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  • akiraohgaki/ocs-url
  • ab3875o/ocs-url
  • dembego3/ocs-url
  • arakun/ocs-url
  • longviauroy/ocs-url
  • rolfen/ocs-url
  • hemm/ocs-url
  • simonsvw0000/ocs-url
  • dfn2/ocs-url
  • rws77/ocs-url
  • bitwalk/ocs-url
  • visdom/ocs-url
  • ricatfarker/ocs-url
  • mussah/ocs-url
  • tigefa/ocs-url
  • cobalt2727/ocs-url
  • ammark226/ocs-url
  • violethaze74/ocs-url
  • armedssault/ocs-url
  • billflick/ocs-url
  • kimblejeremy/ocs-url
  • yuvrajsm/ocs-url
  • wawmart/ocs-url
  • jhefry/ocs-url
  • robcdntruckin/ocs-url
  • bigmake2266/ocs-url
  • kamil-chbeir/ocs-url
  • jocker73/ocs-url
  • laboties/ocs-url
  • smekke61279-522014/ocs-url
  • coolduck/ocs-url
  • zulfikar-lahiya/ocs-url
  • faz-83/ocs-url
  • dado105/ocs-url
34 results
Show changes
Commits on Source (546)
with 844 additions and 308 deletions
- build
stage: build
image: ubuntu:14.04
- master
- /^release\-.+/
- ./scripts/package ubuntu_deb
- build_*/ocs-url*.deb
expire_in: 2 days
stage: build
image: fedora:20
- master
- /^release\-.+/
- ./scripts/package fedora_rpm
- build_*/RPMS/x86_64/ocs-url*.rpm
expire_in: 2 days
stage: build
image: opensuse:42.3
- master
- /^release\-.+/
- ./scripts/package opensuse_rpm
- build_*/RPMS/x86_64/ocs-url*.rpm
expire_in: 2 days
stage: build
image: archlinux/base:latest
- master
- /^release\-.+/
- ./scripts/package archlinux_pkg
- build_*/ocs-url*.pkg.tar.xz
expire_in: 2 days
# Install-type mapping
Category | Install-type
GnoMenu Skins | -
VLC Skins | -
XMMS Skins | -
Krita Resources | -
Amarok Themes | -
Knights Themes | -
Yakuake Skins | yakuake_skins
Kdenlive FX | -
ODF Templates | -
MPlayer Themes | -
Category | Install-type
Compiz Themes | emerald_themes / compiz_themes
Skydomes | -
Cubecaps | -
Category | Install-type
Enlightenment Themes | enlightenment_themes
E17 Entrance Themes | -
E17 Enlightenment Backgrounds | enlightenment_backgrounds
E17 Animated Backgrounds | enlightenment_backgrounds
Category | Install-type
3D Renderings | -
Stock Images | -
Animations | -
Drawings | -
Cliparts | -
Paintings | -
Artwork Contest | -
Inkscape Templates | -
Scribus Templates | -
Logos | -
Category | Install-type
Beryl/Emerald Themes | emerald_themes / beryl_themes
Metacity Window Decorations | themes / metacity_themes
Fluxbox Themes | fluxbox_styles
Openbox Themes | themes / openbox_themes
Pek-WM Themes | pekwm_themes
Ice-WM Themes | icewm_themes
FVWM Themes | -
Window-Maker Themes | -
Category | Install-type
Beryl/Emerald Themes | emerald_themes / beryl_themes
Category | Install-type
Cinnamon Themes | themes / cinnamon_themes
GTK3 Themes | themes / gtk3_themes
MDM Themes | -
GNOME Icon Themes | icons
Cinnamon Applets | cinnamon_applets
Cinnamon Desklets | cinnamon_desklets
Cinnamon Extensions | cinnamon_extensions
Category | Install-type
Wallpapers | wallpapers
KDE 3.x Window Decorations | -
KDE 3.x Themes | -
Kbfx Menu Themes | -
Karamba | -
KDM3 Themes | -
KDE 3 Splash Screens | -
Category | Install-type
Wallpapers | wallpapers
Fonts | fonts
Mouse Themes | cursors
Metacity Window Decorations | themes / metacity_themes
