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To find the state of this project's repository at the time of any of these versions, check out the tags.
changes 26.48 KiB
  Nootka says: I speak Portuguese and Tamil
     - added Portuguese translation
     - added Tamil translation
     - finished Ukrainian transition

  Nootka plays ukulele
     - added ukulele support with defined popular tunings
     - dialog to import voice or part from entire musicXML score
     - support for read/write compressed musicXML file format (*.mxl)
     - handle partial measure at score beginning - fill with rests
     - option for transposing score - to key or by semitones
     - fixed access to file system when musicXML is opening
    Under the hood:
     - increase minimal required Qt version to 5.12
     - from now requires zlib

  Nootka knows rhythms and plays a few more instruments
     - updated online documentation and links to it
     - updated Slovenian translation
     - bug fixes
     - PulseAudio backend can work through PipeWire when available
     - lightly colorize dialog buttons for better legibility

1.9.1 rc2
     - chart tip can be clicked to show complete melody of question
     - level creator can display preview of entire melody
     - updated Hungarian translation
     - version checker/updater was ported to QML
     - fixed and improved saxophone support
     - fixed displaying note names over instrument during exercises
     - fixed crash after 'note selection help' was displayed
     - a lot of small fixes
     - better fit to different screen sizes and layouts

1.9.0 rc1
     - when window is not wide enough, instrument can be scrolled
     - dialogues can change content layout to fit available size
     - added exercise to play Bach Minuet adjusted to instruments
     - bandoneon improvements (rhythms detection, layout)
     - initial translation into Ukrainian language
     - updated translations (cs, es, de, fr, it, pl)
     - fixed many bugs (crashes, smaller glitches)
     - improved way of zooming instrument to select note on it
     - screen rotation is supported (for tablets)
     - do not require access to files at very beginning

1.7.4 beta4
     - 'Got It!' texts about important Nootka features
     - added wizard page to select between single-note or full score
     - if no note is selected on the score notes are added one by one,
     - if any note is selected - only this one is changed
     - improved exam summary
     - handle notes beaming of each piano staves separately
     - plenty of tiny user interface improvements and fixes
     - no more jumping UI when some of buttons was pressed
     - fixed pitch detection for low-pitched instruments (bass)
     - animation about how to edit score with touch
     - do not block mic when app is send to background
1.7.3 beta3
     - new, better way of detecting note/rest duration (rhythms)
     - managing rests and ties in exam melodies
     - exam melodies from melody set can be played in order
     - melodies order in set is editable
     - user can define repeats number of melodies from the set
     - improved level preview table
     - updated SoundTouch library version to 2.2 (Windows, Android)
     - display menu entries to navigate exam (along with quick buttons)
     - indicate input volume by scaling menu button dot
     - option for suspending mic when screen was touched
     - fixed AppImage issues - works under Wayland as well
     - available again, no need for chasing font different way

1.7.2 beta2
     - improved rhythm detection
     - bug fixes
     - improved controls for navigating exams (check, next, etc.)
     - use long press to display description of some controls
     - vol keys invoke tuner but control volume when playing

     - improved analysis charts (look and behavior)
     - added handy drawer with exam list and chart options
     - improved tuner, added middle 'a' frequency settings there
     - notes with the same pitches can be tied by user
     - disabling level creator pages which are currently unused
     - added help topic selector on 'help page' with all the context
     - make controls look (check boxes, radios, sliders) consistent
     - fixed/improved transposition of bass, transitions from dropped clef
     - configurable options for full screen, rotation and lock
     - added zoom for selecting piano keys
    Under the hood:
     - reduced memory usage for charts with many questions
     - migrated version control to GIT, keep entire Nootka code history

1.7.0 beta1
  Nootka says: I speak Italian
     - added Italian translation
     - metronome can tick audibly, also during pitch detection
     - audible and/or visible countdown before playing and listening
     - added support for scientific octave numbers in note names
     - read/save melody title, composer, tempo, beat
     - level can consist set of melodies loaded from files
     - restored charts (analysis) with updated look
     - improved start wizard to handle more supported instruments
     - exam summary displays pie chart with kinds of mistake

