Feature selector can be used to look for features with introns
that do no contain the GT/GC start or AG end.
Contig tool now checks for contigs that contain features that
span the boundaries of the contigs. These features have to be
removed or restricted to the contig boundary before it can
carry out contig reordering.
Fix for converting files from other file formats to
genbank format.
Fix rounding problem for long sequences when writting
out all bases in FASTA or raw format.
Cache the start codons (as per stop codon caching),
to speed their display.
Combine the extend to next exon and the fix stop codons
into one option.
The feature types that appear on the frame lines can be defined
by the user via an option ("Frame Line Features...") in the
feature display popup menu.
Added to File -> Preferences a user defined selection for display names
and systematic names. Also extended popup menu option in feature lists
to allow the user to be able to select multiple qualifiers to display.