox16/mkmf.log", "ext/fox16/conftest.dSYM"] p.developer("Lyle Johnson", "") p.extra_rdoc_files = ["rdoc-sources", File.join("rdoc-sources", "README.rdoc")] p.remote_rdoc_dir = "doc/api" p.spec_extras = { :description => "FXRuby is the Ruby binding to the FOX GUI toolkit.", :extensions => ["ext/fox16/extconf.rb"], :rdoc_options => ['--main', File.join('rdoc-sources', 'README.rdoc'), '--exclude', 'ext/fox16', '--exclude', %r{aliases|kwargs|missingdep|responder}], :require_paths => ['ext/fox16', 'lib'], :summary => "FXRuby is the Ruby binding to the FOX GUI toolkit." } p.test_globs = "test/**/TC_*.rb" end # Make sure extension is built before tests are run task :test => [:build] # ... project specific tasks ... def setversions(filename), "wb") do |out| template = + ".erb", "rb").read) out.write(template.result) end end desc "Create INNO Setup installer scripts from templates" task :create_installer_scripts do output_filenames = { "FXRuby-ruby1.8.6-i386-msvcrt.iss" => ["1.8", "ruby186", "i386-msvcrt"] } template ="scripts/FXRuby.iss.erb", "rb").read) output_filenames.each do |output_filename, info|, "wb") do |output_file| output_file.write(template.result(binding)) end end end desc "Update the web site." task :website => [:doap] do system %{scp -Cq doc/*.css} system %{scp -Cq doc/*.html} system %{scp -Cq doc/images/*.png} system %{scp -Cq examples/*.rb} system %{scp -Cq web/index.html} system %{scp -Cq web/community.html} system %{scp -Cq web/documentation.html} system %{scp -Cq web/downloads.html} system %{scp -Cq web/images/*} system %{scp -Cq web/css/*.css} end desc "Upload the DOAP file to the Web site" task :doap => [:setversions] do system %{scp -Cq doap.rdf} end desc "Set versions" task :setversions => [ :create_installer_scripts ] do setversions("pre-config.rb") setversions("doap.rdf") setversions("scripts/make-installers.rb") end desc "Run SWIG to generate the wrapper files." task :swig do Dir.chdir "swig-interfaces" do system %{touch dependencies} system %{make depend; make} end end DISTFILES = [ "ANNOUNCE", "LICENSE", "README", "README.win32.txt", "pre-config.rb", "install.rb", "doap.rdf", "FXRuby-ruby1.8.6-i386-msvcrt.iss", "Rakefile", "index.html", "doc/*.css", "doc/*.html", "doc/images/*.png", "examples/README", "examples/*.rb", "examples/*.xml", "examples/icons/*.png", "examples/icons/*.ico", "examples/textedit/*.rb", "lib/fox16/*.rb", "ext/fox16/MANIFEST", "ext/fox16/extconf.rb", "ext/fox16/*.c", "ext/fox16/*.cpp", "ext/fox16/include/*.h", "swig-interfaces/README", "swig-interfaces/Makefile", "swig-interfaces/swig.sed", "swig-interfaces/*.i", "tests/README", "tests/*.rb", "tests/*.ps", "rdoc-sources/*.rb", "rdoc-sources/README.rdoc", "scripts/make-installers.rb" ] def distdir "FXRuby-#{PKG_VERSION}" end task :distdir => [:swig, :docs, :setversions, :generate_kwargs_lib] do rm_rf "#{distdir}" mkdir "#{distdir}" chmod(0777, distdir) DISTFILES.each do |filespec| Dir.glob(filespec) { |filename| mkdir_p "#{distdir}/#{File.dirname(filename)}" File.syscopy(filename, "#{distdir}/#{File.dirname(filename)}") } end rm_f "#{distdir}/lib/fox16/acceltable.rb" rm_f "#{distdir}/lib/fox16/canvas.rb" rm_f "#{distdir}/lib/fox16/html.rb" rm_f "#{distdir}/lib/fox16/sugar.rb" rm_f "#{distdir}/lib/fox16/tkcompat.rb" rm_f "#{distdir}/examples/canvasdemo.rb" rm_f "#{distdir}/examples/examples.rb" rm_f "#{distdir}/examples/gdchart.rb" rm_f "#{distdir}/examples/rapt-gui.rb" rm_f "#{distdir}/examples/WhatAQuietStiff.rb" rm_f "#{distdir}/examples/gembrowser.rb" rm_f "#{distdir}/examples/rmagick.rb" rm_f "#{distdir}/examples/tablenew.rb" end desc "Build the source tarball." task :dist => [:distdir] do system "chmod -R a+r #{distdir}" system "tar czf #{distdir}.tar.gz #{distdir}" system "rm -rf #{distdir}" end desc "Generate all of the documentation files." task :doc do Dir.chdir "doc" do system %{make} end end def make_impl Dir.chdir "ext/fox16" do ruby "make_impl.rb" end end task :configure => [:scintilla, :setversions, :generate_kwargs_lib] do unless File.exist?(".config") # ruby "install.rb config -- --with-fxscintilla-include=/usr/include/fxscintilla --with-fxscintilla-lib=/usr/lib" # ruby "install.rb config -- --without-fxscintilla" # ruby "install.rb config -- --with-fox-include=/opt/local/include/fox-1.6 --with-fox-lib=/opt/local/lib --with-fxscintilla-include=/opt/local/include/fxscintilla --with-fxscintilla-lib=/opt/local/lib" ruby "install.rb config -- --with-fox-include=/usr/local/include/fox-1.6 --with-fox-lib=/usr/local/lib --with-fxscintilla-include=/usr/local/include/fxscintilla --with-fxscintilla-lib=/usr/local/lib" make_impl end end desc "Build it." task :build => [:configure] do ruby "install.rb setup" end desc "Install it." task :install => [:build] do ruby "install.rb install" end task :scintilla do ruby "scripts/iface.rb -i ~/src/fxscintilla/scintilla/include/Scintilla.iface -o lib/fox16/scintilla.rb" end # Given the distribution tarball, build the installer for Win32 desc "Build Win32 installer" task :build_win32 do if File.exist? ".config" ruby "install.rb clean" end ruby "install.rb config --make-prog=nmake -- --with-fox-include=#{FOX_INSTALL_DIR}\\include --with-fox-lib=#{FOX_INSTALL_DIR}\\lib --with-fxscintilla-include=#{FXSCINTILLA_INSTALL_DIR}\\include --with-fxscintilla-lib=#{FXSCINTILLA_INSTALL_DIR}\\lib" # ruby "install.rb config --make-prog=nmake -- --with-fox-include=#{FOX_INSTALL_DIR}\\include --with-fox-lib=#{FOX_INSTALL_DIR}\\lib" ruby "install.rb setup" end desc "Build Win32 installer using INNO Setup" task :build_win32_installer => [:build_win32] do iss_script_name = nil case VERSION when /1.8.2/ iss_script_name = "FXRuby-ruby1.8.2-i386-msvcrt.iss" when /1.8.4/ iss_script_name = "FXRuby-ruby1.8.4-i386-msvcrt.iss" when /1.8.5/ iss_script_name = "FXRuby-ruby1.8.5-i386-msvcrt.iss" when /1.8.6/ iss_script_name = "FXRuby-ruby1.8.6-i386-msvcrt.iss" end system(ISCC, iss_script_name) end desc "Build Win32 binary Gem" task :build_win32_gem => [:build_win32] do spec = create_gemspec spec.platform = Gem::Platform::CURRENT spec.files += ["ext/fox16/"] end desc "Build Win32 binary installer and Gem" task :release_win32 => [:build_win32_installer, :build_win32_gem] do end desc "Build Mac OS X binary Gem" task :build_macosx_gem do raise RuntimeError, "remove libFOX*.dylib and recompile before building gem" unless Dir.glob("/usr/local/lib/libFOX*.dylib").empty? spec = create_gemspec spec.platform = Gem::Platform::CURRENT spec.files += ["ext/fox16/fox16.bundle"] end task :generate_kwargs_lib do ruby 'scripts/generate_kwargs_lib.rb' end