1.5.2 alpha3
     - adding/deleting notes to score works like in text editor
     - edit/view mode in score
     - added dialog to selecting options of random melody
     - improvements in algorithm generating melodies
     - extended grand staff, beaming notes on every staff separately
     - score supports bowing symbols, read them from XML
     - keyboard shortcuts for changing rhythm, accidentals, etc.
     - all playing routines moved to separate thread
     - improved level creator

1.5.1 alpha2
     - detecting duration (rhythm) of sound along with its pitch
     - simple metronome and its menu for configuring parameters
     - added bandoneon and saxophone views
     - audio plays different sounds (piano, bandoneon, sax)
     - real support for transposing instruments
     - new Nootka icons (application, level/exam files)
     - more stuff ported to QML

1.5.0 alpha1
     - added support for rhythms to the score
     - import/export to/from music XML files
     - added piano view
     - porting visible part into QML - rendering with graphics device
     - many improvements of user interface
     - option for enable/disable animations

     - a few improvements for instruments other than guitar
     - properly display answer result messages
     - fix write access for newer Android versions

  Nootka says: I speak Slovenian
     - added Slovenian translation
     - more user friendly method of checking played notes in exercises
     - fixed crash after finishing exam/exercise
     - keep random generated melody in clef range
     - use standard path for icons (app, mime) (/usr/share/icons/hicolor)
     - set of scaled icons for above
     - added appdata XML file for better desktop integration and packaging
     - Flatpak package available
     - asking for permissions: required by newer Androids
     - added arm64_v8a and x86_64 versions

  Nootka says: I speak Hungarian
     - added Hungarian translations
     - Stylus support on touch screens (Requires Qt 5.9/Android 4.2 and above)
     - using secure SSL connections when possible (update check, links)
     - Don't stop pitch detection when question and answer are a sound
     - Removed memory leaks, fixed two issues causing random crashes

     - German translation is complete
     - support for marking more frets on the fingerboard
     - fixed annoying crash on entering settings when 'other' instrument was used

     - attempt to fix random crashes related to audio input
     - improved look of checkable buttons (note name)
     - removed a few memory leaks

     - added standalone AppImage for Linux
     - don't stop pitch detection after playing a note
     - avoid false update messages
     - properly detect default language under Win 10

     - Fixed issues with note range in custom created levels

     - new method to make random melodies more... melodic
     - melody can be randomized from selected notes, i.e. pentatonic scale
     - so added level with pentatonic scales
     - solfege or letter note names can be selected during first run wizard
     - improved look of sound views, better fit to high DPI screens
     - reduced number of paint operations, works even 2-4 times faster
     - volume settings and pitch preview can be invoked with volume keys
     - settings menu entry is placed on the top menu label
     - stop pitch detection when app is going background, restore when backs
     - fixed positioning of tips with question content
     - other small fixes

1.3.0 alpha1
     - removed roundness of widget/tips
     - scroll-able widgets can be flicked with mouse/finger
     - improved scaling of dialog windows
     - prepared code for further features
    Under the hood
     - Android and Desktop code are in the single branch now
     - reorganized layout of libraries, score is in separate lib
     - exam execution moved to plugin

1.2A.7 rc3
     - handle pinch gesture to zoom score in/out
     - touching screen suspends pitch detection
     - updated Qt version to 5.6.1
     - prevent stopping input sound randomly
     - fixed issues with saving exams/levels on device

  Nootka says: I speak Spanish
     - translated to Spanish language
     - better method of handling input audio data, increased buffer size
     - forwarding input to output works with every sound system now
     - fixed reason of random crashes when audio input started
     - repaired starting exam with melodies from single note mode view
     - file descriptions are translated under Mac Os Finder
     - fixed deb package compatibility with Ubuntu 16.04
     - other minor fixes

1.2A.6 rc2
  Google Play(s) with Nootka
     - prepared to release in Google Play
     - change of any option highlights menu button to remember about confirmation
     - added help-like animation to describe how to use sweeping of main menu
     - better fit to high dpi screens
     - fixed some scaling issues

     - clicking melody note displays guitar position (only exercises)
     - updated Russian translation
     - improvements of scaling guitar image for different resolutions
     - fixed bug with doubled fingerboard on high resolution screens
     - keep right-side note pane always visible, even at the staff end

1.2A.5 rc1
     - added update checker
     - improved widget to starting lessons
     - fixed fluency of playing guitar sounds
     - fixed random crashes during editing score with multiple staves
    Under the hood
     - reorganized layout of libraries, score is in separate lib
     - exam execution moved to plugin

