diff --git a/lib/geocoder/results/nominatim.rb b/lib/geocoder/results/nominatim.rb
index 0826754cb0313a8bd81b308fd235436965e196e6..07536814ea4789b7cf16ce0a5a475f04d461885d 100644
--- a/lib/geocoder/results/nominatim.rb
+++ b/lib/geocoder/results/nominatim.rb
@@ -74,16 +74,25 @@ module Geocoder::Result
+    def place_type
+      @data['type']
+    end
     def self.response_attributes
       %w[place_id osm_type osm_id boundingbox license
          polygonpoints display_name class type stadium]
-    define_method 'class' do
+    def class
       warn "DEPRECATION WARNING: The 'class' method of Geocoder::Result::Nominatim objects is deprecated and will be removed in Geocoder version 1.2.0. Please use 'place_class' instead."
+    def type
+      warn "DEPRECATION WARNING: The 'type' method of Geocoder::Result::Nominatim objects is deprecated and will be removed in Geocoder version 1.2.0. Please use 'place_type' instead."
+      @data['type']
+    end
     response_attributes.each do |a|
       unless method_defined?(a)
         define_method a do