juscelinojr authoredjuscelinojr authored
Sometimes, a simple count-up timer is what you need when you want to train for presentations or when you just want to informally monitor the time of a process. The original KDE4 Plasma addon Timer is just a count-down timer. It doesn't work as a count-up timer. This patch intend to extend the Timer applet to a count-up timer. What is missing so, thinking about a complete chronometer, is the lap functionality. But that would be developed later. What the patch does: The 00:00:00 time is added as default, even if the user remove it, the applet will add it again. So the option 00:00:00 will always exists. By setting timer to 00:00:00, this will inform the applet to start from 00:00:00 and go on counting up to "infinite". For the future: As the future is the KDE5 and I don't know what will be the demand for the lap functionality. So, I will remain this applet this way for a time to see what will happens with KDE, mainly on Slackware Linux. If the Slackware adopt KDE5, as there is a Kronometer, probably I will no longer maintain this patch. But for now, this will help us to save some time. Thank you for the visit. If you have any questions / suggestions / criticisms, let me know by email. ENVIRONMENT: Slackware Linux Current 5.4.31 GLib version: 1.2.10 Qt: 4.8.7 KDE development platform: 4.14.38 Shell of the Plasma Desktop: 4.11.22