diff --git a/lib/geocoder/lookups/base.rb b/lib/geocoder/lookups/base.rb
index d39ab524ddaafb218ec79e1069bb18d8fd45d649..56bec5b5c7b78c6655d21ec6f334fc82252d4af3 100644
--- a/lib/geocoder/lookups/base.rb
+++ b/lib/geocoder/lookups/base.rb
@@ -21,7 +21,11 @@ module Geocoder
       # for reverse geocoding. Returns an array of <tt>Geocoder::Result</tt>s.
       def search(*args)
-        reverse = (args.size == 2) || coordinates?(args.first)
+        # if coordinates given as string, split into floats
+        if coordinates?(args.first)
+          args = args.first.split(/\s*,\s*/).map{ |i| i.to_f }
+        end
+        reverse = (args.size == 2)
         results(args.join(","), reverse).map{ |r| result_class.new(r) }
@@ -120,7 +124,7 @@ module Geocoder
       # Does the given string look like latitude/longitude coordinates?
       def coordinates?(value)
-        !!value.to_s.match(/^[0-9\.\-]+, ?[0-9\.\-]+$/)
+        !!value.to_s.match(/^[0-9\.\-]+, *[0-9\.\-]+$/)
diff --git a/test/geocoder_test.rb b/test/geocoder_test.rb
index 7b07173544b934407fe0e5abf1a83258bb04b5a1..bb1874c3d071c9c826a13081959bc4779b07d024 100644
--- a/test/geocoder_test.rb
+++ b/test/geocoder_test.rb
@@ -258,6 +258,13 @@ class GeocoderTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
     assert !Geocoder.send(:blank_query?, "Москва") # no ASCII characters
+  def test_coordinates_detection
+    lookup = Geocoder::Lookup::Google.new
+    assert lookup.send(:coordinates?, "51.178844,5")
+    assert lookup.send(:coordinates?, "51.178844, -1.826189")
+    assert !lookup.send(:coordinates?, "232.65.123")
+  end
   def test_does_not_choke_on_nil_address
     all_lookups.each do |l|
       Geocoder::Configuration.lookup = l
@@ -351,13 +358,6 @@ class GeocoderTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
     assert_match "appid=MY_KEY", g.send(:query_url, "Madison Square Garden, New York, NY  10001, United States")
-  def test_detection_of_coordinates_in_search_string
-    Geocoder::Configuration.lookup = :geocoder_ca
-    result = Geocoder.search("51.178844, -1.826189").first
-    assert_not_nil result.city
-    # city only present if reverse geocoding search performed
-  end
   private # ------------------------------------------------------------------