     - added new levels
     - added donors list
     - clef menu visibility fixes for Qt 5.6 compatibility
     - fixed storing of instrument scale for non guitars
     - other minor fixes

1.2A.4 beta2
     - exam file can be sent directly through Android native services
     - improved main menu
     - fixed crash when re-enabling input/output settings
     - fixed note scaling during correction animation
     - note cursor is hidden properly
     - other glitches repaired

     - reduced memory consumption of pitch detection process
     - Ported 1.2 branch to Mac Os
     - Fixed crash when note name tip was invoked from temporary, auto added note segment
     - Default color of enharmonic notes/names is set properly and approved when changed
     - Resizing issues - fingerboard never goes out of a view
     - other small fixes

1.2A.3 beta1
     - added touch interface, adjusted GUI layout to it
     - new file and color dialogues adjusted for touch screens
     - corner menu button and menu similar to Android native
     - new layout of dialog windows for better touch integration
     - audio stack ported to Qt Audio for mobile devices
    Under the hood
     - code fully depends on c++11 capable compiler

     - During exams - don't run pitch detection after settings dialog was closed
     - Fixed layout of exam results when note name is visible
     - Additional staff lines are hiding properly
     - Fixed conditions when 'correct' tool button is displayed
     - Questioned note and corrected one might have distorted colors - fixed
     - small fixes of translations

     - updated Russian translation
     - added flick-able scroll (by mouse dragging) to windows with help
     - fixed crash related to hiding temp note segment at the staff end
     - properly loading translations of guitar tuning
     - fixed French translation
     - fixed mistakes in Polish translation
     - preventing of text selection in help windows

     - fixed finger position validation - it might corrupt exam files
     - properly hide disabled double accidentals buttons in note name menu
     - fixed position of note name menu when it is moving between staves
     - fixed compilation issues if missing c++11 flag
1.2.0 final
  Nootka plays melodies
     - updated on-line help
     - unlocked help button(s) to opening related help sites
     - improved displaying accidentals and neutrals in melodies
     - repaired and improved asking penalty melodies in exams
     - fixed melody chart tip - correctly displays every attempt summary
     - fixed and improved animations of accidentals from note to key signature
     - intonation checking respects properly setting of accuracy level
     - fixed issue when exam was corrupted due to wrongly reading it from a file
     - fixed determining mistake types for melodies
     - fixed chart issues when melodies are analyzing
     - fixed a lot of small glitches

1.1.7 rc2
     - improvements/fixes related to low latency and real-time audio
     - updated Qt libraries to the latest version in Windows installer
     - changed all static font sizes to system related sizes
     - proper clef rendering in question tips
     - proper re-sampling when rate is bigger than 48000
     - avoiding multiple calls of status messages for better performance
     - fixed loading Qt translations and switching languages
     - fixed Debian package dependencies, Ubuntu 14.04 is supported now

1.1.6 rc1
     - new, advanced settings for pitch detection
     - workarounds to avoid pitch-detection of the same note twice
     - other pitch detection improvements
     - better support when audio input and output are different devices
     - updated translations
     - updated RtAudio to latest git version - many bugs fixes
     - tons of fixed bugs, mistakes and glitches...

1.1.5 beta
     - detailed preview of melodies in charts
     - added new tool button with menu to manage a score
     - new, quick, click-less way for adding notes to a score
     - improved pop-up for selecting note name over score
     - a note from played exam melody can be selected to start playing from it
     - improved look of sound meters widgets
     - intonation accuracy can be set from intonation view
     - first run wizard comes back improved  - it is a plugin now
     - improved user visible texts
     - updated Windows installer
     - tons of fixed bugs, mistakes and glitches...
    Under the hood
     - external executable-s converted to plugins, loaded on demand
     - audio device has single instance shared with external settings plugin

1.1.4 alpha
     - exam tips are storing their position when moved by user
     - some icons changed
     - fixed a lot of small glitches
    Under the hood
     - removed all 'extern' statements from libraries

1.1.3 alpha
     - There is an option for using JACK (Linux) and ASIO (Windows)
     - pitch detection range is set dynamically instead of settings
     - two pitch detection methods merged into single, two-steps method
     - improved detection of quickly repeated (the same) notes
     - exam question tips are movable and were improved
     - window elements (hints, sound view, guitar, tool bar) can be hidden
     - dots marking frets are configurable
     - flickering of an analyze chart was put right

