* What about the existing bug lists and such?
* Review all docs to purge references to SourceForge.
* Modify FXGradientBar so that it just stores a reference to the gradients
and doesn't own a copy (affects setGradients for example).
* Need tests and/or examples for all the new widgets; see previous list, plus:
- FXFoldingList
- FXGradientBar
- FXImageFrame
- FXRealSpinner
- FXRuler
- FXScrollPane
- FXSphered and FXSpheref
- FXSpring
- FXWizard
- FXXBMImage
* Can we replace all of the aliases (in aliases.rb) with something
based on method_missing? that automatically reroutes, for example,
a call to SomeClass#tooltip=() to a call to SomeClass#setTooltip()?
* Make FXDirItem#date (and anything else that deals with FXTime
values) return a Ruby Time object instead.