Nautilus Scripts | nautilus_scripts
GnoMenu Skins | -
GDM Themes | -
GNOME 3.x Shell Themes | themes / gnome_shell_themes
GTK3 Themes | themes / gtk3_themes
GTK2 Themes | themes / gtk2_themes
Icon Themes | icons
Gnome Extensions | gnome_shell_extensions
Gnome Color Schemes | -
Gnome Other | -
Cairo Clock Themes | cairo_clock_themes
Category | Install-type
Mouse Themes | cursors
Metacity Window Decorations | themes / metacity_themes
GDM Themes | -
GNOME Icon Themes | icons
GTK2 Themes | themes / gtk2_themes
Category | Install-type
Wallpapers | wallpapers
Mouse Themes | cursors
Compiz Themes | emerald_themes / compiz_themes
Beryl/Emerald Themes | emerald_themes / beryl_themes
GTK2 Themes | themes / gtk2_themes
XFCE Icon Themes | icons
XFCE/XFWM Themes | themes / xfwm4_themes
Category | Install-type
Plasma Look'n'Feel | plasma_look_and_feel / plasma5_look_and_feel
Plasma 5 Themes | plasma_desktopthemes / plasma5_desktopthemes
Plasma Widget Styles | -
Aurorae Themes | aurorae_themes
deKorator Themes | dekorator_themes
Kvantum Styles | themes / kvantum_themes
QtCurve Styles | qtcurve
Bespin Themes | -
Plasma Splash Screens | -
SDDM Themes | -
Plasma 5 Widgets | plasma_plasmoids / plasma5_plasmoids
Plasma Color Schemes | color_schemes / plasma_color_schemes
Mouse Cursors | cursors
Emoticons | emoticons
Conky Screenlets | -
Kwin Scripts | kwin_scripts
Kwin Switching Layouts | kwin_tabbox
Dolphin Service Menus | -
Amarok 2.x Scripts | amarok_scripts
Plasma Improvements | -
Plasma Comics | -
Yakuake Skins | yakuake_skins
Wallpapers | wallpapers
# xdgurl
# ocs-url
An install helper program for desktop stuff.
[![License: GPL v3](](
An install helper program for items served via OpenCollaborationServices (ocs://).
## How to install
Copyright: 2016-2019,
For Ubuntu/Debian system,
you can use "" in the project to install the program.
License: GPL-3+
$ sh
Download Linux package from:
And you can use "" to uninstall the program.
$ sh
## How to use
#### From web browser
Open XDG-URL by click a links, or type XDG-URL in browser's address bar.
In firefox,
you can get a program selection window when first time to open XDG-URL,
and you can choose "xdgurl" as custom URL handler.
If you can not get a program selection window,
you need set the xdgurl program as custom URL handler for xdg:// scheme in browser's settings.
#### From command-line terminal
Execute xdgurl program with argument XDG-URL.
$ xdgurl "XDG-URL"
XDG-URL is a custom URL that represent the installation method for desktop stuff.
[scheme]://[command]?[query string]
For example:
#### Scheme
* xdg
* xdgs
"xdgs" scheme is the same of the xdg scheme for now,
it's a reserved name for secure protocol in the future.
#### Command
* download
* install
Command "download" will download the file from specified URL to local destination of specified install-type.
Command "install" will make file downloading and trigger installation process.
#### Query string
XDG-URL's query string is an option of command.
*All query string values should be urlencoded.*
**url** = File URL of desktop stuff
Must be set.
**type** = Install-type
Default is "downloads".