1.1.2 alpha
     - exams/exercises support for playing melodies from a score
     - exams/exercises support for writing listened melodies
     - recognizing new mistake types related to melodies
     - added tuning fork button to play middle A in exams based on listening
     - added pop-up panes to quick manage a note in a score
     - improved randomization, all notes from range will occur equally
     - simple import/export melodies to XML (music) format
    Under the hood
     - binary format of exam files (*.noo) changed to text based
     - saving melodies and related information in *.noo files
     - dividing and cleaning monolithic code of examining process

1.1.1 alpha
     - interactive score with staves (systems)
     - possibility of adding/removing notes to the score
     - GUI layout changed
     - option for displaying accidentals from key signature close to a note
     - note names can be displayed on the score (below every note)
     - option for forwarding audio input through selected audio output
     - improved level creator
    Under the hood
     - ported to Qt5
     - divided for libraries and external executable files
     - updated RtAudio version
     - updated SoundTouch version (Windows/MacOs), better optimization
     - under newer Windows Os-es version WASAPI or ASIO is used and DS for XP
     - merged audio input and output callback methods
     - ported binary format of *.nel files to XML


     - finished German translation
     - fixed crash with some JACK configurations
     - small scaling issues in a chart 

  Nootka says: I'm number one
     - fixed grand staff lines width and switching to single staff
0.9.8 rc4
     - alternate note names on an axis chart
     - adjusting pitch detection range to possibilities of a clef
     - fixed animation of corrected position for left-handed players layout
     - styles of note names on linear charts are displayed properly
     - fixed desktop entry for rpm packages

0.9.7 rc3
  Nootka says: I speak German
     - added German translation
     - fixed acting with non pitch-ordered strung/tuned guitars
     - fixed/improved electric/bass guitar look
     - fixed layout in different window sizes
     - improved rpm validation results
     - fixed detecting clef type from older versions of Nootka files

0.9.6 rc2
     - fixed high CPU usage with PulseAudio
     - fingerboard properly hides highlighted string
     - font scaling fixes and placement of texts (note name)
     - translations fixes

0.9.5 rc1
  Nootka says: I'm afraid of exams
     - added exercise mode, without penalties and elapsing time
     - more options for exercises (clues, additional note names, etc.)
     - extended support for instruments different than guitar 
     - transposing is possible in a range ±12 semitones (octave)
     - Nootka gives 'Certificate of Exam Completion' when you pass
     - exam can check intonation of a sound and its accuracy is configurable
     - English language in Nootka was corrected and improved
     - buttons with octaves and accidentals are highlighted during answering
     - audio input device settings dialog is more clear and neat
     - GUI layout enhancements
     - crossing of played notes is fluent now - it was cleaned from cracks
     - preview of a level was improved and levels can be deleted as well
     - intonation view displays differences more accurate
     - added animations of accidentals corresponding with key signature
     - tons of smaller fixes/improvements
     - Nootka doesn't crash when guitar or singing is out of tune
     - fixed random crash when midi output was in use
     - piano stave is properly locked in exams and level creator
     - audio devices not supported rate of 44100 Hz work properly
     - fixed switching instrument type when an exam is continued
     - fixed losing default audio device in Linux ALSA

0.8.95 beta
  Nootka says: I speak Russian and play bass
     - Nootka can play natural bass and electric guitar sounds
     - Russian translation added
     - pitch detection improvements - minimal note duration is configurable
     - compiling under Windows is simpler now
     - possible launching without installation
     - a lot of small improvements
     - fixed crashes related with DirectSound under Windows
     - many small bugs were repaired

0.8.89 prebeta (not so official release)
     - added support for bass guitars
     - strings number can be changed, width depends on their pitch
     - added possibility to display notes on grand stave
     - support for different clefs (bass, alto, tenor)
     - range of detected pitches was extended and is configurable
     - settings dialog launches faster and takes less memory
     - default settings can be restored
    Under the hood
     - score widget written from scratch and ready for further changes

