Geocoder is a plugin for Rails that provides database-agnostic object geocoding (via Google) and some utilities for working with geocoded objects. It does not rely on proprietary database functions so reasonably accurate distances can be calculated in MySQL or even SQLite.
== Setup
Use the Rails plugin install script:
script/plugin install git://
To add geocoding features to a class:
Alex Reisner
geocoded_by :location
Be sure your class defines attributes for storing latitude and longitude (use +float+ or +double+ database columns) and a location (human-readable address to be geocoded). These attribute names are all configurable; for example, to use +address+, +lat+, and +lon+ respectively:
geocoded_by :address, :latitude => :lat, :longitude => :lon
A geocodable string is anything you'd use to search Google Maps. Any of the following are acceptable:
Eiffel Tower, Paris, FR
Paris, TX, US
Alex Reisner
If your model has +address+, +city+, +state+, and +country+ attributes your +location+ method might look something like this:
def location
[address, city, state, country].compact.join(', ')
== Features
Assuming +Venue+ is a geocoded model:
Venue.find_near('Omaha, NE, US', 20) # venues within 20 miles of Omaha
Venue.find_near([40.71, 100.23], 20) # venues within 20 miles of a point
Venue.geocoded # venues with coordinates
Venue.not_geocoded # venues without coordinates
Assuming +obj+ has a valid string for its +location+:
obj.fetch_coordinates # returns coordinates [lat, lon]
obj.fetch_coordinates! # also writes coordinates to object
Assuming +obj+ is geocoded (has latitude and longitude):
obj.nearbys(30) # other objects within radius
obj.distance_to(40.714, -100.234) # distance to arbitrary point
Some utility methods are also available:
# distance (in miles) between Eiffel Tower and Empire State Building
Geocoder.distance_between( 48.858205,2.294359, 40.748433,-73.985655 )
# look up coordinates of some location (like searching Google Maps)
Geocoder.fetch_coordinates("25 Main St, Cooperstown, NY")
Please see the code for more methods and detailed information about arguments (eg, working with kilometers).
Copyright (c) 2009 Alex Reisner, released under the MIT license