diff --git a/etc/feature_keys_gff b/etc/feature_keys_gff
index 9f0b36aeaac521546d92ba1942ebb28b56c137f9..a5bcc0d5e7c3fdc79ffcb50a4e35fb5f12ce651a 100644
--- a/etc/feature_keys_gff
+++ b/etc/feature_keys_gff
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ region              ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ont
 contig              ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term Start_range End_range feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified description locus stable_id EC_number gene_symbol Ontology_term Dbxref molecule_type size organism_name strain topology localization gff_source gff_seqname score comment
 #supercontig         ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified description locus stable_id EC_number gene_symbol Ontology_term Dbxref molecule_type size organism_name strain topology localization gff_source gff_seqname score 
 #chromosome          ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified note comment description locus stable_id EC_number gene_symbol Ontology_term Dbxref molecule_type size organism_name strain topology localization gff_source gff_seqname score 
-gene                ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term Start_range End_range feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified locus stable_id EC_number gene_symbol Ontology_term Dbxref molecule_type size organism_name strain topology localization gff_source gff_seqname score private
+gene                ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term Start_range End_range feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified locus stable_id EC_number gene_symbol Ontology_term Dbxref molecule_type size organism_name strain topology localization gff_source gff_seqname score private comment
 #CDS                 ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified codon_start description locus stable_id EC_number gene_symbol Ontology_term Dbxref molecule_type size organism_name strain topology localization gff_source gff_seqname score  results note comment job
 polypeptide         ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term Start_range End_range feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified description locus stable_id EC_number gene_symbol Ontology_term Dbxref product molecule_type size organism_name strain topology localization gff_source gff_seqname score mass isoelectric charge source private signal_peptide membrane_structure cytoplasmic_polypeptide_region non_cytoplasmic_polypeptide_region transmembrane_polypeptide_region cytoplasm_location transmembrane non_cytoplasm_location GPI_anchor_cleavage_site comment curation translation
 pseudogene          ID Name Alias Parent Note Target Gap Derives_from Dbxref Ontology_term Start_range End_range feature_id isObsolete timelastmodified description locus stable_id EC_number gene_symbol Ontology_term Dbxref molecule_type size organism_name strain topology localization gff_source gff_seqname score private
diff --git a/etc/options b/etc/options
index 1987d3f8c6cd9f2dc83962118fdfca52ebd89cbf..0c4f79b3447be18eefc21d19655582b651ffeb43 100644
--- a/etc/options
+++ b/etc/options
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ start_codons_4 = atg
 translation_table_5 = \
       agas aggs atam tgaw
-start_codons_5 = atg ata att
+start_codons_5 = ttg att atc ata atg gtg
 #start_codons_5_apis = atg ata atc att
 #start_codons_5_polyplacophora = atg ata gtg
diff --git a/etc/versions b/etc/versions
index 8ed02d77b89deca0154c7c0cdac0117c2890f9ef..e8e2211ed78008fbdde723ad5caa9f9012a494a0 100644
--- a/etc/versions
+++ b/etc/versions
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Artemis Release 16.0.0
-ACT Release 13.0.0
+Artemis Release 16.0.1
+ACT Release 13.0.1
 DNAPlotter Release 1.11
 BamView 1.2.10
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/uk/ac/sanger/artemis/components/EditMenu.java b/uk/ac/sanger/artemis/components/EditMenu.java
index 50d124a6da54a5779debaa0635bb0299851c8e9d..db109113adeb26debdede3c900efca5180e2f39f 100644
--- a/uk/ac/sanger/artemis/components/EditMenu.java
+++ b/uk/ac/sanger/artemis/components/EditMenu.java
@@ -1768,6 +1768,23 @@ public class EditMenu extends SelectionMenu
+                final Qualifier comment =
+                    new Qualifier("comment", "this gene model has previous ID "+prevId+
+                        " and was reassigned a new ID as changes in the gene model occurred");
+                try
+                {
+                  ((Feature)gene1.getProteinOfTranscript( GeneUtils.getUniqueName(
+                            gene1.getTranscripts().get(0)) ).getUserData()).addQualifierValues(comment);
+                  ((Feature)gene2.getProteinOfTranscript( GeneUtils.getUniqueName(
+                            gene2.getTranscripts().get(0)) ).getUserData()).addQualifierValues(comment);
+                }
+                catch (Exception e)
+                {
+                  ((Feature)gene1.getGene().getUserData()).addQualifierValues(comment);
+                  ((Feature)gene2.getGene().getUserData()).addQualifierValues(comment);
+                }