Alex Reisner authoredAlex Reisner authored
To find the state of this project's repository at the time of any of these versions, check out the tags.
CHANGELOG.md 21.72 KiB
Major changes to Geocoder for each release. Please see the Git log for complete list of changes.
1.4.0 (2016 Sep 8)
- Only consider an object geocoded if both lat and lon are present (previously was sufficient to have only one of the two) (thanks github.com/mltsy).
- Add support in :geocodio lookup for Canadian addresses (thanks github.com/bolandrm).
- Add support for SQLite extensions, if present (thanks github.com/stevecj).
- Always include Geocoder in Rack::Request, if defined (thanks github.com/wjordan).
1.3.7 (2016 Jun 9)
- Fix Ruby 1.9, 2.0 incompatibility (thanks github.com/ebouchut).
- Update SmartyStreets zipcode API endpoint (thanks github.com/jeffects).
- Catch network errors (thanks github.com/sas1ni69).
1.3.6 (2016 May 31)
- Fix Sinatra support broken in 1.3.5.
1.3.5 (2016 May 27)
- Fix Rails 5 ActionDispatch include issue (thanks github.com/alepore).
- Fix bug that caused :esri lookup to ignore certain configured parameters (thanks github.com/aaronpk).
- Add reverse geocoding support to :pelias/:mapzen (thanks github.com/shinyaK14).
- Add support for custom host with :telize (thanks github.com/jwaldrip).
- Change the way :esri lookup generates cache keys for improved performance (thanks github.com/aaronpk).
- Improve HTTPS connections with :google (thanks github.com/jlhonora).
1.3.4 (2016 Apr 14)
- Update :freegeoip host (old one is down).
- Add IP lookup :ipapi_com (thanks github.com/piotrgorecki).
1.3.3 (2016 Apr 4)
- Fix incorrect gem version number.
1.3.2 (2016 Apr 1)
- Remove :yahoo lookup (service was discontinued Mar 31) (thanks github.com/galiat).
- Add support for LatLon.io service (thanks github.com/evanmarks).
- Add support for IpInfo.io service (thanks github.com/rehan, akostyuk).
- Add support for Pelias/Mapzen service (thanks github.com/RealScout).
1.3.1 (2016 Feb 20)
- Warn about upcoming discontinuation of :yahoo lookup (thanks github.com/galiat).
- Add #viewport method to results that return viewport data (thanks github.com/lime).
1.3.0 (2016 Jan 31)
- Lazy load lookups to reduce memory footprint (thanks github.com/TrangPham).
- Add :geoportail_lu lookup (Luxembourg only) (thanks github.com/mdebo).
- Maxmind local query performance improvement (thanks github.com/vojtad).
- Remove deprecated Mongo near query methods (please use Mongo-native methods instead).