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For example:

    class Venue

      after_validation :geocode, :reverse_geocode


Jon McCartie's avatar
Jon McCartie committed
For certain geolocation services such as Google's geolocation API, this may cause issues during subsequent updates to database records if the longitude and latitude coordinates cannot be associated with a known location address (on a large body of water for example). On subsequent callbacks the following call:
will alter the longitude and latitude attributes based on the location field, which would be the closest known location to the original coordinates. In this case it is better to add conditions to each call, as not to override coordinates that do not have known location addresses associated with them.

For example:

    class Venue

      after_validation :reverse_geocode, :if => :has_coordinates
      after_validation :geocode, :if => :has_location, :unless => :has_coordinates

Use Outside of Rails

You can use Geocoder outside of Rails by calling the `` method:

    results ="McCarren Park, Brooklyn, NY")

This returns an array of `Geocoder::Result` objects with all data provided by the geocoding service.

Testing Apps that Use Geocoder

When writing tests for an app that uses Geocoder it may be useful to avoid network calls and have Geocoder return consistent, configurable results. To do this, configure and use the `:test` lookup. For example:

    Geocoder.configure(:lookup => :test)

      "New York, NY", [
          'coordinates'  => [40.7143528, -74.0059731],
          'address'      => 'New York, NY, USA',
          'state'        => 'New York',
          'state_code'   => 'NY',
          'country'      => 'United States',
          'country_code' => 'US'

Now, any time Geocoder looks up "New York, NY" its results array will contain one result with the above attributes. Note each lookup requires an exact match to the text you provide as the first argument. The above example would, therefore, not match a request for "New York, NY, USA" and a second stub would need to be created to match that particular request. You can also set a default stub, to be returned when no other stub is found for a given query:
    Geocoder.configure(:lookup => :test)

          'coordinates'  => [40.7143528, -74.0059731],
          'address'      => 'New York, NY, USA',
          'state'        => 'New York',
          'state_code'   => 'NY',
          'country'      => 'United States',
          'country_code' => 'US'

- Keys must be strings not symbols when calling `add_stub` or `set_default_stub`. For example `'latitude' =>` not `:latitude =>`.
- To clear stubs (e.g. prior to another spec), use `Geocoder::Lookup::Test.reset`. This will clear all stubs _including the default stub_.

Command Line Interface

When you install the Geocoder gem it adds a `geocode` command to your shell. You can search for a street address, IP address, postal code, coordinates, etc just like you can with the method for example:

    $ geocode 29.951,-90.081
    Latitude:         29.952211
    Longitude:        -90.080563
    Full address:     1500 Sugar Bowl Dr, New Orleans, LA 70112, USA
    City:             New Orleans
    State/province:   Louisiana
    Postal code:      70112
    Country:          United States
    Google map:,-90.080563

There are also a number of options for setting the geocoding API, key, and language, viewing the raw JSON response, and more. Please run `geocode -h` for details.
Numeric Data Types and Precision
Alex Reisner's avatar
Alex Reisner committed
Geocoder works with any numeric data type (e.g. float, double, decimal) on which trig (and other mathematical) functions can be performed.
A summary of the relationship between geographic precision and the number of decimal places in latitude and longitude degree values is available on [Wikipedia]( As an example: at the equator, latitude/longitude values with 4 decimal places give about 11 metres precision, whereas 5 decimal places gives roughly 1 metre precision.
Notes on MongoDB

### The Near Method

Mongo document classes (Mongoid and MongoMapper) have a built-in `near` scope, but since it only works two-dimensions Geocoder overrides it with its own spherical `near` method in geocoded classes.

### Latitude/Longitude Order

Coordinates are generally printed and spoken as latitude, then longitude ([lat,lon]). Geocoder respects this convention and always expects method arguments to be given in [lat,lon] order. However, MongoDB requires that coordinates be stored in [lon,lat] order as per the GeoJSON spec (, so internally they are stored "backwards." However, this does not affect order of arguments to methods when using Mongoid or MongoMapper.