Available install-type:
Install-type | Local destination
downloads | ~/Downloads
documents | ~/Documents
pictures | ~/Pictures
music | ~/Music
videos | ~/Videos
wallpapers | ~/.local/share/wallpapers
fonts | ~/.fonts
cursors | ~/.icons
icons | ~/.local/share/icons
emoticons | ~/.local/share/emoticons
themes | ~/.themes
emerald_themes | ~/.emerald/themes
enlightenment_themes | ~/.e/e/themes
enlightenment_backgrounds | ~/.e/e/backgrounds
fluxbox_styles | ~/.fluxbox/styles
pekwm_themes | ~/.pekwm/themes
icewm_themes | ~/.icewm/themes
plasma_plasmoids | ~/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids
plasma_look_and_feel | ~/.local/share/plasma/look-and-feel
plasma_desktopthemes | ~/.local/share/plasma/desktoptheme
kwin_effects | ~/.local/share/kwin/effects
kwin_scripts | ~/.local/share/kwin/scripts
kwin_tabbox | ~/.local/share/kwin/tabbox
aurorae_themes | ~/.local/share/aurorae/themes
dekorator_themes | ~/.local/share/deKorator/themes
qtcurve | ~/.local/share/QtCurve
color_schemes | ~/.local/share/color-schemes
gnome_shell_extensions | ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions
cinnamon_applets | ~/.local/share/cinnamon/applets
cinnamon_desklets | ~/.local/share/cinnamon/desklets
cinnamon_extensions | ~/.local/share/cinnamon/extensions
nautilus_scripts | ~/.local/share/nautilus/scripts
amarok_scripts | ~/.kde/share/apps/amarok/scripts
yakuake_skins | ~/.kde/share/apps/yakuake/skins
cairo_clock_themes | ~/.cairo-clock/themes
Available alias name of the install-type:
Alias | Install-type
gnome_shell_themes | themes
cinnamon_themes | themes
gtk2_themes | themes
gtk3_themes | themes
metacity_themes | themes
xfwm4_themes | themes
openbox_themes | themes
kvantum_themes | themes
compiz_themes | emerald_themes
beryl_themes | emerald_themes
plasma4_plasmoids | plasma_plasmoids
plasma5_plasmoids | plasma_plasmoids
plasma5_look_and_feel | plasma_look_and_feel
plasma5_desktopthemes | plasma_desktopthemes
plasma_color_schemes | color_schemes
**filename** = Alternative file name
This option is useful if the download URL does not represent the file name.
And please see docs/* for more information.
CONFIG += c++11
QT += \
core \
gui \
widgets \
qml \
quick \
$${PWD}/src/handlers/confighandler.h \
$${PWD}/src/main.cpp \
$${PWD}/src/handlers/confighandler.cpp \
$${PWD}/configs/configs.qrc \
$${PWD}/images/images.qrc \
"id": "ocs-url",
"name": "ocs-url",
"version": "3.1.0",
"organization": "",
"domain": "org.opendesktop.ocs-url",
"icon": ":/desktop/ocs-url.svg",
"description": "An install helper program for items served via OpenCollaborationServices (ocs://).",
"license": "GPL-3+",
"author": "",
"contact": "",
"homepage": ""
<qresource prefix="/configs">
"bin": {
"name": "Software",
"destination": "$HOME/.local/bin",
"generic_destination": "$APP_DATA/bin"
"downloads": {
"name": "Downloads",
"destination": "$XDG_DOWNLOAD_DIR",
"generic_destination": "$APP_DATA/downloads"
"documents": {
"name": "Documents",
"destination": "$XDG_DOCUMENTS_DIR",
"generic_destination": "$APP_DATA/documents"
"pictures": {
"name": "Pictures",
"destination": "$XDG_PICTURES_DIR",
"generic_destination": "$APP_DATA/pictures"
"music": {
"name": "Music",
"destination": "$XDG_MUSIC_DIR",
"generic_destination": "$APP_DATA/music"
"videos": {
"name": "Videos",
"destination": "$XDG_VIDEOS_DIR",
"generic_destination": "$APP_DATA/videos"
"wallpapers": {
"name": "Wallpapers",
"destination": "$XDG_DATA_HOME/wallpapers",
"generic_destination": "$APP_DATA/wallpapers"
"fonts": {
"name": "Fonts",
"destination": "$HOME/.fonts",
"generic_destination": "$APP_DATA/fonts"
"cursors": {
"name": "Cursors",
"destination": "$HOME/.icons",
"generic_destination": "$APP_DATA/cursors"
"icons": {
"name": "Icons",
"destination": "$XDG_DATA_HOME/icons",
"generic_destination": "$APP_DATA/icons"
"emoticons": {
