v1.6.4073f3f1c7 · ·
=== 1.6.40 / 2018-12-28 * Fix some library classes which failed, when Fox was not included into the global namespace. * Add new accessor FXImage#dataPtr to access raw image data from FFI, Fiddle or OpenGL. * Ensure zero terminated strings in values of C-argv. * Remove various Ruby and C++ warnings. * Update libfox to 1.6.57. * Add support for RubyInstaller-2.6 * Set minimum required ruby version to 2.2
v1.6.37.rc16d21a6ed · ·
=== 1.6.37.rc1 / 2017-06-16 * Add a 3rd type of FXRbObjects which is used for callbacks. Fixes #39
v1.6.36ee84f21a · ·
=== 1.6.36 / 2017-06-04 * Support the fxruby source gem on Windows (only RubyInstaller-2.4). * Replace our self-made directory search methods by pgk-config. * Enable the use of Win32 unicode functions. Fixes #30 and #38 * Fix segfault in vsprintf on Windows 10. * Update support for RubyInstaller-2.4.1-1 * Update to libjpeg-9b * More automation for gem releases
1.6.35d62e8fb3 · ·
=== 1.6.35 / 2017-02-15 * Adjust for Ruby-2.4 with unified Integers * Add support for RubyInstaller-2.4 * Drop support for Ruby-1.8 and 1.9. It may work with them, but is no longer tested. * Add compat with SWIG-3.0 * Fix an issue with FXApp#removeInput introduced in fxruby-1.6.30. * Work around missing /usr/lib/libfxscintilla.so file in Ubuntu * Update dependent gems. * Update libraries for Windows build.
1.6.34931b8a81 · ·
=== 1.6.34 / 2016-04-26 * Add support for RubyInstaller-2.3 * Avoid RARRAY_PTR() which broke fxruby on ruby-2.3.0. * Make use of StringValueCStr() where it is suitable. * Fix initialisation of runOnUiThread event handler, when FXApp is called with a block. * Disable GVL on RubyInstaller-1.9.3. Fixes #24
1.6.332c073a72 · ·
=== 1.6.33 / 2015-08-20 * Avoid calls that are prohibited while GC phases during GC. Fixes #23 * Use copy'ing getters for FXVec members in FXMat*, FXMaterial and FXLight. This fixes the TC_FXMaterial#test_bug test case. * Fix test suite, so that all tests pass. * Add a travis-ci test setup and connect it to the github account.
1.6.32.pre29f33ff92 · ·
=== 1.6.32 / unreleased * Avoid call to rb_class2name() during GC. Fixes #21 * Use release mode, unless extconf.rb is called with --enable-debug, so that all FXTRACE() and FXASSERT() calls are skiped, per default. * Remove self made GC detection by ruby's rb_during_gc(). * Fix Windows binary x86-mingw32.gem for Ruby versions < 2.0
1.6.32.pre1b84fcec4 · ·
=== 1.6.32 / 2015-08-03 * Avoid call to rb_class2name() during GC. Fixes #21 * Use release mode, unless extconf.rb is called with --enable-debug, so that all FXTRACE() and FXASSERT() calls are skiped, per default.
1.6.306e528dac · ·
=== 1.6.30 / 2015-07-07 * Fix crashes in rb_gc_mark(): 0x00000003f54af8 is T_ZOMBIE / T_NONE * Release Ruby's GVL while calls to FXImage#savePixels, #loadPixels and FXApp#run* methods. * Add a working version for FXApp#addInput event handling on Windows. This works for sockets only for now. * Add FXApp#runOnUiThread and FXId#runOnUiThread . This allows to safely execute GUI code from other threads. * Use rake-compiler-dock for building windows binary gems.
1.6.29531212d5 · ·
=== 1.6.29 / 2015-02-17 * Add Windows binaries for Ruby-2.1 and 2.2. * Use shared libs for Windows binary gems to reduce gem size. * Allow non owned assignment of image data to FXImage derivations without copy'ing pixel data. * Allow retrival of parts of the pixel data. * Fix namespace specifier for FXRGB in kwargs.rb. * Change GC'ing of TreeListBox and FXTreeItem. Fixes #10 * Update to swig version 2.0 or newer. Fixes #13
1.6.26.pre10847b59b · ·
1.6.25.pre27df7c998 · ·