Alex Reisner authoredAlex Reisner authored
To find the state of this project's repository at the time of any of these versions, check out the tags.
CHANGELOG.md 23.53 KiB
Major changes to Geocoder for each release. Please see the Git log for complete list of changes.
1.4.9 (2018 May 27)
- Fix regression in :geoip2 lookup.
- Add support for Postcodes.io lookup (thanks github.com/sledge909).
1.4.8 (2018 May 21)
- Change default IP address lookup from :freegeoip to :ipinfo_io.
- Add support for :ipstack lookup (thanks github.com/Heath101).
- Fix incompatibility with redis-rb gem v4.0.
1.4.7 (2018 Mar 13)
- Allow HTTP protocol for Nominatim.
1.4.6 (2018 Feb 28)
- Add support for :ipdata_co lookup (thanks github.com/roschaefer).
- Update for Rails 5.2 compatibility (thanks github.com/stevenharman).
1.4.5 (2017 Nov 29)
- Add support for :pickpoint lookup (thanks github.com/cylon-v).
- Add support for :db_ip_com lookup (thanks github.com/cv).
- Change FreeGeoIP host to freegeoip.net.
- Allow search radius to be a symbol representing a column in DB (thanks github.com/leonelgalan).
- Add support for new parameters and improved error handling for several lookups.
- Fix bug in SQL when searching for objects across 180th meridian.
1.4.4 (2017 May 17)
- Use HTTPS by default for :freegeoip (thanks github.com/mehanoid).
- Add support for :amap lookup (thanks github.com/pzgz).
1.4.3 (2017 Feb 7)
- Add :google_places_search lookup (thanks github.com/waruboy).
1.4.2 (2017 Jan 31)
- Fix bug that caused Model.near to return an incorrect query in some cases.
1.4.1 (2016 Dec 2)
- Add :location_iq lookup (thanks github.com/aleemuddin13 and glsignal).
- Add :ban_data_gouv_fr lookup (thanks github.com/JulianNacci).
- Fix :mapbox results when server returns no context (thanks github.com/jcmuller).
- Deprecate methods in Geocoder::Calculations: to_kilometers, to_miles, to_nautical_miles, mi_in_km, km_in_mi, km_in_nm, nm_in_km.