"name": "Emoticons",
"destination": "$XDG_DATA_HOME/emoticons",
"generic_destination": "$APP_DATA/emoticons"
"themes": {
"name": "Desktop Themes",
"destination": "$HOME/.themes",
"generic_destination": "$APP_DATA/themes"
"emerald_themes": {
"name": "Emerald Themes",
"destination": "$HOME/.emerald/themes",
"generic_destination": "$APP_DATA/emerald_themes"
"enlightenment_themes": {
"name": "Enlightenment Themes",
"destination": "$HOME/.e/e/themes",
"generic_destination": "$APP_DATA/enlightenment_themes"
"enlightenment_backgrounds": {
"name": "Enlightenment Backgrounds",
"destination": "$HOME/.e/e/backgrounds",
"generic_destination": "$APP_DATA/enlightenment_backgrounds"
"fluxbox_styles": {
"name": "Fluxbox Styles",
"destination": "$HOME/.fluxbox/styles",
"generic_destination": "$APP_DATA/fluxbox_styles"
"pekwm_themes": {
"name": "PekWM Themes",
"destination": "$HOME/.pekwm/themes",
"generic_destination": "$APP_DATA/pekwm_themes"
"icewm_themes": {
"name": "IceWM Themes",
"destination": "$HOME/.icewm/themes",
"generic_destination": "$APP_DATA/icewm_themes"
"plasma_plasmoids": {
"name": "Plasma Plasmoids",
"destination": "$XDG_DATA_HOME/plasma/plasmoids",
"generic_destination": "$APP_DATA/plasma_plasmoids"
"plasma_look_and_feel": {
"name": "Plasma Look and Feel",
"destination": "$XDG_DATA_HOME/plasma/look-and-feel",
"generic_destination": "$APP_DATA/plasma_look_and_feel"
"plasma_desktopthemes": {
"name": "Plasma Desktop Themes",
"destination": "$XDG_DATA_HOME/plasma/desktoptheme",
"generic_destination": "$APP_DATA/plasma_desktopthemes"
"kwin_effects": {
"name": "KWin Effects",
"destination": "$XDG_DATA_HOME/kwin/effects",
"generic_destination": "$APP_DATA/kwin_effects"
"kwin_scripts": {
"name": "KWin Scripts",
"destination": "$XDG_DATA_HOME/kwin/scripts",
"generic_destination": "$APP_DATA/kwin_scripts"
"kwin_tabbox": {
"name": "KWin Window Switcher",
"destination": "$XDG_DATA_HOME/kwin/tabbox",
"generic_destination": "$APP_DATA/kwin_tabbox"
"aurorae_themes": {
"name": "Aurorae Themes",
"destination": "$XDG_DATA_HOME/aurorae/themes",
"generic_destination": "$APP_DATA/aurorae_themes"
"dekorator_themes": {
"name": "deKorator Themes",
"destination": "$XDG_DATA_HOME/deKorator/themes",
"generic_destination": "$APP_DATA/dekorator_themes"
"qtcurve": {
"name": "QtCurve Themes",
"destination": "$XDG_DATA_HOME/QtCurve",
"generic_destination": "$APP_DATA/qtcurve"
"color_schemes": {
"name": "KDE Color Schemes",
"destination": "$XDG_DATA_HOME/color-schemes",
"generic_destination": "$APP_DATA/color_schemes"
"gnome_shell_extensions": {
"name": "Gnome Shell Extensions",
"destination": "$XDG_DATA_HOME/gnome-shell/extensions",
"generic_destination": "$APP_DATA/gnome_shell_extensions"
"cinnamon_applets": {
"name": "Cinnamon Applets",
"destination": "$XDG_DATA_HOME/cinnamon/applets",
"generic_destination": "$APP_DATA/cinnamon_applets"
"cinnamon_desklets": {
"name": "Cinnamon Desklets",
"destination": "$XDG_DATA_HOME/cinnamon/desklets",
"generic_destination": "$APP_DATA/cinnamon_desklets"
"cinnamon_extensions": {
"name": "Cinnamon Extensions",
"destination": "$XDG_DATA_HOME/cinnamon/extensions",
"generic_destination": "$APP_DATA/cinnamon_extensions"
"nautilus_scripts": {
"name": "Nautilus Scripts",
"destination": "$XDG_DATA_HOME/nautilus/scripts",
"generic_destination": "$APP_DATA/nautilus_scripts"
"amarok_scripts": {
"name": "Amarok Scripts",
"destination": "$KDEHOME/share/apps/amarok/scripts",
"generic_destination": "$APP_DATA/amarok_scripts"
"yakuake_skins": {
"name": "Yakuake Skins",
"destination": "$KDEHOME/share/apps/yakuake/skins",
"generic_destination": "$APP_DATA/yakuake_skins"
"cairo_clock_themes": {
"name": "Cairo-Clock Themes",
"destination": "$HOME/.cairo-clock/themes",
"generic_destination": "$APP_DATA/cairo_clock_themes"
"books": {
"name": "Books",
"destination": "$APP_DATA/books",
