Best way I have found to update to new a version is to use kpackagetool5, details below.
Note: If you are trying to update to newest version using Discover and it is not working, you may be missing the "metadata.desktop" file.
If so it can be created in the "/home/user-name/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/com.softtechok.systemmonitorplasmoid" folder
with to following content, Change the version number to reflect the version you currently have installed.
===next line is first line of file====
[Desktop Entry]
Name=System Monitor Plasmoid
Comment=Shows System Monitor Information
X-KDE-PluginInfo-Author=Barry Strong
X-KDE-PluginInfo-Category=System Information
===previous line is last line of file====
Plasma 5 shell (plasma >= 5.7), Starting with Version 2.0 (plasma > 5.20).
Version 1.03 and below, with plasma > 5.20 may need to install ksysguardd.
### Using Discover
Search for "system monitor plasmoid" in Plasma Addons, Plasma Widgets.
1. Go to the desktop.
3. Right Click the desktop, select "Add Widgets".
4. Click "Get New Widgets".
5. Click "Download New Plasma Widgets".
6. Search for "System Monitor Plasmoid".
7. Click Install.
8. Close Installer Window.
9. You can now add the Widget to the desktop, Right Click desktop and select "Add Widgets", search for "System Monitor Plasmoid", drag to desktop.
### Using kpackagetool5
1. Download Package.
2. Open Konsole.
5. Close Konsole.
6. You can now add the Widget to the desktop, Right Click desktop and select "Add Widgets", search for "System Monitor Plasmoid", drag to desktop.
7. To update to latest version.
8. Do steps 1 thru 3.
9. Enter "kpackagetool5 -u filename".
10. Close Konsole
11. logout / login to load new version.
Right Click the Plasmoid and select "Configure System Monitor Plasmoid.."
Each Item can be displayed as a bar Graph, a Circular Graph or a Plot Graph.
Colors for each Item can be selected on the "Colors" tab.
Fast plotting or smooth plotting (More Cpu intensive) can be selected for the Plot Graph.
There are options to show borders, to show labels (on top or bottom).
What Disks/Partitions to show Space Or activity for can be selected in the "Disk Space" or "Disk IO" tabs.
What network devices to show activity for can be selected in the network tab.
What Gpu Devices to show activity, temperature or frequency for can be selected in the GPU tabs.
What Power Devices to show status for can be selected in the Power tab.
Different layouts can be obtained by selecting the number of columns/rows and layout direction.
**You may need to widen the configuration dialog to see the new options**
**There is now a custom label field for each display item and a display name field**
**(for multiple device items). If you enter a space, no label/name**
**will be displayed. If left blank the default label/name will be displayed.**
**Add the plasmoid to the desktop more than once for additional effects.**
**The plasmoid can also be added multiple times to a panel for a wider widget effect.**
**If more Items are selected than what is allowed by the combination of Columns and Rows, the display will be distorted due some Items overlaying each other. You will either need to select fewer Items or increase the number of columns or rows.**