To access an object's coordinates in the conventional order, use the `to_coordinates` instance method provided by Geocoder. For example:

    obj.to_coordinates  # => [37.7941013, -122.3951096] # [lat, lon]

Calling `obj.coordinates` directly returns the internal representation of the coordinates which, in the case of MongoDB, is probably the reverse of what you want:

    obj.coordinates     # => [-122.3951096, 37.7941013] # [lon, lat]

For consistency with the rest of Geocoder, always use the `to_coordinates` method instead.

Notes on Non-Rails Frameworks

Jon McCartie's avatar
Jon McCartie committed
If you are using Geocoder with ActiveRecord and a framework other than Rails (like Sinatra or Padrino), you will need to add this in your model before calling Geocoder methods:
    extend Geocoder::Model::ActiveRecord
Optimisation of Distance Queries

Jon McCartie's avatar
Jon McCartie committed
In MySQL and Postgres, the finding of objects near a given point is sped up by using a bounding box to limit the number of points over which a full distance calculation needs to be done.
Jon McCartie's avatar
Jon McCartie committed
To take advantage of this optimisation, you need to add a composite index on latitude and longitude. In your Rails migration:

Distance Queries in SQLite

SQLite's lack of trigonometric functions requires an alternate implementation of the `near` scope. When using SQLite, Geocoder will automatically use a less accurate algorithm for finding objects near a given point. Results of this algorithm should not be trusted too much as it will return objects that are outside the given radius, along with inaccurate distance and bearing calculations.

### Discussion

There are few options for finding objects near a given point in SQLite without installing extensions:

1. Use a square instead of a circle for finding nearby points. For example, if you want to find points near 40.71, 100.23, search for objects with latitude between 39.71 and 41.71 and longitude between 99.23 and 101.23. One degree of latitude or longitude is at most 69 miles so divide your radius (in miles) by 69.0 to get the amount to add and subtract from your center coordinates to get the upper and lower bounds. The results will not be very accurate (you'll get points outside the desired radius), but you will get all the points within the required radius.

2. Load all objects into memory and compute distances between them using the `Geocoder::Calculations.distance_between` method. This will produce accurate results but will be very slow (and use a lot of memory) if you have a lot of objects in your database.

3. If you have a large number of objects (so you can't use approach #2) and you need accurate results (better than approach #1 will give), you can use a combination of the two. Get all the objects within a square around your center point, and then eliminate the ones that are too far away using `Geocoder::Calculations.distance_between`.

Because Geocoder needs to provide this functionality as a scope, we must go with option #1, but feel free to implement #2 or #3 if you need more accuracy.


Geocoder comes with a test suite (just run `rake test`) that mocks ActiveRecord and is focused on testing the aspects of Geocoder that do not involve executing database queries. Geocoder uses many database engine-specific queries which must be tested against all supported databases (SQLite, MySQL, etc). Ideally this involves creating a full, working Rails application, and that seems beyond the scope of the included test suite. As such, I have created a separate repository which includes a full-blown Rails application and some utilities for easily running tests against multiple environments:

Error Handling

By default Geocoder will rescue any exceptions raised by calls to a geocoding service and return an empty array. You can override this on a per-exception basis, and also have Geocoder raise its own exceptions for certain events (eg: API quota exceeded) by using the `:always_raise` option:
    Geocoder.configure(:always_raise => [SocketError, Timeout::Error])

You can also do this to raise all exceptions:

    Geocoder.configure(:always_raise => :all)
The raise-able exceptions are:

Note that only a few of the above exceptions are raised by any given lookup, so there's no guarantee if you configure Geocoder to raise `ServiceUnavailable` that it will actually be raised under those conditions (because most APIs don't return 503 when they should; you may get a `Timeout::Error` instead). Please see the source code for your particular lookup for details.

If you get one of these errors:

    uninitialized constant Geocoder::Model::Mongoid
    uninitialized constant Geocoder::Model::Mongoid::Mongo

you should check your Gemfile to make sure the Mongoid gem is listed _before_ Geocoder. If Mongoid isn't loaded when Geocoder is initialized, Geocoder will not load support for Mongoid.