"generic_destination": "$APP_DATA/books"
"comics": {
"name": "Comics",
"destination": "$APP_DATA/comics",
"generic_destination": "$APP_DATA/comics"
"gnome_shell_themes": {
"base": "themes",
"name": "Gnome Shell Themes"
"cinnamon_themes": {
"base": "themes",
"name": "Cinnamon Themes"
"gtk2_themes": {
"base": "themes",
"name": "GTK2 Themes"
"gtk3_themes": {
"base": "themes",
"name": "GTK3 Themes"
"metacity_themes": {
"base": "themes",
"name": "Metacity Themes"
"xfwm4_themes": {
"base": "themes",
"name": "XFWM4 Themes"
"openbox_themes": {
"base": "themes",
"name": "Openbox Themes"
"kvantum_themes": {
"base": "themes",
"name": "Kvantum Themes"
"compiz_themes": {
"base": "emerald_themes",
"name": "Compiz Themes"
"beryl_themes": {
"base": "emerald_themes",
"name": "Beryl Themes"
"plasma4_plasmoids": {
"base": "plasma_plasmoids",
"name": "Plasma4 Plasmoids"
"plasma5_plasmoids": {
"base": "plasma_plasmoids",
"name": "Plasma5 Plasmoids"
"plasma5_look_and_feel": {
"base": "plasma_look_and_feel",
"name": "Plasma5 Look and Feel"
"plasma5_desktopthemes": {
"base": "plasma_desktopthemes",
"name": "Plasma5 Desktop Themes"
"plasma_color_schemes": {
"base": "color_schemes",
"name": "Plasma Color Schemes"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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<qresource prefix="/images">
import QtQuick 2.0
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.0
import QtQuick.Controls 1.0
import "ui" as Ui
import "scripts/Utility.js" as Utility
ApplicationWindow {
id: app
title: configHandler.getAppConfigApplication().name
visible: true
width: 400
minimumWidth: width
maximumWidth: width
height: 200
minimumHeight: height
maximumHeight: height
function init() {
var metadata = ocsUrlHandler.metadata();
var primaryMessages = {
"success_download": qsTr("Download successful"),
"success_install": qsTr("Installation successful"),
"error_validation": qsTr("Validation error"),
"error_network": qsTr("Network error"),
"error_save": qsTr("Saving file failed"),
"error_install": qsTr("Installation failed")
ocsUrlHandler.started.connect(function() {
ocsUrlHandler.finishedWithSuccess.connect(function(result) {
infoDialog.primaryText = primaryMessages[result.status];
infoDialog.informativeText = metadata.filename;
infoDialog.detailedText = result.message;;
ocsUrlHandler.finishedWithError.connect(function(result) {
errorDialog.primaryText = primaryMessages[result.status];
errorDialog.informativeText = metadata.filename;
errorDialog.detailedText = result.message;;
ocsUrlHandler.downloadProgress.connect(function(id, bytesReceived, bytesTotal) {
progressDialog.primaryText = qsTr("Downloading");
progressDialog.informativeText = metadata.filename;
progressDialog.detailedContentLoader.item.progressBar = bytesReceived / bytesTotal;
= Utility.convertByteToHumanReadable(bytesReceived)
+ " / " + Utility.convertByteToHumanReadable(bytesTotal);
if (ocsUrlHandler.isValid()) {
if (metadata.command === "download") {
confirmDialog.primaryText = qsTr("Do you want to download?");
else if (metadata.command === "install") {
confirmDialog.primaryText = qsTr("Do you want to install?");
confirmDialog.informativeText = metadata.filename;
= qsTr("URL") + ": " + metadata.url + "\n"
+ qsTr("File") + ": " + metadata.filename + "\n"
+ qsTr("Type") + ": " + configHandler.getAppConfigInstallTypes()[metadata.type].name;;
else {
errorDialog.primaryText = primaryMessages["error_validation"];
errorDialog.detailedText = qsTr("Invalid OCS-URL");;
function fixWindowSize(dialog) {
if (dialog.visible) {
app.height = dialog.implicitHeight + (dialog.anchors.margins * 2);
app.minimumHeight = app.height;
app.maximumHeight = app.height;
Ui.Dialog {
id: confirmDialog
icon: "qrc:/images/icons/dialog-information.svg"
actionButton.text: qsTr("Details")
actionButton.onClicked: toggleDetails()
