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Created with Raphaël 2.2.010Sep9865331Aug302928272617151431Jul292523212019181716141211732129Jun282625242015May5Mar25Dec830Nov288764131Oct25241918765432130Sep292715Aug1Jul23Jun15141312Apr1187654130Mar2827262422161514427Feb191186127Jan201716141129Dec282726201716151412229Nov2826211975428Oct2654329Sep2422Aug831Jul2726252119171513128765130Jun26242322201918138765432131May30292827261413121187532128Apr2726242322212019181716141312111098728Mar2726242322211817161514123225Feb21181310987532128Jan2723221817161513121110987629Dec262522Added setting for dark mode, added dark mode support in main process, started refactoring theming, started working on theming dark mode, added setting toggle notifications, updates markdown filesFix typos and grammar issues (#518)Added navigation button to toggle the navigation to be shown, added keyboard shortcut for toggling navigation, added "All files" as dialog optionsUpdate French translation.json (#515)Adjustments to how file extensions are being handled, optimized search bar keyboard shortcutAdded filter settings to toggle todos with due or threshold dates in the future, added test cases for date operations, added test cases for setting convertRelativeToAbsoluteDatesFixed broken test cases, minor refactoring, group buttons now highlighted if they match filtersAdded setting for replacing relative with due dates, added setting to allow any file extensionFixed recurrence function if single character was passed as interval, fixed broken business day recurrence, dates can now be selected in table, added PoC to fully integrate search bar with header barv2.0.0-dev7 v2.…v2.0.0-dev7 v2.0.0-dev8Fixed issue after recurring todo was createdSorting function (in drawer) will be hidden, when sorting as in file is enabled, drawer and search visibility state are now persisted, adjustments to file watcher configurationAdded accordion to attribute drawer, fixed group button click in table, enhanced due/t/rec attribute buttons in table, added config for accordionOpenStatev2.0.0-dev6v2.0.0-dev6Updated readme and dependenciesImproved datepickers, refactored the attribute increment count, added shortcut to reset selected filtersv2.0.0-dev5v2.0.0-dev5Refactored Sugar implementation, fixed and added unit testsSome fixes on the table, enhancement to search shortcut, removed not needed cssv2.0.0-dev4v2.0.0-dev4Fixed test casesThreshold and due date inline picker labels now look different, new tests added, Typescript refactoring, added Sugar support for due and threshold datesFixed test cases, changed File structure, added tool bar and included search icon, search is now hidden per defaultUpdate README.mdAdded setting modal, added settings for appendCreationDate, added keyboard shortcut for archiving, added check for numeric attribute values, fixed appendCreationDate behavior, fixed pomodoro formatting in drawerCreation and completion date can be used as attributes in drawer, added archiving function, fixed button click on dates in attribute drawerEnhanced sorting function, added invert mode for sorting methods, merged filters and attribute drawer into onem added handler to adjust width of drawerFixed a bug in File.tsAdded notifications for due dates, refactoring, added and broke some test casesUpdated README.mdAdded appendCreationDate setting, added unit tests for todo object creation and appendCreationDate setting, added lazy loading, updated, added keyboard shortcut for hiding completed todos, added function to persist window dimension and positionAdded recurring todos feature, added unit tests for recurring todos, refactoringv2.0.0-dev3v2.0.0-dev3Enhanced keyboard handling, refactored date pickers, added alphanumerically sorting of attributes in drawerv2.0.0-dev2v2.0.0-dev2Removed dry run option from close stale workflowm updated dependenciesAdded stale and close action supportAdded inline date pickers, added priorities as filter in drawerAdded test cases for writeToFile.ts, refactoring of file eventsRefactored drawer, added close stable issues bot workflowRefactored renderer components, added new iconsv2.0.0-dev1v2.0.0-dev1Refactored file handling, added files to menuswitched to CodeQL v2, enhancements to pipelineEnhanced Codecov CI integrationAdded a prompt, added context menu in todo table, added delete function to context menu, refactoring file handling, added test case for writeToFile, fixed snyk CI pipeline runAdded keyboard shortcut to open todo dialog, added persistant filters, optimized filtering, added code signing setup, added test cases for Filters.ts, refactoring, enhanced file handling