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Created with Raphaël 2.2.017Jul16141211732129Jun282625242015May5Mar25Dec830Nov288764131Oct25241918765432130Sep292715Aug1Jul23Jun15141312Apr1187654130Mar2827262422161514427Feb191186127Jan201716141129Dec282726201716151412229Nov2826211975428Oct2654329Sep2422Aug831Jul2726252119171513128765130Jun26242322201918138765432131May30292827261413121187532128Apr2726242322212019181716141312111098728Mar2726242322211817161514123225Feb21181310987532128Jan2723221817161513121110987629Dec26252220181716151411943Refactored file handling, added files to menuswitched to CodeQL v2, enhancements to pipelineEnhanced Codecov CI integrationAdded a prompt, added context menu in todo table, added delete function to context menu, refactoring file handling, added test case for writeToFile, fixed snyk CI pipeline runAdded keyboard shortcut to open todo dialog, added persistant filters, optimized filtering, added code signing setup, added test cases for Filters.ts, refactoring, enhanced file handlingImproved autosuggest container, filters can be selected, added recurrence picker, added react mui date pickerAdded date pickers for threshold and due datesUpdate README.mdUpdate README.mdUpdate README.mdUpdate CONTRIBUTING.mdAdded snackbar support for info, error and warning messages, refactored ipc handling and component structureAdded auto suggest function to dialog inputAdded contributing guidelines, added more test cases, small fixes in table, general refactoringFixed the sorting function, refactored data request and receivalImplemented lazy loading to data grid, added button highlighting in navigation, moved search string to main process, added headers object, moved todo counter to search component, removed approach to lazy loading, changed search field styleRefactored search function, improved layout, added "Add as todo" function in search bar, added todo counterImplemented debounced search, refined basic frame, removed react-virtualised with simple list for now, added filters in drawer, introduced SCSS, general refactoringTodos can be edited and added, error handling for this is addedAdded base implementation of navigation, added 1st batch of test cases for navigationAdded error handling, when config is not found or empty, added test cases for App.tsx and TodoTxtObjects.ts, switched everything to TypeScriptactiveFile is now a function and returns the current active file, initial call for todo.txt objects initiated in renderer again, added components for drawer, navigation, filetabs and splash screens, set maxListeners to 1Added dynamic file tabs, file watcher now reloads data grid, todos can be marked as complete, most todo.txt attributes are being highlighted, added more UItodos can now be completed and uncompleted, changes are written to file, filtewatcher reloads the datagrid on file changeCreated base app, added React, added 1st test file, set up ipc communication, added creation of todo.txt objects, added file watcher functions, added parsing of todo.txt objects into a datagridSetup main process, filewatchers, todo.txt object creation, took care of sorting and groupingFixed:,, updated dependencies, replaced Matomo URLv1.3.2-rc.1v1.3.2-rc.1Updated dependencies, added missing Chinese translationsv1.3.1v1.3.1Merge branch 'master' of http-cache-semantics from 4.1.0 to 4.1.1 (#461)Bump json5 from 2.2.1 to 2.2.3 (#450)feat(locale): translate to chinese completely (#470)Added PoC for bulk operationsv1.3.1-rc.3v1.3.1-rc.3Added shift key to due date commands, added polling interval to file watcherv1.3.1-rc.2v1.3.1-rc.2Fixed broken keyboard shortcutsv1.3.1-rc.1v1.3.1-rc.1Merge branch 'develop'CSS improvements, refactoring on filters, improved datepicker behaviorv1.3.0v1.3.0Added prototype for prefilling input with selected filterv1.3.0-rc.1v1.3.0-rc.1Merge branch 'develop'Prepare Flathub build