### ActiveRecord

A lot of debugging time can be saved by understanding how Geocoder works with ActiveRecord. When you use the `near` scope or the `nearbys` method of a geocoded object, Geocoder creates an ActiveModel::Relation object which adds some attributes (eg: distance, bearing) to the SELECT clause. It also adds a condition to the WHERE clause to check that distance is within the given radius. Because the SELECT clause is modified, anything else that modifies the SELECT clause may produce strange results, for example:

* using the `pluck` method (selects only a single column)
* specifying another model through `includes` (selects columns from other tables)

### Geocoding is Slow

With most lookups, addresses are translated into coordinates via an API that must be accessed through the Internet. These requests are subject to the same bandwidth constraints as every other HTTP request, and will vary in speed depending on network conditions. Furthermore, many of the services supported by Geocoder are free and thus very popular. Often they cannot keep up with demand and their response times become quite bad.

If your application requires quick geocoding responses you will probably need to pay for a non-free service, or--if you're doing IP address geocoding--use a lookup that doesn't require an external (network-accessed) service.

For IP address lookups in Rails applications, it is generally NOT a good idea to run `request.location` during a synchronous page load without understanding the speed/behavior of your configured lookup. If the lookup becomes slow, so will your website.

For the most part, the speed of geocoding requests has little to do with the Geocoder gem. Please take the time to learn about your configured lookup (links to documentation are provided above) before posting performance-related issues.

### Unexpected Responses from Geocoding Services

Take a look at the server's raw response. You can do this by getting the request URL in an app console:


Replace `:google` with the lookup you are using and replace `...` with the address you are trying to geocode. Then visit the returned URL in your web browser. Often the API will return an error message that helps you resolve the problem. If, after reading the raw response, you believe there is a problem with Geocoder, please post an issue and include both the URL and raw response body.

You can also fetch the response in the console:


Reporting Issues

When reporting an issue, please list the version of Geocoder you are using and any relevant information about your application (Rails version, database type and version, etc). Also avoid vague language like "it doesn't work." Please describe as specifically as you can what behavior you are actually seeing (eg: an error message? a nil return value?).
Alex Reisner's avatar
Alex Reisner committed
Please DO NOT use GitHub issues to ask questions about how to use Geocoder. Sites like [StackOverflow]( are a better forum for such discussions.
You cannot use the `near` scope with another scope that provides an `includes` option because the `SELECT` clause generated by `near` will overwrite it (or vice versa).
Instead of using `includes` to reduce the number of database queries, try using `joins` with either the `:select` option or a call to `preload`. For example:

    # Pass a :select option to the near scope to get the columns you want.
    # Instead of City.near(...).includes(:venues), try:
    City.near("Omaha, NE", 20, :select => "cities.*, venues.*").joins(:venues)
    # This preload call will normally trigger two queries regardless of the
    # number of results; one query on hotels, and one query on administrators.
    # Instead of Hotel.near(...).includes(:administrator), try:
    Hotel.near("London, UK", 50).joins(:administrator).preload(:administrator)

If anyone has a more elegant solution to this problem I am very interested in seeing it.


Contributions are welcome via Github pull requests. If you are new to the project and looking for a way to get involved, try picking up an issue with a "beginner-task" label. Hints about what needs to be done are usually provided.

For all contributions, please respect the following guidelines:

* Each pull request should implement ONE feature or bugfix. If you want to add or fix more than one thing, submit more than one pull request.
* Do not commit changes to files that are irrelevant to your feature or bugfix (eg: `.gitignore`).
* Do not add dependencies on other gems.
* Do not add unnecessary `require` statements which could cause LoadErrors on certain systems.
* Remember: Geocoder needs to run outside of Rails. Don't assume things like ActiveSupport are available.
* Be willing to accept criticism and work on improving your code; Geocoder is used by thousands of developers and care must be taken not to introduce bugs.
* Be aware that the pull request review process is not immediate, and is generally proportional to the size of the pull request.
* If your pull request is merged, please do not ask for an immediate release of the gem. There are many factors contributing to when releases occur (remember that they affect thousands of apps with Geocoder in their Gemfiles). If necessary, please install from the Github source until the next official release.
Alex Reisner's avatar
Alex Reisner committed
Copyright (c) 2009-15 Alex Reisner, released under the MIT license