0.8.77 beta
     - added intonation view of played sound
     - checking for new versions of an application
     - improved reaction on detected pitch (faster and fluid)
     - audio output supports change of base frequency
    Under the hood
     - audio layer ported to RtAudio
     - under Linux added support for PulseAudio & JACK (experimental) 
     - sound data compressed to ogg

0.8.60 beta
     - added bar charts
     - new types of chart: sorted by question type and by mistakes
     - line on a chart showing progress of an exam
     - added tip how to confirm an answer
     - images on tips are clickable to simpler navigate through an exam
     - changes preview
    Under the hood
     - many improvements in a chart engine
0.8.51 stable
     - eliminated some memory leaks related with charts and tips
     - fixed crash for exams with all answers incorrect

0.8.5 stable
  Nootka says: I will tell You about what You've been thinking for so long...
     - added detailed description of an application in first run wizard
     - fixed crash after right click on exam help window
     - made application more proof on abnormal DPI settings
     - proper recognizing answers on wrong strings
     - fixed shortened sound output under Windows
     - a few smaller bugs were fixed

0.8.4 rc1
     - tons of visual changes to fix, adjust and improve
     - time of wrong aswers is no more included to average
     - fixed proper note pitch in exams with single key
     - fixed crashes related with preferences window
     - proper displaying natural signs in questions preview
     - proper counting of number of mandatory questions in exams
     - fixed translation of color/open/save dialogues

0.8.3 beta 
  Nootka says: I speak French
     - French translation added
     - exams can be finished after answering specified number of questions
     - displaying progress of an exam end details
     - mistakes are stored and are asked oftener
     - New chart - ordered by key signatures
     - implemented question and answer as position on a guitar
     - recognizing answers with proper sound but wrong string
     - simpler level creator and improved validation of levels
     - improved hints during an exam
     - in Nootka font- fixed look of string numbers under Windows

0.8.2 beta    
     - Added new charts - data sorted by note pitch and fret number
     - improved dialog window to start/continue exams
     - new, more detailed dialogues with question during exams
     - A few settings of a chart

0.8.1 beta
     - !!! Added analyze of an exam results - first chart !!!
     - opening Level Creator from starting exam dialog
     - starting exams from Level Creator dialog
    Under the hood
     - implementation of chart engine

0.8 final	  
  Nootka says: I can hear You
     - added support for MacOs and related issues
     - during exams double accidentals buttons in Note Name are hidden if no needed
     - GUI texts improved
     - adjustments and bug-fixes for some rare question/answer combinations
     - fixed behaviour of the buttons in Note Name Widget
     - fixed segmentation fault after probing audio input
     - fixed forcing accidentals on ear training level
     - a lot of smallest

0.8 beta
     - !!! Added sound input and pitch detection !!!
     - added possibility to change base pitch of a1 note
     - simple preview of an exam results
     - expert's mode in an exam
     - help window during exams
     - better sound output under Windows (in Linux it remains good)
     - layout of widgets was improved
     - Bespin QT style "friendly" - more clear look of buttons
     - right mouse button does what it has to do
     - fixed hanging up on an exam start for some levels
     - a lot of small bug-fixes
  Under the hood
     - cpack rules for building deb & rpm & src packages
     - ported audio lib to "Qt native" QtMultimedia

  Nootka says: I speak Czech
     - added Czech translation
     - added language selector to settings
     - added translations for associated Nootka files under Windows 
     - key signatures suffixes are translated properly
     - removed untranslated strings
     - fixed segmentation fault occurred after run on some 
      platforms (Fedora, Debian)

   Nootka says: I can play
     - !!! Sound output added, also questions as played sound !!!
     - added midi playback
     - added playback with natural sound of classical guitar
     - support for opening external nootka files
     - polish translation
     - associate Nootka files with executable also under Windows
     - added button for fast switch on/off hints
     - questions and answers view is more clear
     - right mouse button asks questions and checks answers
     - preventing to use levels with a range out of current tune and frets number
     - possibility of changing colors of some elements
     - fixed drawing last fret out of a fingerboard
     - fixed proper position of a clef and accidentals
     - fixed encoding characters under non UTF8 systems
     - Guitar is disabled during exams in proper way
     - Fixed behaviour of right mouse button over fingerboard
     - and few smaller bugs

     - !!! executing exams !!!
     - storing user settings
     - created nootka font
     - added first run wizard

     - Levels creator dialog
  Under the hood
     - all resources moved out of executable file