acceptButton.text: qsTr("OK")
acceptButton.onClicked: ocsUrlHandler.process()
rejectButton.text: qsTr("Cancel")
rejectButton.onClicked: Qt.quit()
onVisibleChanged: app.fixWindowSize(confirmDialog)
onImplicitHeightChanged: app.fixWindowSize(confirmDialog)
Ui.Dialog {
id: infoDialog
icon: "qrc:/images/icons/emblem-default.svg"
actionButton.text: qsTr("Details")
actionButton.onClicked: toggleDetails()
acceptButton.text: qsTr("Open")
acceptButton.onClicked: {
rejectButton.text: qsTr("Close")
rejectButton.onClicked: Qt.quit()
onVisibleChanged: app.fixWindowSize(infoDialog)
onImplicitHeightChanged: app.fixWindowSize(infoDialog)
Ui.Dialog {
id: errorDialog
icon: "qrc:/images/icons/dialog-warning.svg"
actionButton.text: qsTr("Details")
actionButton.onClicked: toggleDetails()
rejectButton.text: qsTr("Close")
rejectButton.onClicked: Qt.quit()
onVisibleChanged: app.fixWindowSize(errorDialog)
onImplicitHeightChanged: app.fixWindowSize(errorDialog)
Component {
id: progressComponent
ColumnLayout {
property alias progressBar: progressBar.value
property alias progressText: progressText.text
anchors.fill: parent
spacing: 4
ProgressBar {
id: progressBar
minimumValue: 0
maximumValue: 1
value: 0
Layout.fillWidth: true
Label {
id: progressText
text: ""
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight
Ui.Dialog {
id: progressDialog
icon: "qrc:/images/icons/emblem-downloads.svg"
detailsVisible: true
detailedContentLoader.sourceComponent: progressComponent
rejectButton.text: qsTr("Cancel")
rejectButton.onClicked: Qt.quit()
onVisibleChanged: app.fixWindowSize(progressDialog)
onImplicitHeightChanged: app.fixWindowSize(progressDialog)
Component.onCompleted: {
<qresource prefix="/qml">
.pragma library
function convertByteToHumanReadable(bytes) {
bytes = parseFloat(bytes);
var kb = 1024;
var mb = 1024 * kb;
var gb = 1024 * mb;
var tb = 1024 * gb;
var pb = 1024 * tb;
var eb = 1024 * pb;
var zb = 1024 * eb;
var yb = 1024 * zb;
var text = '';
if (bytes < kb) {
text = bytes.toFixed(0) + ' B';
else if (bytes < mb) {
text = (bytes / kb).toFixed(2) + ' KB';
else if (bytes < gb) {
text = (bytes / mb).toFixed(2) + ' MB';
else if (bytes < tb) {
text = (bytes / gb).toFixed(2) + ' GB';
else if (bytes < pb) {
text = (bytes / tb).toFixed(2) + ' TB';
else if (bytes < eb) {
text = (bytes / pb).toFixed(2) + ' PB';
else if (bytes < zb) {
text = (bytes / eb).toFixed(2) + ' EB';
else if (bytes < yb) {
text = (bytes / zb).toFixed(2) + ' ZB';
else if (bytes >= yb) {
text = (bytes / yb).toFixed(2) + ' YB';
return text;
import QtQuick 2.0
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.0
import QtQuick.Controls 1.0
ColumnLayout {
id: dialog
visible: false
anchors.fill: parent
anchors.margins: 12
spacing: 12
property alias icon: icon.source
property alias primaryText: primaryText.text
property alias informativeText: informativeText.text
property alias detailsVisible: details.visible
property alias detailedText: detailedText.text
property alias detailedContentLoader: detailedContentLoader
property alias actionButton: actionButton
property alias acceptButton: acceptButton
property alias rejectButton: rejectButton
function open() {
dialog.visible = true;
function close() {
dialog.visible = false;
function toggleDetails() {
details.visible = details.visible ? false : true;
RowLayout {
Layout.fillWidth: true
spacing: 12
Image {
id: icon
source: ""
visible: source.toString() ? true : false
Layout.preferredWidth: 48
Layout.preferredHeight: 48
sourceSize.width: 128
sourceSize.height: 128
ColumnLayout {
Layout.fillWidth: true
spacing: 4
Label {
id: primaryText
text: ""
visible: text ? true : false
Layout.fillWidth: true
wrapMode: Text.WrapAnywhere
font.bold: true
font.pixelSize: 14
Label {
id: informativeText
text: ""
visible: text ? true : false
Layout.fillWidth: true
wrapMode: Text.WrapAnywhere
ColumnLayout {
id: details
visible: false
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.fillHeight: true
spacing: 12
Label {
id: detailedText
text: ""
visible: text ? true : false
Layout.fillWidth: true
wrapMode: Text.WrapAnywhere
Loader {
id: detailedContentLoader
visible: (source.toString() || sourceComponent) ? true : false
Layout.fillWidth: true
RowLayout {
Layout.fillWidth: true
spacing: 4
Button {
id: actionButton
text: ""
visible: text ? true : false
Item {
Layout.fillWidth: true
Button {
id: acceptButton
text: ""
visible: text ? true : false
Button {
id: rejectButton
text: ""
visible: text ? true : false
#include "confighandler.h"
#include <QStringList>
#include <QStandardPaths>
#include "qtil_dir.h"
ConfigHandler::ConfigHandler(QObject *parent)
: QObject(parent)
appConfig_ = Qtil::Config(":/configs");
QJsonObject ConfigHandler::getAppConfigApplication() const
return appConfigApplication_;
QJsonObject ConfigHandler::getAppConfigInstallTypes() const
return appConfigInstallTypes_;
void ConfigHandler::importAppConfigApplication()
appConfigApplication_ = appConfig_.get("application");
void ConfigHandler::importAppConfigInstallTypes()
auto installTypes = appConfig_.get("install_types");
for (const auto &key : installTypes.keys()) {
auto installtype = installTypes[key].toObject();
installtype["destination"] = convertPathString(installtype["destination"].toString());
installtype["generic_destination"] = convertPathString(installtype["generic_destination"].toString());
installTypes[key] = installtype;
auto installTypesAlias = appConfig_.get("install_types_alias");
for (const auto &key : installTypesAlias.keys()) {
auto installTypeAlias = installTypesAlias[key].toObject();
auto baseKey = installTypeAlias["base"].toString();
if (installTypes.contains(baseKey)) {
auto installType = installTypes[baseKey].toObject();
installType["base"] = baseKey;
installType["name"] = installTypeAlias["name"].toString();
installTypes[key] = installType;
appConfigInstallTypes_ = installTypes;
QString ConfigHandler::convertPathString(const QString &path) const
auto newPath = path;
if (newPath.contains("$HOME")) {
newPath.replace("$HOME", Qtil::Dir::homePath());
else if (newPath.contains("$XDG_DOCUMENTS_DIR")) {
newPath.replace("$XDG_DOCUMENTS_DIR", QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::DocumentsLocation));
else if (newPath.contains("$XDG_DOWNLOAD_DIR")) {
newPath.replace("$XDG_DOWNLOAD_DIR", QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::DownloadLocation));
else if (newPath.contains("$XDG_PICTURES_DIR")) {
newPath.replace("$XDG_PICTURES_DIR", QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::PicturesLocation));
else if (newPath.contains("$XDG_MUSIC_DIR")) {
newPath.replace("$XDG_MUSIC_DIR", QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::MusicLocation));
else if (newPath.contains("$XDG_VIDEOS_DIR")) {
newPath.replace("$XDG_VIDEOS_DIR", QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::MoviesLocation));
else if (newPath.contains("$XDG_DATA_HOME")) {
newPath.replace("$XDG_DATA_HOME", Qtil::Dir::genericDataPath());
else if (newPath.contains("$KDEHOME")) {
newPath.replace("$KDEHOME", Qtil::Dir::kdehomePath());
else if (newPath.contains("$APP_DATA")) {
newPath.replace("$APP_DATA", Qtil::Dir::genericDataPath() + "/" + getAppConfigApplication()["id"].toString());
return newPath;
#pragma once
#include <QObject>
#include <QJsonObject>
#include "qtil_config.h"
class ConfigHandler : public QObject
explicit ConfigHandler(QObject *parent = nullptr);
public slots:
QJsonObject getAppConfigApplication() const;
QJsonObject getAppConfigInstallTypes() const;
void importAppConfigApplication();
void importAppConfigInstallTypes();
QString convertPathString(const QString &path) const;
Qtil::Config appConfig_;
QJsonObject appConfigApplication_;
QJsonObject appConfigInstallTypes_;